Student rolls ink over the plate


Learn how to express your ideas visually and who you are as an artist with strong conceptual development, visual and problem solving skills through strong studio practice, creative thinking and exhibition opportunities across the region and nation.

One-on-one time to cultivate your talents

As a printmaking student, we mentor students to gain the knowledge and skills in both traditional and alternative printmaking processes as the means to develop your personal voice. Our small class sizes allow us to focus on you and provide educational opportunities and experiences that foster independent thinking, artistic courage and integrity.

Degrees & Offerings

Art: Printmaking (BFA)

  Vermillion Main Campus

As an undergraduate sculpture student, you will learn basic and advanced techniques of printmaking through courses such as serigraphy, lithography, advanced studio project and independent study courses which allows you to customize your program of study to match your art interests and career goals.

Learn more about the art program

Art Education: Printmaking (BFA)

  Vermillion Main Campus

The BFA in art education is a four-year degree program that prepares you for certification to teach K-12 visual arts or pursue another professional career. This degree is offered in conjunction with the School of Education to ensure that you are equally and comprehensively exposed to the academic and artistic components of the degree. With a specialization in printmaking, you'll have the opportunity to work in facilities that offer a full range of traditional and alternative printmaking processes and explore any aspect of the medium in your educational journey.

Learn more about the art education program

Program Details






Departments & Facilities

Explore the departments, facilities and centers that contribute to your education in the only College of Fine Art in the state.
Students in an art gallery


The Department of Art will provide you with unique and applicable real-world experience and connections that enable you to immerse yourself in an environment built for personal and creative discovery.

USD Printmaking Facility

Our Facility

Here are some of the facilities and resources available to printmaking students:


  • Darkrooms for screenprinting, lithography and intaglio
  • Artists’ books/bookbinding studio
  • Mac computer lab, scanners and large/medium format printers
  • Access to laser cutters and 15 screen printing stations
  • Charles Brand lithography presses and 45 lithographic stones
  • Five etching presses from small to large
  • T-shirt screenprinting stations
  • Letterpress and type shop
  • Large individual graduate studios with 24-hour access

Student works on lithography project in printmaking studio

Outstanding Faculty

You'll receive one-on-one time with faculty to cultivate your talents and gain knowledge and skills in both traditional and alternative printmaking processes.

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