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- Allison Naber
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I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Southwest State University, Marshall, MN in 2002. In 2004, I earned a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy degree from the University of South Dakota. I earned a Doctorate of Occupational Therapy degree through the post-professional program at the University of South Dakota in 2016. In 2022, I earned a PhD in Health Sciences from the University of South Dakota. I have clinical experience in the areas of hand to elbow rehabilitation, occupational health, and lymphedema therapy. I am a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT), and I am also certified through the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA ®).
I joined the USD Occupational Therapy Department in 2017. I serve as the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator. My interests include the areas of upper extremity rehabilitation, splinting, occupational health and ergonomics, professional identity, interprofessional education, and fieldwork. I have participated in the Course Design Fellowship through the Centers for Teaching and Learning at USD, and I continue to pull from this experience to engage students through collaborative learning techniques and active learning strategies.
My scholarly interests include occupational therapy's role in promoting occupational performance and occupational therapy education. My first area of interest focuses on occupational therapy’s role in assisting clients, families and communities impacted by illness or injury overcome barriers to participation in life roles in order to promote occupational performance. My second area of interest in OT education focuses on the role of interprofessional education and active learning strategies including the use of innovative technology and collaborative learning techniques to aid in the transition to clinical practice and to promote lifelong learning.
- Ph D, Health Sciences, University of South Dakota, 2022
- Doctorate of Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, University of South Dakota, 2016
- MS, Occupational Therapy, University of South Dakota, 2004
- BA, Psychology, Southwest State University, 2002
- Minnesota OT Licensure, State of Minnesota Department of Health
- Microcredential: OTR Orthotics and Prosthetics, National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)
- Mental Health First Aid USA, National Council for Behavioral Health
- Adult CPR/AED and Infant CPR, American Red Cross
- South Dakota OT License, South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners
- Certified Lymphedema Therapist-LANA, Lymphology Association of North America
- Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Academy of Lymphatic Studies
- Functional Movement Screen, FMS
- Functional Capacity Evaluation, Functional Job Analysis, Prework Screen Certifications, WorkWell
- Engaging the Senses: Investigating Multi-Sensory Environment for Enhanced Learning & Clinical Practice, University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences Research and Scholarship Seed Grant, (2025 - 2026)
- Virtually OT: Incorporating Virtual Reality into Occupational Therapy Education , Health Affairs Medical Informatics Committee, (2025 - 2025)
- CTL Technology Grant: Molding Future OTs with Updated Splinting Technology, USD's Center for Teaching and Learning, (2023 - 2024)
- Health Utilization and Needs of Caregivers, USD School of Health Sciences Research Committee, (2021 - 2022)
- CTL Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, (2019 - 2019)
- Diversity and Inclusiveness: An Interprofessional Cultural Encounter, USD SHS Diversity, Inclusivity and Cultural Awareness (DICA) Committee, (2018 - 2018)
- Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, USD- Center for Teaching and Learning2019)
- Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, USD- Center for Teaching and Learning
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison. Exploring the feasibility of an occupational therapy after-school program among rural elementary children, 1-12. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2024. (DOI: 10.1080/19411243.2024.2411057)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison. Exploring the feasibility of an occupational therapy afterschool program among rural elementary children. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19411243.2024.2411057 )
- Nissen, Ranelle, McHugh, Jessica, Feldhacker, Mackenzie, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison. A Retrospective Study of Healthcare Needs of Unpaid Caregivers in the United States , 1-16. Vol. 12, Iss. 3 Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.15453/2168-6408.2217)
- Naber, Allison, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Bacon, Kelcee, DeJong, Maggie, and Jensen, Alysa. Understanding Barriers to Health and Resilience of Older Adults With Chronic Conditions Living in Rural Communities, 322-337. Vol. 42, Iss. 3 Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, 2024. (DOI: 10.1080/02703181.2024.2319231)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Naber, Allison, Duncan, Karlee, Wall, Jenna, Wookey, Hunter, and Steineke, Tanner. Health Prevention Interventions for Adults in the Community: A Scoping Review of Intervention Characteristics . Vol. 38, Iss. 2 Occupational Therapy in Healthcare, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07380577.2023.2212288)
- Ericsson, Katherine, Naber, Allison, and Laursen, Amy. Exploring the Impact of Occupational Adaptation-Focused Interventions on Music Student Health, 608-615. Vol. 43, Iss. 4 OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 2023. (DOI: 10.1177/15394492221142593)
- Naber, Allison, Nissen, Ranelle, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Puumala, Susan, and Shepherd, Jewel. Exploring Occupational Therapy Student and Entry-Level Practitioner Perceptions of Mental Health Accommodations. Vol. 7, Iss. 3 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2023. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2023.070304)
- Naber, Allison, Benson, Rebecca, Ericsson, Katie, and Genzlinger, Macey. Impact of Motivations for Volunteering on Well-being Among Health Sciences Students. Vol. 6, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education , 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2022.060106)
- Ericsson, Katie, Naber, Allison, and Laursen, Amy. Exploring the Impact of Occupational Adaptation-Focused Interventions on Music Student Health.. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/15394492221142593)
- Naber, Allison, Benson, Rebecca, Ericsson, Katie T., and Genzlinger, Macey. “Impact of Motivations for Volunteering: Well-being Among Health Sciences Students.” . Vol. 6, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2022.060106)
- Naber, Allison, Dendinger, MIchaela, Heier, Vitoria, Michels, Madison, Vandenberg, Dana, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney. Sedentary Behavior, Quality of Life, and Occupational Performance among Community-Dwelling Older Adults, 205-216. Vol. 40, Iss. 2 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02703181.2021.2015049)
- Naber, Allison, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Dendinger, Michaela , Heier, Vitoria , Michels, Madison, and Vandenberg, Dana. Sedentary Behavior and Perceived Occupational Performance Following Goal-Based Interventions Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Vol. 75, Iss. S2 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.75S2-RP340)
- Naber, Allison, Willhite, Logan , and Lucas Molitor, Whitney. Exploration of Individualized Goals and Ergonomic Modifications to Address Sedentary Behaviors and Perceived Health and Well-being Among Office Workers, 1133-1142. Vol. 68, Iss. 4 Work, 2021. (DOI: DOI:10.3233/WOR-213443)
- Naber, Allison, Willhite, Logan, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney. Exploration of individualized goals and ergonomic modifications to address sedentary behaviors and perceived health and well-being among office workers, 1133-1142. Vol. 68, Iss. 4 Work, 2021. (DOI: 10.3233/wor-213443)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Naber, Allison, Cleveland, Tracy, Regnerus, Carissa, Zimney, Kory, Wesner, Chelsea, and Kupershmidt, Sabina. Exploring Interprofessional Activities that Address Poverty, Social Determinants of Health, Homelessness, and Chronic Pain, 1-14. Vol. 4, Iss. 2 Health, Interprofessional Practice, and Education, 2021.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison. Using Self-identified Goals to Explore Perceived Well-being Among Older Adults, 57-67. Vol. 4, Iss. 2 Annals of International Occupational Therapy, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3928/24761222-20200619-01)
- Naber, Allison, Adamson, Amanda J., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Ikiugu, Moses, Tao, Hanz, and Zimney, Kory. Using Embedded Encounters to Promote Cultural Humility in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Education. Vol. 5, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2021.050113)
- Welu, Jenny J., and Naber, Allison. Occupational Therapy and Public Space Design: Why it Matters and How to Get Started., Editors American Occupational Therapy Association, 10-12. Vol. 25, Iss. 9 Bethesda, MD: OT Practice, 2020.
- Naber, Allison, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Willhite, Logan. Impact of OT interventions on sedentary behaviors among office workers.. Vol. 74, Iss. 1 American Journal of Occupational Therapy , 2020. (DOI: ttps://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.74S1-PO1900 )
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney. The Exploration of Occupational Therapy Interventions to Address Sedentary Behavior and Pain Among Older Adults, 391-398. Vol. 28, Iss. 3 Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/japa.2019-0217)
- Naber, Allison, Molitor, Whitney L., Farriell, Andy, Honius, Kara, and Poppe, Brooke. The Exploration of Occupational Therapy Interventions to Address Sedentary Behavior and Pain Among Older Adults, 391-398. Vol. 28, Iss. 3 Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2020. (DOI: 10.1123/japa.2019-0217)
- Naber, Allison, and Brockevelt, Barbara. Courage Beyond Breast Cancer: Addressing Secondary Lymphedema, 20-23. Vol. 25, Iss. 4 Bethesda, MD: OT Practice Magazine, 2020.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison. Designing Interprofessional Education Curriculum to Maximize Collaborative Competency, 1-15. Vol. 4, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2020.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison. Designing Interprofessional Education Curriculum to Maximize Collaborative Competency. Vol. 4, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2020. (DOI: 10.26681/jote.2020.040106)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Naber, Allison, MacCabe, Angela, and Johnson, Julie. Increasing Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies in OT Education. Vol. 73, Iss. 4 The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2019. (DOI: 10.5014/ajot.2019.73S1-PO7039)
- Naber, Allison, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, MacCabe, Angela, and Nissen, Ranelle. USD Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Service Learning. In Heathcare Workforce Collaborative.
- Service Commendation, American Occupational Therapy Association, 2024
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, American Journal of Occupational Therapy; American Occupational Therapy Association, 2024
- Upsilon Phi Delta National Honor Society Awardee, Upsilon Phi Delta National Honor Society - USD Chapter, 2023
- Early Career Research Achievement Award, USD School of Health Sciences, 2022
- Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, USD School of Health Sciences, 2020
- Board of Director Service Award, Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association, 2017
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Designing Collaborative Community-Based Service Learning to Address Social Needs & Engage Students. Presented at the AOTA 2024 Education Summit, Charlotte, NC. (November 08, 2024)
- Naber, Allison, and Hebert, Karen, Embracing Generative Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Student Engagement in Course-Related Assignments. Presented at the AOTA 2024 Education Summit, Charlotte, NC. (November 08, 2024)
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Understanding Barriers to Health & Resilience among Older Adults with Chronic Conditions Living in Rural Communities. Presented at the AOTA Inspire 2024 (January 2024)
- Naber, Allison, Nissen, Ranelle, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Puumala, Susan, and Shepherd, Jewel, Addressing Mental Health Concerns During Transitions from the Classroom to Fieldwork or Capstone and Entry-level Practice. Presented at the 2023 AOTA Education Summit, Denver, CO. (November 11, 2023)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison, Student Perspectives on Transforming Knowledge From Interprofessional Education to Application on Fieldwork & Capstone: Implications for Education. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit, Denver, Colorado. (November 11, 2023)
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Enhancing Student Engagement in Scholarly Projects: An Example of Instructional Methodology Surrounding Qualitative Research. Presented at the 2023 AOTA Education Summit, Denver, CO. (November 10, 2023)
- Naber, Allison, and Rotert, Denise, Guided Discussion: Mental Health in South Dakota. Presented at the South Dakota Occupational Therapy Association Fall Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (September 22, 2023)
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Transforming Knowledge from Interprofessional Education into Application for Experiential Learning . Presented at the 2023 Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education, Online. (June 22, 2023)
- Naber, Allison, and Ericsson, Katie, Exploring the Impact of Occupational-Adaptation Focused Interventions on Music Student Health. Presented at the AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO. (April 22, 2023)
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Exploration of Health-Promoting Interventions Addressing Modifiable Health Factors & Perceptions of Health Status . Presented at the AOTA INPSIRE 2023, Kansas City, MO. (April 21, 2023)
- Nissen, Ranelle, McHugh, Jessica, Feldhacker, Mackenzie, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison, Analysis of the Utilization and Needs of Caregivers in the United States . Presented at the AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, Missouri. (April 21, 2023)
- Naber, Allison, and Cleveland, Tracy, Journal Club: Interprofessional Education Promoting Professional Identity and Collaboration. Presented at the Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education 2022, Virtual. (June 23, 2022)
- Naber, Allison, Impact of Motivations for Volunteering on Well-Being Among OT & Health Sciences Students . Presented at the AOTA Inspire 2022, San Antonio, Tx. (April 02, 2022)
- Naber, Allison, and Webb, Charles, Exploration of OT Practitioner Perceptions of Spirituality & Spiritual Care in Hospice & Palliative Care Settings . Presented at the AOTA Inspire 2022, San Antonio, Tx. (March 31, 2022)
- Naber, Allison, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Experiential Learning: Preparation for Clinical Practice During COVID-19. Presented at the 2021 Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education (June 18, 2021)
- Naber, Allison, and Estes, Jillian, Oncology care: Occupational therapy for pediatric and adult populations. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference (April 21, 2021)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Naber, Allison, Kupershmidt, Sabina, Cleveland, Tracy, Regnerus, Carissa, Wesner, Chelsea, and Zimney, Kory, Designing and Implementing Interprofessional Education Experiences Responsive to Critical Healthcare Issues. Presented at the Nexus Summit 2020 (August 13, 2020)
- Naber, Allison, and Anderson, Susan, The farm show: A rural healthcare focus on interprofessional education. . Presented at the NEXUS Summit 2020, Virtual. (August 13, 2020)
- Naber, Allison, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Willhite, Logan, Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, 2020 Virtual Conference Series (March 26, 2020)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Nissen, Ranelle, and Naber, Allison, Fostering Student Confidence & Engagement Through Mentored Experiential Learning & Community Engagement. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada. (October 18, 2019)
- Naber, Allison, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Nissen, Ranelle, Community Partnerships in Action: Development of Mentored Service Learning Opportunities . Presented at the Innovation in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Education Summit 2019, Omaha, NE. (June 27, 2019)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, and Naber, Allison, Increasing interprofessional collaborative competencies in occupational therapy education. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, Louisiana. (April 06, 2019)
- Naber, Allison, and Brockevelt, Barbara, Courage beyond Breast Cancer: A Holistic OT Approach . Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA. (April 05, 2019)
- Naber, Allison, Warfel, R. Michelle, Jones, Terrianne , Fleming, John , and Hanson, Debra, Changing expectations for experiential learning in OT education: Implications for student learning during Level I fieldwork and practice/education partnerships. Presented at the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN. (October 28, 2018)
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Johnson, Julie, MacCabe, Angela, and Naber, Allison, Increasing interprofessional collaborative competency through curriculum development and knowledge translation . Presented at the Nexus Summit, Minneapolis, MN. (July 31, 2018)