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- Joy Karges
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- Educational Leadership Fellowship, American Physical Therapy Association Educational Leadership Institute, 2016
- EDD, Educational Administration, The University of South Dakota, Vermillion SD, 2003
- MS, Physical Therapy, Krannert School of Physical Therapy, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis IN, 1996
- BS, Physical Therapy, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks ND, 1990
- Associate of Arts in Bible; Associate of Science, Northwestern College, St. Paul MN, 1987
- APTA Credentialed Clinical Trainer - Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program - Level II, American Physical Therapy Association
- APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor - Level II, American Physical Therapy Association
- Credentialed APTA Clinical Trainer - ACCIP (Advanced Course Level II), American Physical Therapy Association
- Credentialed Clinical Instructor - ACCIP (Advanced Course Level II), American Physical Therapy Association
- CITI Certification (Social Behavioral Modules of CITI Web Based Course on the Protection of Human Subjects
- Credentialed APTA Clinical Trainer - CCIP (Basic Course Level I), American Physical Therapy Association
- Credentialed Clinical Instructor - CCIP (Basic Course Level I), American Physical Therapy Association
- Indiana Physical Therapy License (#05004548), Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
- South Dakota Physical Therapy License (#0444), South Dakota Board of Medical & Osteopathic Examiners
- Use of Video Eyewear to Promote Self-awareness and Reflective Perspective-taking Following Patient Care Learning Scenarios, USD Health Affairs Medical Informatics Committee2015)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Johnson, Marit E., Karges, Joy, Brismee, J M., Brenza, T M., and Piper, A K.. Innovative Seated Vertical Lumbar Traction Allows Simultaneous Computer Work while Inducing Spinal Height Changes Similar to Supine Lying, 17-24. Vol. 59 Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Research, 2023. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2022.09.005)
- Ladak, Ali, Karges, Joy R., Ness, Brandon M., Schweinle, William E., and Ammon, Robin. US Physical Therapist Practice Patterns Evaluating Concussion and Clinical Practice Guideline Adherence, 739-749. Vol. 36, Iss. 3 Physical Therapy in Sport, 2023. (DOI: 10.3233/BMR-220202)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Dewald, Matt, Jordre, Becca, Karges-Brown, Joy, and Ladwig, Adam. Using the SNAPPS model to develop student physical therapist decision making skills during new encounters in the outpatient clinic. In Journal of Clinical Education in Physical Therapy. Vol. 4 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.52214/jcept.v4.8093)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges-Brown, Joy, Ladwig, Adam, and Cross, Patrick. Values that influence employment acceptance among physical therapists practicing in primary care shortage and non-urban designation areas. Rural and Remote Health, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH6614)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Nissen, Ranelle, Deutsch, Susan, and Webster, Kendra. Relationship between occupational and physical therapist students' belongingness and perceived competence in the clinic using the Ascent to Competence Scale. Vol. 1, Iss. 3 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2017. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2017.010303)
- Karges, Joy, Cross, Pat, Hauer, Patrick, Blom, Heather, Burcham, Jared, Myers, Amanda K., and Grimsrud, Casey. Effectiveness of the Emergency Response Course in improving physical therapists’ and student physical therapists’ decision-making related to acute sports injuries and medical conditions., 277-289. Vol. 8, Iss. 3 International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 2013.
- Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, Horkey, Melissa A., Kolb, Ginger A., Alexander, Krystle L., Knippling, Amy L., and Jacobsen, Jordan A.. Management of acute sports injuries and medical conditions by South Dakota high school head coaches: assessment via case scenarios, 97-99, 101-105, 107. Vol. 65, Iss. 3 South Dakota Medicine, 2012.
- Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, Salsbery, Mitch A., Smith, Danna, and Stanley, Erica J.. Management of acute sports injuries and medical conditions by physical therapists: assessment via case scenarios, 158-172. Vol. 6, Iss. 3 International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 2011.
- Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, Adamson, Amanda J., Arnold, Michael R., Meier, Casey M., and Hood, Justin E.. Assessing the need for knowledge on injury management among high school athletic coaches in South Dakota, 241-245. Vol. 63, Iss. 7 Sioux Falls, SD: South Dakota Medicine, 2010.
- Karges, Joy, and Smallfield, Stacy. A description of the outcomes, frequency, duration, and intensity of occupational, physical, and speech therapy in inpatient stroke rehabilitation , 1E-10E. Vol. 38, Iss. 1 Journal of Allied Health, 2009.
- Smallfield, Stacy, and Karges, Joy. Classification of occupational therapy intervention for inpatient stroke rehabilitation, 408-413. Vol. 63 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2009.
- Karges, Joy R., Buelow, Janet, Downs, David, Jorgensen, Kathy , and Nelson, Debra . Building interdisciplinary teamwork among allied health students through live clinical case simulations, e109-e123. Vol. 37, Iss. 2 Journal of Allied Health, 2008.
- Karges, Joy R., Mark, Beth, Stikeleather, S. Jill , and Worrell, Teddy W.. Concurrent validity of upper-extremity volume estimates: comparison of calculated volume derived from girth measurements and water displacement volume, 134-145. Vol. 83, Iss. 2 Physical Therapy, 2008.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Ladwig, Adam, and Cross, Patrick. Development and psychometric testing of the Determinants of Employment Acceptance Survey for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. Journal of Healthcare Management.
- Hall of Fame Award, South Dakota Physical Therapy Association, 2019
- 2019 School of Health Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award for Distinguished Service, USD School of Health Sciences, 2019
- Karges-Brown, Joy, Thorpe, Tori, Hayenga, Madison, Patterson, Dan, Brown, Austin, and Jordre, Becca, Impact of Perfectionism, Stress, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies in PT and PTA Students. Presented at the 2024 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Boston, MA. (February 2024)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., and Karges-Brown, Joy R., Capstone Projects in Physiotherapy Academia: Preparing Students for Didactic-Experiential Success in All Aspects of Patient-Client Management for Best Practice. Presented at the 2023 World Physiotherapy Congress (June 2-4, 2023), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (June 2023)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., Karges-Brown, Joy R., and Audette, J, Preparing Today’s Clinical Instructors for Tomorrow’s Student Physiotherapists: The Academia Challenge. Presented at the 2023 World Physiotherapy Congress (June 2-4, 2023), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (June 2023)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., Karges-Brown, Joy R., MacCabe, Angela F., and Adamson, Amanda J., Teaching Students to Recognize Diversity, Provide Equitable Care, and Promote Inclusion: Are We There Yet. Presented at the 2023 World Physiotherapy Congress (June 2-4, 2023), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (June 2023)
- Karges-Brown, Joy, Braley, Dayton, Heinrichs, Justin, Dingman, Madisyn, Grussing, Brooke, and Nilson, Trystin, Impact of Perfectionism, Social Media, Stress Hygiene on Stress in Students from Health Professions Programs. Presented at the 2023 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (February 2023)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., and Karges-Brown, Joy R., Strategies to Enhance Role of Physiotherapist Clinicians as DPT Student Clinical Instructors. Presented at the 2022 World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific Regional Congress (June 18-20, 2022), Online. (June 2022)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., and Karges-Brown, Joy R., The Academic Advisement-Mentorship Model in Physical Therapy Curricula: A Necessity for Student Success. Presented at the 2022 World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific Regional Congress (June 18-20, 2022), Online. (June 2022)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., Karges-Brown, Joy, MacCabe, Angela, and Adamson, Amanda J., Assessing Student and Clinician DEI Competence: Does Diversity & Equity Training = Inclusive Patient Clinical Practice. Presented at the 2022 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Virtual On Demand Recorded Session. (March 2022)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., Karges-Brown, Joy R., and Burns, S, Successfully Transitioning Clinician Physiotherapists from the Clinic to the Classroom: A Necessity in Academia - Virtual Platform Presentation #PL-01480. Presented at the 2021 World Physiotherapy Conference, Online. (April 09, 2021)
- Felker MacCabe, Angela, Karges-Brown, Joy, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney, The Virtual Application of IPE: The Future of Learning With, From, and About Each Other. Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (February 25, 2021)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., Karges-Brown, Joy, Tao, Hanz, and MacCabe, Angela, Transforming Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Learning from the Classroom to the Clinic: Strategies for Success. Presented at the 2021 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Virtual (On Demand Recorded Session with Live Q&A). (February 2021)
- Adamson, Amanda J., Grosshuesch, Kelsey, Hovaldt, Taylor, Thyen, Erica, Weier, Alexis, and Karges-Brown, Joy, Knowledge of Pelvic Health Among Undergraduate Students. Presented at the 2021 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Virtual. (February 2021)
- Karges-Brown, Joy R., and Chaudry, Aliya N., Burnout vs Resilience in Physiotherapy Personnel: A Preliminary Comparative Study of Students and Clinicians - Virtual Poster Presentation #266. Presented at the 5th European Congress, European Region World Physiotherapy, Online. (September 11, 2020)
- Chaudry, Aliya N., and Karges-Brown, Joy R., Monitoring Physiotherapy Student Progress at Clinical Internships through Intentional Reflective Practice: A Necessity in Physiotherapy Education - Virtual Poster Presentation #267. Presented at the 5th European Congress, European Region World Physiotherapy, Online. (September 11, 2020)
- Karges-Brown, Joy, Lick, Hailey, King, Faye, and MacCabe, Angela F., The Impact of Service Learning on Choice of Future Health Career. Presented at the 2020 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO. (February 2020)
- Karges-Brown, Joy R., Chaudry, Aliya N., MacCabe, Angela , and Adamson, Amanda J., Inter-Professional Education in PT Curricula: Innovations & Strategies to Prepare Interprofessional Leaders of Tomorrow. Presented at the 2019 American Physical Therapy Association NEXT Conference, Chicago IL. (June 2019)
- Karges-Brown, Joy R., Chaudry, Aliya N., Adamson, Amanda J., and Tao, Hanz, The Culturally Competent Physical Therapy Millennial Practitioner: Are We There Yet?. Presented at the 2019 American Physical Therapy Association NEXT Conference, Chicago IL. (June 2019)
- Chaudry, Aliya, Karges, Joy, Adamson, Amanda J., and Berg-Poppe, Patti, Students Learning Professionalism through Integration of Professional Core Values in Clinical Decision Making for “Best” Physiotherapy Practice. Presented at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. (May 13, 2019)
- Karges-Brown, Joy R., Chaudry, Aliya N., MacCabe, Angela, Adamson, Amanda J., Berg-Poppe, Patti J., Chaudry, Selena, and Klappa, Susan, Interprofessional Education in Physiotherapy Curricula: Innovations & Strategies to Prepare Interprofessional Healthcare Leaders of Tomorrow across the Globe. Presented at the Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. (May 11, 2019)
- Karges, Joy, Adamson, Amanda J., Brunick, Shelby, Hausmann, Cooper, and Neagbour, Brittany, Analysis of Stress, Coping Strategies, and Academic Success in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physician Assistant Students: Updated Results. Presented at the 2019 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Washington, D.C.. (January 2019)
- Adamson, Amanda, Karges, Joy, Farkas, Danielle, Petterson, Alyssa, and Ptacek, Samson, Analysis of Stress, Coping Strategies, and Academic Success in Physical and Occupational Therapy Students: Preliminary Results. Presented at the 2018 APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (February 23, 2018)
- Karges, Joy, Chaudry, Aliya N., Jorge, Millagros, and Leavitt, Ronnie, Providing Culturally Competent Care to Patients with Religious Sensitivity. Presented at the 2018 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, LA. (February 2018)
- Karges, Joy R., Cross, Patrick, Hauer, Patrick, Blatchford, J, Fraley, R, Green, B, Huffman, J, and Senne, S, Management of Acute Sports Injuries and Medical Conditions by Youth Soccer Coaches: Assessment via Case Scenarios.. Presented at the 2018 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, LA. (January 2018)
- Karges, Joy, Chaudry, Aliya, Adamson, Amanda J., and Beasley, Elizabeth, Transforming Students to Become the Next Generation of Leaders and Advocates in Physical Therapy: A Multifaceted Approach. Presented at the 2017 APTA Education Leadership Conference, Columbus, OH. (October 2017)
- Chaudry, Aliya, Karges, Joy, and Mothabeng, Joyce `., Developing Clinical Physiotherapists as Exemplary Clinical Instructors. Presented at the 2017 World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (July 2017)
- Karges, Joy, Chaudry, Aliya, and Peterson, Cathy `., Developing Clinical Physiotherapists as Exemplary Clinical Instructors. Presented at the 2017 World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (July 2017)
- Chaudry, Aliya, Karges, Joy, and Peterson, Cathy `., Engaging Students in Intentional Critical Reflective Practice in Clinical Education: A Necessity for Best Practice. Presented at the 2017 World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (July 2017)
- Chaudry, Aliya, Karges, Joy, and Vongsirinavarat, Mantana, Best Practices to Transform Physiotherapists from Clinicians to Exemplary Clinical Instructors in the 21st Century. Presented at the 2017 World Confederation of Physical Therapy - Asia Western Pacific Region Congress, Bangkok, Thailand. (June 2017)
- Chaudry, Aliya, and Karges, Joy, Engaging Students in Structured Intentional Reflection during Clinical Internships: A Necessity for Best Practice Across the Globe. Presented at the 2017 World Confederation of Physical Therapy - Asia Western Pacific Region Congress, Bangkok, Thailand. (June 2017)
- Karges, Joy, MacCabe, Angela, Haigh, Jena, and Williams, Dawn, Benefits and Challenges of Student Internships: Perspectives from Clinical Partners. Presented at the 2017 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX. (February 2017)
- Karges, Joy, and Chaudry, Aliya N., The Interface of Ethics and Law in the Clinic for Best Practice. Presented at the 2017 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX. (February 2017)
- MacCabe, Angela, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Karges, Joy, Examination of Ethics in Contemporary Physical Therapy Practice: Implications for Professional Education. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 19, 2016)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Bindert, Paul, Menigoz, Andrew, and Turbak, Tyler, Valuation of Patient Centered Care and Attitudes Toward Evidence Based Practice: Preliminary Results. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 19, 2016)
- MacCabe, Angela, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Karges, Joy, Evolution of Ethical Issues Within the Practice of Physical Therapy. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 18, 2016)
- Karges, Joy, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Gilkerson, Susan, Webster, Kendra, Nissen, Ranelle, and Zimney, Kory, Examining Relationships Between Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapy Students' Belongingness and Perceived Competence in the Clinic Using the Ascent to Competence Scale. Presented at the 2015 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis IN. (February 06, 2015)
- Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, and Hauer, Patrick, Management of acute sports injuries in underserved areas. Presented at the National Rural Health Association's 36th Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. (May 10, 2013)
- Karges, Joy, Cross, Pat, Burcham, Jared L., Blom, Heather, Myers, Amanada, Grimsrud, Casey, and Hauer, Patrick, Effectiveness of the American Red Cross Emergency Response Course in improving student physical therapists’ and physical therapists’ decision-making related to acute sports injuries & medical conditions. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting 2013 of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (January 24, 2013)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cross, Pat, and Karges, Joy, Profile of physical therapist student loan debt and its impact on employment decisions. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting 2013 of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (January 23, 2013)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, McCormick, Kristy, VanKlompenburg, Jeremy, and Wasland, Michelle, Characteristics of community and practice that influence physical therapists’ employment decisions. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting 2013 of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (January 22, 2013)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Jahn, Justine, Tjeerdsma, Jason, and VanRoekel, Megan, The effects of 24 hours without sleep on postural control. Presented at the 2011 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (February 11, 2011)
- Karges, Joy, Enright, Erin, and Kindle, Kelly, Clinical Instructors' Reported Levels of Core Curriculum Knowledge and Clinical Teaching Skills Relative to Training Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Students. Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (June 17, 2010)
- Karges, Joy, and Mark Wheeler, Jody, Vision 2020 and the Core Values of Professionalism: Knowledge and Development Needs of Physical Therapists. Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (June 17, 2010)
- Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, Horkey, Melissa, Kolb, Ginger, Alexander, Krystle, Knippling, Amy, Jacobsen, Jordan, Danna, Smith, and Erica, Stanley, Assessment of on-the-field management of high school head coaches in South Dakota via case scenarios. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting 2010 of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (February 20, 2010)
- Karges, Joy, Smallfield, Stacy, Marek, C., Squier, N., and Flint, D., Classification of physical therapy intervention for inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Presented at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville, TN. (February 2008)
- Smallfield, Stacy, Karges, Joy, Beulow, Janet, and Norris, Debra, Promoting interdisciplinary health care for rural older adults: An interdisciplinary team training workshop. Presented at the Collaborating Across Borders: An American-Canadian Dialogue on Interprofessional Health Education, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2007)
- Karges, Joy, and Smallfield, Stacy, Frequency, duration, and intensity of occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy intervention for inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Presented at the APTA Annual Conference & Expo, Denver, CO. (June 2007)
- Smallfield, Stacy, and Karges, Joy, Frequency, duration, and intensity of occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy intervention for inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Presented at the AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, St. Louis, MO. (April 2007)