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- Jean Yockey
Jean Yockey
Associate Professor Department of Nursing
Associate Professor Department of Nursing
Nursing Education
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Jean Yockey, PhD, Certified Nurse Educator, has extensive experience in surgical, medical, psychiatric, and community nursing, with a focus on education and research in student learning success.
Medical Surgical Nursing, Pathophysiology, Professional Identity
Student learning success, student transition into practice, Professional Identity formation.
- Ph D, Nursing Education, University of Northern Colorado, 2015
- MS, Nurse Practitioner, Idaho State University, 2001
- BS, Nursing, Lewis Clark State College, 1985
- Associate Degree Nursing, nursing, Brigham Young University, 1981
- Registered Nurse License-MN, Minnesota
- Certified Nurse Educator , The National League for Nursing
- Post-Master’s Certification: Teaching in Nursing, Indiana University
- Teaching and Learning in Web-Based courses, Indiana University
- Registered Nurse License-SD, South Dakota State Board of Nursing
- Family Nurse Practitioner Board Certified, American Nurses’ Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- Registered Nurse license, UT, ID, WA, SD Boards of Nursing
- Basic Life Support certification, American Heart Association
- Retention of the Nursing Workforce, School of Health Sciences, (2022 - 2023)
- Strategies for Health: An Interprofessional Game-based Approach to Teaching Social Determinants of Health, School of Health Sciences, (2017 - 2018)
- Strategies for Health: An interprofessional, Game-based Approach to Teaching Social Determinants of Health, University of South Dakota, (2017 - 2017)
- Effect of Supplemental Instruction for Pathophysiology, University of South Dakota2019)
- Strategies for Health: An interprofessional, game-based approach to teaching social determinants of health, School of Health Sciences
- Strategies for Health: An interprofessional, game-based approach to teaching social determinants of health, School of Health Sciences
- Strategies for Health: An interprofessional, game-based approach to teaching social determinants of health, USD
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Teall, A, Gawlik, K, Owens, A, Douville, C, Tschannen, D, Sciarra, E, Yockey, Jean, Semin, J, Leach, K, Simpson, V, and Melnyk, B. Faculty Toolkit: Strategies to Support Well-being for Health Sciences Students. University of Ohio, 2023.
- Hartstein, Aaron, Verkuyl, Margaret, Zimney, Kory, Yockey, Jean, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. Virtual reality instructional design in orthopedic physical therapy education: a mixed-methods usability test. Simulation and Gaming, 2022.
- Feldhacker, Diana, Wesner, Chelsea, Yockey, Jean, Norris, Debra, and Larson, June. Strategies for Health: A Game-Based, Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Social Determinants of Health: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2021. (DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2020.1850660)
- Feldhacker, Diana, Wesner, Chelsea, Yockey, Jean, Larson, June, Norris, Debra, and Korkow, John. Strategies for Health: a game-based, interprofessional approach to teaching social determinants of health: a randomized controlled pilot study. In Journal of Interprofessional Care, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Yockey, Jean, and Stokke, Sarah. “Enigma in the ED: tracking a puzzling illness." 2020. In National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCST), editors Clyde Herreid. New York, NY: National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCST). , 2020.
- Yockey, Jean. Mental Health NCLEX Review questions . In Lippincott’s content review book for the NCLEX-RN , editors Billings. D.M. & Hensel, D. . Iss. 13th ed Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2020.
- Yockey, Jean, and Henry, Melissa. Simulation anxiety across the curriculum, 29-37. Vol. 29 Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 2019.
- Yockey, Jean. “Am I going to die: A beginning respiratory assessment case study.” . New York: National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCST), 2018.
- Yockey, Jean. Yoost & Crawford: Chaper 33 Sleep. In Yoost & Crawford Fundamentals of Nursing 2nd edition, editors Barbara Yoost, Lynn Crawford. Iss. 2 Maryland Heights: Elsevier, 2018.
- Yockey, Jean. Yoost & Crawford: Chapter 19: Vital Signs. In Yoost & Crawford Fundamentals of Nursing 2nd edition, editors Barbara Yoost, Lynn Crawford. Iss. 2 Maryland Heights: Elsevier, 2018.
- Yockey, Jean. Billings & Hensel, Review questions for Mental Health. In NCLEX-RN Questions and Answers, editors Diane Billings. Iss. 13 Baltimore: Wolters Kluwer, 2018.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 35: “Medication Administration and Alternative Therapy” . In Fundamentals of Nursing: Building Blocks for Practice, editors Craven & Hirnle. Iss. one St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2016.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 35: “Sensory Perception” . In Fundamentals of nursing: Human health and Function (8th ed), editors Craven, R. F. & Hirnl, C. J. . Iss. 8th ed Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 36: Sensory Perception. In Craven, Hirnle, & Henshaw Fundamentals of Nursing: Human health and Function, editors Craven , pending. Iss. 8 Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Break the chain of infection. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Follow the Client. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Nutrition-diets. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. The beat goes on: Assessing perfusion. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. The ups and downs of blood pressure. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Linonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Wash in-wash out: Hand hygiene super sleuth. In Instructor's e-text for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Linonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. What's my line. In Instructor's e-text for Nursing: A concept-based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Why was it ordered?. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Health Promotion. In Instructor's e-text for Nursing: A concept-based approach . Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. My diet is special. In Instructor's etext for nursing: A concept based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Protective Details (PPE). In Instructor's e-text for Nursing: A concept-based approach. Iss. 1 Livonia, MI: Pearson, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 19 Vital Signs. In Fundamentals of Nursing: Building Blocks for Practice, editors Yoost, B.L. & Crawford, L.R. . Iss. 1 New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 33 Sleep. In Fundamentals of Nursing: Building Blocks for Practice, editors Yoost, B.L. & Crawford, L.R.. Iss. 1 New York, NY: McGraw-Hill , 2015.
- Yockey, Jean, and Wolff, Becky. Chapter 35: “Medication Administration and Alternative Therapy” . In Fundamentals of Nursing: Building Blocks for Practice, editors Yoost, B.L. & Crawford, L.R. . Iss. 1 New York, NY: McGraw-Hill , 2015.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept "Coping" faculty test bank and student interactive questions.. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 29 "Mood" faculty test bank and student interactive questions. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 31 “Cognition” faculty test bank and student interactive questions. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 34 "Interpersonal Violence" faculty test bank and interactive student questions. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 42 "Collaboration" faculty test bank and student interactive questions. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 46 "Health Care Quality student interactive questions. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 50 "Health Care Organizations" faculty test bank and student interactive questions.. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 51 "Health Care Economics" student interactive questions.. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean. Concept 52 "Health Care Policy" student interactive questions.. In Giddens. J.F. Concepts for Nursing Practice. Iss. 1 St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2012.
- Yockey, Jean, and Dixon, L.. Cases for Nursing Simulation: A Student Guide. In Cases for Nursing Simulation: A Student Guide. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2011.
- Yockey, Jean, and Wolff, Becky. Chapter 32: Integration of Experiential Holistic Content into Nursing Courses. In Teaching nursing: The art and science, editors Caputi, L. . Iss. 2 Glen Ellyn, IL: College of DuPage Press, 2010.
- Yockey, Jean. Fluid & Electrolytes: an interactive learning activity. In Blackboard. Greeley, CO: University of Northern Colorado , 2010.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 35: Overview of Mental Health . In Lippincott’s content review book for the NCLEX-RN , editors Billings. D.M. . Iss. 9 Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 36: Mood disorders . In Lippincott’s content review book for the NCLEX-RN , editors Billings. D.M. . Iss. 9 Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
- Yockey, Jean. Dimensional Analysis Review Module . In Blackboard. Greeley, CO: University of Northern Colorado, 2009.
- Yockey, Jean. Nursing item test banks of Mental Health questions . In Lippincott’s content review book for the NCLEX-RN , editors Billings. D.M. . Iss. 9 Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
- Yockey, Jean. Peripheral Vascular Disease learning module . In D2L. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 2009.
- Yockey, Jean. Medication variance report: Authentic assessment exercise . In QSEN. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, 2008.
- Karpuk, Lorall, Manning, Kathy, Larson, June, Benedict, Linda, and Yockey, jyockey. Nursing Education and Nursing Service Partnership: Teaching Leadership Online., 27-32. Vol. 18, Iss. 1 Home Healthcare Management & Practice, 2005.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 19: “Vital Signs” 2020. In Fundamentals of Nursing: Building Blocks for Practice, editors Yoost, B.L. & Crawford, L.R.. Iss. 3rd edition St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
- Yockey, Jean. Chapter 33: “Sleep” 2020. In Fundamentals of Nursing: Building Blocks for Practice, editors Yoost, B.L. & Crawford, L.R. . Iss. 3rd ed St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
- Invited Graduation Speaker, Graduate Nursing Graduation, University of South Dakota, 2023
- Certificate of Leadership, University of South Dakota Department of Nursing, 2023
- Certificate of Leadership, USD Nursing, 2022
- Student Nominated Excellence in Spirit in Caring, USD Nursing, 2022
- Excellence in Teaching award, University of South Dakota Department of Nursing, 2021
- School of Health Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence , University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences, 2021
- Nurse Educator of the Year, SDNA, 2021
- Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, University of South Dakota Department of Nursing , 2020
- Awarded Second Place for Best Poster, Nuts & Bolts Nurse Educator Conference, Minneapolis MN, 2019
- Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, University of South Dakota, 2019
- Nominated for Dean-Belbas Educational Excellence Award, University of South Dakota, 2019
- Elected as ANA Membership Assembly Delegate for South Dakota SDNA, South Dakota Nurses' Association, 2018
- Champion of Inclusive Exellence, University of South Dakota, 2018
- Excellence in Teaching, University of South Dakota, Nursing, 2018
- Nominated South Dakota Nurse Educator of the year, South Dakota Nurses' Association, 2017
- University of South Dakota Nursing Student Nominated Award for Exellence in Teaching, Universith of South Dakota, Nursing, 2016
- Nominated for a Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of South Dakota, 2015
- Identified as one of the "Top-rated instructor in the School of Health Sciences, Dean's office, 2014
- Outstanding Service, US Navy, 2012
- NLNAC Site Reviewer, National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, 2011
- SDNA Nurse Educator of the Year, South Dakota Nurses Association, 2009
- Nominated for Dean-Belbas Award , University of South Dakota, 2007
- Nominated for “Rookie of the Year” , South Dakota Nurses Association, 2006
- Yockey, Jean, and Pithan, Anne, Professional Identity in Faculty Interviews: A Quality Improvement Project. . Presented at the WLN Fall Conference, Milwaukee, WI. (November 2023)
- Fleming, Danielle, Truhe, Lorie, and Yockey, Jean, SOS (Save our Students) Wellness Initiative. Presented at the Creating Healthy Work Environments, Washington D.C.. (September 08, 2023)
- Luparell, S, Owens, R, and Yockey, Jean, Professional Identity in Nursing Preconference Session. Presented at the Nuts & Bolts, Minneapolis, MN. (August 2023)
- Yockey, Jean, Fleming, Danielle, and Truhe, Lorie, S.O.S Student Wellness Initiative. Presented at the Nuts & Bolts, Minneapolis, MN. (August 2023)
- Yockey, Jean, Equity in Assignments: “Tilt” toward Student Success. Presented at the Nurse Educator Conference of the Rockies, Breckinridge, CO. (July 2023)
- Yockey, Jean, Professional Identity in Nursing: A Vision for ALL Nurses. Presented at the Nurse Educator Conference of the Rockies, Breckinridge, CO. (July 2023)
- Fleming, Danielle, Yockey, Jean, and Truhe, Lorie, Peer Feedback Feedback in Nursing Students: Concept Analysis. Presented at the WLN’s Spring conference, Virtual. (January 2023)
- Fleming, Danielle, Yockey, Jean, Truhe, Lorie, Ingram, Brittney, Carda, Elizabeth, and Johnson, Jasmine , SOS: Save Our Students by Implementation of a Student-Led Wellness Initiative. Presented at the WLN’s Spring conference (January 2023)
- Yockey, Jean, and Pithan, Anne, Professional Identity in Faculty Interviews: A Quality Improvement Project. Presented at the WLN Fall conference, Waukesha, WI. (November 12, 2022)
- Yockey, Jean, Fleming, Danielle, Ferguson, Reann, and Jennings, Brittney, Building Superior Nurses. Presented at the Avera Evidence-based Rresearch Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 28, 2022)
- Yockey, Jean, and Pithan, Anne, Professional Identity in Faculty Interviews: A Quality Improvement Action Research Project. . Presented at the Avera Evidense-based Practice Reserch Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 28, 2022)
- Yockey, Jean, and Pithan, Anne, Professional Identity in Faculty Interviews: A Quality Improvement Action Research Project. . Presented at the Nuts & Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (August 2022)
- Yockey, Jean, and Pithan, Anne, Professional Identity in Faculty Interviews: A Quality Improvement Project.. Presented at the Nurse Educators Conference of the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. (July 2022)
- Yockey, Jean, Strategies to Develop Competency in Professional Identity Formation. Presented at the Nurse Educators Conference of the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. (July 2022)
- Yockey, Jean, TILT Towards Student Success.. Presented at the Nurse Educators Conference of the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. (July 2022)
- Lichtenberg, Michelle, and Yockey, Jean, Exploring Nurse Educators Knowledge of Nursing Student Cue Recognition. Presented at the AACN Transform 2021 Conference, Dallas, TX. (December 2021)
- Ihnen, Natalie, Yockey, Jean, Casper-McLay, Heather, Lichtenberg, Michelle, Hunsley-McTighe, Amy, Barnable, Traci, Waters, Heidi, and Kleinhesselink, Anne, Using Implementation Science To Bring Order to Curricular Revision. Presented at the AACN Transform 2021 Conference, Dallas, TX. (December 2021)
- Hartstein, Aaron, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Verkuyl, Margaret, Yockey, Jean, and Zimney, Kory, Virtual Reality in Physical Therapy Education: A RCT Comparing Virtual Reality and Standardized Patient Experiences. Presented at the 2021 Educational Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. (October 23, 2021)
- Yockey, Jean, Kleinhesselink, Anne, Pithan, Anne, Varenhorst, Lisa, and Hunsley, Amy, Pandemic Leadership: System-Level Success. Presented at the Avera EBP Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 22, 2021)
- Yockey, Jean, and Strobel, Susan, TILT Towards Success (Transparency in Learning and Teaching). Presented at the Avera EBP conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 22, 2021)
- Yockey, Jean, and Strobel, Susan, Introducing Forensic Nursing and (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) SANE Certification During Undergraduate and RN-BSN Programs. . Presented at the Avera EBP Research Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 22, 2021)
- Yockey, Jean, Kleinhesselink, Anne, Pithan, Anne, Varenhorst, Lisa, Smith, Emily, Luken, Regan, and Hunsley, Amy, Living Catastrophe Theory Leads to Future Improvements. Presented at the Nuts&Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference, Minineapolis, MN. (August 2020)
- Yockey, Jean, and Candela, Lori, A Clinical Judgment Template for Use with Classroom Case Studies. Skill building session. Presented at the Nurse Educators’ Conference in the Rockies, Copper Mountain, CO. (July 2020)
- Yockey, Jean, “Does Student-Perceived Burnout Correlate with Their Resilience?”. Presented at the Nurse Educators’ Conference in the Rockies, Virtual. (July 2020)
- Yockey, Jean, “The First Day of Class: What do Students Want?” . Presented at the Nuts & Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference,, Minneapolis, MN. (August 09, 2019)
- Yockey, Jean, and Stolle, Barb, “Implementation of the Clinical Judgment Model into Simulation.” . Presented at the Nurse Educator's Conference in the Rockies, Vail. CO. (July 11, 2019)
- Yockey, Jean, and Stolle, Barb, “Implementation of the Clinical Judgment Model into Simulation.” . Presented at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning conference, Phoenix, AR. (June 20, 2019)
- Yockey, Jean, Wesner, Chelsea, Larson, June, and Norris, Debra, Strategies for Health: An Interprofessional Game for Teaching About the Social Determinants of Health. Presented at the SD Public Health Association Conference, Sioux Falls. (June 19, 2018)
- Feldhacker, Diana, and Yockey, Jean, Strategies for Health: An Interprofessional Game for teaching the Social Determinants of Health. Presented at the Teaching Prevention 2018: Reimagining Population Health Education, Practice and Research, Philadelphia, PA. (April 09, 2018)
- Yockey, Jean, Feldhacker, Diana, Wesner, Chelsea, Larson, June, and Sudhagoni, Ramu, Strategies for Health: Inter-professional Game for Teaching the Social Determinants of Health . Presented at the 7th Annual Scholl of Health Sciences Research Conference,, Vermillion, SD. (April 06, 2018)
- Yockey, Jean, Exploratory Discussion on What Students Prefer on the First Day of Class. Presented at the Nurses Educators Conference of the Rockies, Breckinridge. (July 2017)
- Yockey, Jean, and Henry, Melissa, Sources of Simulation Anxiety. Presented at the Nurse Educator's Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. (July 14, 2016)
- Yockey, Jean, and Henry, Melissa, Sources of Simulation Anxiety . Presented at the INACSL Conference 2016, Grapevine, TX. (June 17, 2016)
- Yockey, Jean, Learning Styles and Simulation Anxiety. Presented at the Baccalaureate Education Conference, orlando FL. (November 20, 2015)
- Yockey, Jean, Participant sources of anxiety in simulation. Presented at the Avera McKennan Nursing EBP/Research Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 29, 2015)
- Yockey, Jean, Helping Babies Breathe Instructor Training. Presented at the HBB Instructor Training, USNS Mercy. (June 30, 2012)
- Yockey, Jean, Helping Babies Breathe. Presented at the Subject Matter Expert Exchange, Calbayog, Philippines. (June 28, 2012)
- Yockey, Jean, Dewey, David, and Olenick, Patricia, Obstetric Emergencies. Presented at the Obstetric Emergencies, Calbayog, Philippines. (June 27, 2012)
- Yockey, Jean, and Guthrie, Andrea, Review of Nursing Skills. Presented at the Subject Matter Expert Exchange, Calbayog, Philippines. (June 22, 2012)
- Yockey, Jean, Wolff, Becky, and Lichtenberg, Michelle, Simulation. Presented at the 2011 Nursing Advisory Board, Vermillion, SD. (May 06, 2011)
- Yockey, Jean, and Wolff, Becky, Bridging the Quality Chasm…IOM in Clinical. Presented at the NLN Educational Summit, Philadelphia, PA. (September 23, 2009)
- Yockey, Jean, Holism in Action: Student Experiences. Presented at the Annual Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. (July 15, 2009)
- Yockey, Jean, Authentic Assessment: A link from Theory to Practice. Presented at the Annual Nurse Educator Institute, Branson, MO. (March 31, 2009)
- Yockey, Jean, SOS…Help for Stressed Out Students. Presented at the Annual Nurse Educator Institute, Branson, MO. (March 31, 2009)
- Yockey, Jean, and Wolff, Becky, Integrating Holistic Modalities into Nursing Fundamentals. Presented at the American Holistic Nurses Association 28th Annual, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. (June 02, 2008)
- Yockey, Jean, Holism in action. Presented at the National Association for Associate Degree Nursing Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (November 09, 2007)
- Yockey, Jean, Once upon a time.... Presented at the National Association for Associate Degree Nursing Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (November 09, 2007)
- Yockey, Jean, Holism in action: Holistic experiences in the classroom. Presented at the National League for Nursing Education Summit, Phoenix, AZ. (September 27, 2007)
- Yockey, Jean, Once upon a time—the unfolding case study. Presented at the The International Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. (July 19, 2007)
- Yockey, Jean, Holism in Education. Presented at the Nurse Educator Conference, Branson, MO. (March 27, 2007)
- Yockey, Jean, Am I Going to Die?. Presented at the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Workshop, Buffalo, NY. (June 08, 2006)