Sexual Assault Policy

Policies regarding sexual assault cover any student or employee who commits a sexual act against another university student, faculty, or staff member, occurring on university or Regental property, at a university sponsored event, or elsewhere. Additionally, a sexual act committed against another person with or without consent may be classified as a felony or misdemeanor violation of South Dakota Codified Law. Felonies must be reported to law enforcement by any person having knowledge, not bound by legal privilege, of the felony.

Sexual Misconduct

The subjection of another person to any sexual act against that person's will or without consent, including any conduct that would constitute a sex offense, whether forcible or non-forcible, under SDCL §§ 22-22-1 through 22-22-7.2, 22-22-19.1 or 22-24.1. Persons who are under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or other illegal controlled substances at the time that they are subjected to the sexual act shall be presumed incapable of effective consent (SD BoR Code of Conduct Policy 3:4).

Immediately Following an Assault

  • Contact University Police at 911 or call the Vermillion Police Department at 911.
  • If the assault occurred in a residence hall, and/or you reside in a residence hall, contact your RA or Hall Director to assist with emotional and/or safety concerns.
  • Seek medical attention.
    • DO NOT bathe, clean up, or change clothes. If you must change, put all of the clothing you were wearing in a paper bag and take it with you. Medical attention is necessary to evaluate any injuries (some may not be apparent to you), assess for sexually transmitted disease and/or pregnancy, and collect evidence. Sanford Vermillion Medical Center will assist you immediately (phone: 605-624-2611)
  • USD provides many resources for victims of sexual assault seeking counseling, medical, and legal assistance. Victims of sexual assault and other violent crimes have the right to request a change in their living and academic environments. Every effort will be made to accommodate such requests.

Report a Sexual Assault

You may anonymously report a sexual assault using the Silent Witness Form.

More Information

Title IX Information


UPD Cars parked in front of the DakotaDome.

University Police

Ensuring a safe and secure environment for the students, staff and the university community.