"The Wolves" follows a team of nine teenage girls on a league soccer team as they discover that the world is much bigger than their shared love of the sport.

The setting is the team’s weekly pre-game warmups. While the girls weave in and out of their varying conversations, jokes, and jabs at each other, the team runs drills that exercise precision and agility to help set themselves up for victories against other teams. A Pulitzer Prize for Drama finalist, this beautiful and heart-wrenching play deals with friendship, betrayal and the perils of growing up.

If they can excel, they might earn a chance to make a trip to nationals, or to play in front of the all-important college recruiters. Pressure runs high. Friction starts to divide the team itself, and turmoil drives between even the closest of friends.

Residing at the intersection of emotional, developmental challenges and arduous life lessons, "The Wolves" offers a front row seat as the players navigate their journey through high school and prepare for the next phase of their lives as young adults.

“It is a tremendously powerful performance that exemplifies girlhood, and more notably, what it means to be part of a team,” says actor Brooke Hilding.

USD Theatre students are excited to produce "The Wolves" as part of this season, particularly for the play’s ability to depict an accurate representation of an athlete’s life both on and off the field. Do not miss the chance to howl with The Wolves!

"The Wolves" will feature six shows over two weekends. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased from the USD Theatre website. Check out USD Theatre on Facebook and Instagram for interviews, videos, photos and more.

"The Wolves" is rated ‘R’ for graphic language and mature themes.

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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