Helping South Dakotans: Jennie Fuerst Hopes to Give Back to Home State Through Legal Career

Fuerst earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Black Hills State University prior to attending the University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law. From Pierre, South Dakota, Fuerst felt a spark to become a lawyer through previous work with the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks, a role where she was writing contracts, easements and other legal documents.
“Through working with the attorney on staff, I decided that I’d like to give being a lawyer a shot,” Fuerst said.
When deciding where to pursue her law degree, the choice was easy for the South Dakotan.
“I chose the USD Knudson School of Law because I’m from South Dakota and will remain in South Dakota,” said Fuerst. “This made it the best place for me.”
During her time at the state’s only law school, Fuerst has been involved in several student organizations and has held leadership positions in many of them, including treasurer of the Agricultural Law Society, secretary for the Federalist Society, communication liaison for the Rod and Gun Club and third-year representative for the Health Law Society.
Fuerst has also given her time and talents to the WORKS Clinic, which offers free services to qualifying individuals and provides law students training in the areas of family law, alternative dispute resolution and client relations. Through this experience, Fuerst completed an additional 58 pro bono hours beyond her class requirements, all while helping her fellow South Dakotans.
We asked Fuerst about her time in the Knudson School of Law, and this is what she had to say.
What has been your favorite memory from law school?
My most memorable classroom experience was in Torts as a first-year student. During Halloween, our professor came into class wearing a full Beetlejuice costume, complete with face paint and lectured us.
The Knudson School of Law strives to promote a community of excellence, service and leadership. Who models these qualities in your life?
Professor Tom Simmons always models excellence, service and leadership. Professor Simmons is always available when you have any questions. He is passionate and knowledgeable about what he does and makes class fun and enjoyable. Although his tests are hard and he expects a lot from you, Professor Simmons will help you in any way that he is able, making him a great model for anyone.
Can you talk about your experience as a first-generation law student?
Being a first-generation law student has created challenges because I didn’t have a relative to go to and ask questions. I also didn’t have anyone in my family that I could turn to that knew what I was going through because they haven’t gone through it. I found support in my peers, especially those who were also first-generation students. They provided space to relate and talk through this wild experience we were all going through.
What was your favorite class in law school and why?
My favorite class in law school was Family Law taught by Professor Hannah Haksgaard. This was my favorite class because Professor Haksgaard was a great teacher that explained the topic in a way that made it really interesting and enjoyable.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering law school?
Someone who is considering law school should know that as stressful and hard as it may be, if you just keep going and working hard, you will get through it.
Who or what makes a good lawyer?
A good lawyer is someone who cares about their client and gives them the best possible representation.