USD Knudson School of Law Hosted Career Fair for Law Students

The career fair informed students and employers how law firms, the state bar and the school of law can work together to fill attorney positions in South Dakota.
“With more out-of-state students, it is especially important to highlight opportunities in our rural communities,” said Teramie Hill, director of Career Services for the Knudson School of Law. “This event allowed rural practitioners to showcase their communities and share their experiences so law students could see the benefits of practicing in small-town South Dakota.”
Fifteen organizations participated, with representation from both the private and public sectors. Organizations included the following.
- South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources
- Richardson, Wyly, Wise, Sauck & Hieb, LLP
- Siegel, Barnett, & Shutz, LLP
- Peterson Beel, LLP
- South Dakota Div. of Insurance, Dept. of Labor & Reg.
- Rosebud Sioux Tribe
- Austin Law
- Morgan Theeler LLP
- Pilcher Law Office
- Lammers, Kleibacker, Dawson & Miller
- Riter Rogers, LLP
- Brown County State's Attorney's Office
- South Dakota Attorney General’s Office
- Hustead Law Office
The event kicked off with a “Recruiting 101 Brunch” to provide demographics about the law school’s current students and share hiring trends with South Dakota firms.
Knudson School of Law students also had the opportunity to network and share their resumes with the organizations.