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- Elizabeth Hanson
Elizabeth Hanson
Associate Professor Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
AAC, Motor Speech Disorders
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Earned Ph.D. at University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Earned M.S. at University of Wisconsin - Madison. Earned B.A. at Sioux Falls College.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Motor Speech Disorders
Research Methods
Advanced Communication Science (acoustics, perception)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Motor Speech Disorders
- Ph D, Speech-Language Pathology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (UNL), 2005
- MS, Communicative Disorders, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1997
- BA, English, Sioux Falls College, 1985
- Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of South Dakota
- Certificate of Clinical Competence, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of South Dakota
- Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of South Dakota
- Certificate of Clinical Competence, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of South Dakota
- Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of South Dakota
- Certificate of Clinical Competence, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Speech & Language Services for Children & Adults, United Way of Vermillion, (2025 - 2025)
- Reciept of tech fellow, USD CTL, (2024 - 2025)
- Parkinson Voice Project Training Grant, Parkinson Voice Project, (2024 - 2025)
- Speech and Language Services for children and adults, United Way Vermillion, (2024 - 2025)
- Speech and Language Services for children and adults, United Way, (2024 - 2025)
- Reciept of tech fellow, USD CTL, (2023 - 2024)
- Reciept of tech fellow, USD CTL, (2022 - 2023)
- Reciept of tech fellow, USD CTL, (2021 - 2022)
- Parkinson Voice Project Training Grant, Parkinson Voice Project, (2021 - 2022)
- Reciept of tech fellow, USD CTL, (2020 - 2021)
- MRI: Acquisition of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Instrumentation to Advance Understanding of the Brain, National Science Foundation, (2017 - 2018)
- Development of a hybrid controlled novel bci aac user interface sensitive to cognitive engagement metrics, CBBRe, (2016 - 2018)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Callahan, Janet J.. Reconnecting Indigenous Language or a Child Using AAC, 387-394. Vol. 54, Iss. 2 Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in the Schools, 2023.
- Hanson, Elizabeth K.. Speaking with Intent Helps Speech in Parkinson's. In South Dakota Parkinson Foundation, 12. Vol. 22, Iss. 1 Sioux Falls, SD: South Dakota Parkinson Foundation, 2023.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Weissling, Kristy E., and McKelvey, Miechelle. AAC Assessment. In Augmentative and Alternative Communication, editors Donald R. Fuller, Lyle L. Lloyd. Iss. 2nd Thorofare NJ: SLACK, Inc., 2023.
- Bosch, Taylor, Kammermeier, S, Groth, C, Leedom, Matt, Hanson, Elizabeth, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Singh, Arun. Cortical and Cerebellar Oscillatory Responses to Postural Instability in Parkinson's Disease., 752271. Vol. 12 Frontiers in neurology, 2021. (DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2021.752271)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Beukelman, David R.. Adults with Degenerative Cognitive/Linguistic Disorders . In Augmentative and Alternative Communication, editors D.R. Beukelman & J.C. Light, 605-626. Iss. 5th Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2020.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Fager, Susan K.. Communication Supports for People with Motor Speech Disorders, 375-388. Vol. 37, Iss. 4 Topics in Language Disorders, 2017.
- Brouwer, Kyle L., Downing, Hannah, Westhoff, Sara, Wait, Ryann, Entwisle, Lavin, Messersmith, Jessica, and Hanson, Elizabeth. Effects of clinician-guided emergent literacy intervention using interactive tablet technology for preschool children with cochlear implants. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 2016.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Goldhammer, Emily, and Bethard, Tanya . Telephone Talk: Effects of Two Access Methods on Phone Call Success. AAC, 2016. (DOI: 10.1080/07434618.2016.1205132)
- Entwisle, Lavin K., Brouwer, Kyle L., Hanson, Elizabeth, and Messersmith, Jessica. A Systematic Review of Emergent Literacy Interventions for Preschool-Age Children with Cochlear Implants. Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 2016.
- Hanson, Elizabeth. Chapter 7 Tom: Supporting an Adult with an Intellectual Disability through AAC. In Augmentative and Alternative Communication An Interactive Clinical Casebook. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc., 2014.
- Hanson, Elizabeth. My Client Talks! Do I Still Need to Consider AAC in my Treatment Planning? Speech Supplementation Strategies: AAC for Clients Who Talk!. In SIG 12 Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 124-131. Vol. 23 Baltimore, MD: SIG 12 Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2014. (DOI: doi:10.1044/aac23.3.124)
- Hanson, Elizabeth. Communication Support Through Multimodal Supplementation: A Scoping Review ., Editors Light, J., & McNaughton, D., 310-321. Vol. 9, Iss. 4 Stockholm: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2013. (DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2013.848934)
- Hanson, Elizabeth K.. AAC & Dysarthria. In SIG 2 Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, editors American Speech Language Hearing Assn. , 120-127. Vol. 23 Bethesda, MD: SIG 2 Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, 2013.
- Hanson, Elizabeth. Adults with Degenerative Cognitive and Linguistic Disorders. In Augmentative & Alternative Communication: Supporting Children & Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 447-460. Iss. 4th Edition Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co, 2013.
- Hanson, Elizabeth. Adults with Degenerative Cognitive and Linguistic Disorders. In Augmentative & Alternative Communication: Supporting Children & Adults with Complex Communication Needs, editors Beukelman D.R. & Mirenda, P., 447-460. Iss. 4th Edition Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co, 2013.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Yorkston, Kathryn M., and Britton, Deanna. Dysarthria in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Systematic Review of Characteristics, Speech Treatment and AAC Options, 12-30. Vol. 19, Iss. 3 Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 2011.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Beukelman, David R., Heidemann, Janna K., and Shutts-Johnson, Erin. The impact of alphabet supplementation and word prediction on sentence intelligibility of electronically distorted speech.. In Journal of Speech Communication. 52, 99-105, 99-105. Vol. 52 Journal of Speech Communication., 2010.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Sundheimer, Caroline, , and . Telephone Talk: Effects of vocabulary and timing on telephone conversations using synthesized speec. Vol. 24, Iss. 2 Augmentative and Alternative Communication,, 2009.
- Hanson, Elizabeth. Documentation in AAC using Goal Attainment Scaling. , 6-9. Vol. 16, Iss. 4 Maryland: Perspectives (Special Interest Division 12 - AAC), 2007.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Beukelman, David R.. Effect of omitted cues on alphabet supplemented speech intelligibility. , 185-196. Vol. 14, Iss. 3 Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 2006.
- Beukelman, David R., Hanson, Elizabeth, Hiatt, Eloise, Fager, Susan, and Bilyeu, Denise. AAC technology learning part 3: Regular AAC team members, 187-194. Vol. 21, Iss. 3 Augmentative and Alternative Communication,, 2005.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Beukelman, David R., Kahl, Janna, and Schutts, Erin. Effect of alphabet supplementation & word prediction on speech intelligibilit. Vol. 172 Maryland: ASHA Leader, 2005.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Messersmith, Jessica, and Jorgensen, Lindsey. Final Report: SD DHS, Div. of Rehab. Serv. Comprehensive Assessment of Telecommunication Services for People Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 99. Pierre, SD: SD Dept of Human Services, Div. of Rehabilitation Services.
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Messersmith, Jessica, and Jorgensen, Lindsey. Interim Report: SD DHS, Div. of Rehab. Serv. Comprehensive Assessment of Telecommunication Services for People Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 58. Pierre, SD: SD Dept of Human Services, Div. of Rehabilitation Services.
- President’s Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, USD, 2022
- Honors of the State Association, South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Assn., 2016
- Blair and Linda Tremere Faculty Service Award , Arts & Sciences, 2015
- Award for Continuing Education (ACE) , American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2014
- Award for Continuing Education (ACE) , American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2010
- Honors of the Association , South Dakota Speech-Language Hearing Association (SDSLHA), 2009
- Award for Continuing Education (ACE), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2008
- ASHA Convention Registration Award for Recent Graduates , American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2007
- Award for Continuing Education (ACE) , American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2005
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Supplementing spoken language to increase effective communication. Presented at the “Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems for Speech and Language Therapy Students,” supported by TÜBİTAK Scientist Support Programs Directorate (BİDEB) under the “2237-A Scientific Education Activities Support” program., Turkey. (February 16, 2025)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Develder, Elizabeth, Pen Pals and Letter Writing at Sesdac. Presented at the ASHA, Seattle, WA. (December 06, 2024)
- Hanby, Joyce C., Kommes, Shelby, and Hanson, Elizabeth K., Proposals for Alternative and Augmentative Communication in Transportation: Visual Supports in Bus and Paratransit Services. Presented at the CDC Showcase & Expo, Atlanta, GA. (July 25, 2023)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Browder, Hannah, Speech Entrainment Promotes Fluent Speech for a 40-Year-Old Woman with Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia. Presented at the ASHA, New Orleans. (November 18, 2022)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Weissling, Kristy S., Communication Issues and Severe COVID19. Presented at the ASHA, New Orleans. (November 17, 2022)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Fager, Susan, and Wallace, Sarah E., The Legacy of David Beukelman: A Tribute. Presented at the ASHA, New Orleans. (November 17, 2022)
- Callahan, Janet, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Lakota Language and AAC. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Deadoow, SD. (October 13, 2022)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Weissling, Kristy S., Communication Issues and Severe COVID19. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Deadwood, SD. (October 2022)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Digital Photo Use in Speech-Generating Devices. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Deadwood, SD. (October 2022)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Johnson, Marni, Project SCOPE: Supporting Children of the OPioid Epidemic. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Deadwood, SD. (October 2022)
- Brouwer, Kyle L., Browder, Hanna, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Utilization of Mobile Technology Applications to Promote Early Literacy in Children with Complex Communication Needs. Presented at the South Dakota Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 2020)
- Browder, Hanna, Brouwer, Kyle L., Neff, Laura , and Hanson, Elizabeth, Utilization of Mobile Technology Applications to Promote Early Literacy in Children with Complex Communication Needs. Presented at the University of South Dakota IDEA Fest (April 2020)
- Bertsch, Zoey, Erlenbusch, Taylor, Frans, Elizabeth, Benson, Emily, Hanson, Brianna, and Hanson, Elizabeth K., Clinical Outreach in Guatemala. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Spearfish, SD. (October 25, 2019)
- Hofer, Jade, Hanson, Elizabeth K., and Messersmith, Jessica, Effects of Video Models on Patient Anxiety Levels During Audiologic Procedures. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Spearfish, SD. (October 25, 2019)
- Ashley, Price, Johnson, Marni, and Hanson, Elizabeth K., Effects of Visual Schedules to Support Communication Among Volunteers and Athletes during Special Olympics Healthy Hearing Screening. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Spearfish, SD. (October 25, 2019)
- Pfaffle, Lauren, Freese, Alison, Bertram, Madeline, and Hanson, Elizabeth K., Helping People with Severe Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Tell Us What They Like (and Don't Like!). Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Spearfish, SD. (October 25, 2019)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Messersmith, Jessica, Johnson, Marni, Ball, Laura J., Hofer, Jade, and Price, Ashley, Visual Supports Improve Patient-Provider Communication. Presented at the ASHA National Convention, Boston, MA. (November 17, 2018)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Messersmith, Jessica, Jorgensen, Lindsey, Besenbruch, Juliana, Sanchez, Theresa I., and Van Gerpen, Taylor, Assessment of Telecommunication Services & Equipment Programs. Presented at the ASHA National Convention, Boston, MA. (November 04, 2018)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Visual Supports, Communication, and Self Advocacy. Presented at the Symposium and the Jam: Potential meets Opportunity, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 22, 2018)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Golinker, Lewis, AAC Assessment and SGDFunding:Guidance and Resources. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 05, 2018)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Messersmith, Jessica, Jorgensen, Lindsey, Besenbruch, Juliana, Sanchez, Theresa, and Van Gerpen, Taylor, Assessment of the South Dakota Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Programand Relay Service. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 04, 2018)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Wiessner, Megan, Help! I have a new student in my classroom who needs AAC!. Presented at the Summer Teacher Institute, University Center. (July 19, 2018)
- Johnson, Marni, Williams, Mandy, Messersmith, Jessica, Balkan, Kara, and Hanson, Elizabeth, USD Grand Rounds: The Value of Collaboration. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 06, 2017)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Hinners, Heather, Accessing Academics with AAC: Examples, Demonstrations, and Hands-on Experiences. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 05, 2017)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Salzano, Jackie, Communication Strengths and Visual Supports for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presented at the Michael's Journey, Brookings - Children's Museum. (March 27, 2017)
- Peasley, Annie, Hanson, Elizabeth, Johnson, Marni, and Kurtz, Eric, Effects of a Visual Schedule with Embedded Video Models in a Specialized App for Children with Probable Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) During Medical Appointments. Presented at the ASHA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. (November 19, 2016)
- Johnson, Marni, Hanson, Elizabeth, Brewer, Joel, Bonnichsen, Holly, and Brueggeman, Paul, Healthy Hearing at the Special Olympics: Visual Schedules Improve Patient-Provider Communication. Presented at the ASHA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. (November 19, 2016)
- Wiessner, Megan, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Core Vocabulary Strategy and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): Oil & Vinegar or Peanut Butter & Chocolate?. Presented at the ASHA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. (November 18, 2016)
- Messersmith, Jessica, Richters, Brittney, Peasley, Annie, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Video Models Mitigate Fear and Increase Compliance at Cochlear Implant Clinic . Presented at the ASHA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. (November 17, 2016)
- Johnson, Marni, Hanson, Elizabeth, Brewer, Joel, Bonnichsen, Holly, and Brueggeman, Paul, Healthy Hearing at the Special Olympics: Visual Schedules Improve Patient-Provider Communication. Presented at the Audiology Now!, Phoenix, AZ. (April 13, 2016)
- Messersmith, Jessica, Richters, Brittney, Peasley, Annie, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Video Models Mitigate Fear and Increase Compliance at Cochlear Implant Clinic. Presented at the Audiology Now!, Phoenix, AZ. (April 13, 2016)
- Entwistle, Lavin, Brouwer, Kyle L., Messersmith, Jessica, Hanson, Elizabeth, Downing, Hannah, and Wait, Ryann, A Systematic Review of Early Literacy Interventions for Children With Cochlear Implants & Intervention Ideas . Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Denver, CO. (November 14, 2015)
- Turgeon, Laura , Brouwer, Kyle L., and Hanson, Elizabeth, Effects of Video Self-Modeling on Social Pragmatic Language Skills of Children With Autism. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Denver, CO. (November 14, 2015)
- Brouwer, Kyle L., Downing, Hannah, Westhoff, Sara , Wait, Ryann, Entwisle, Lavin, Messersmith, Jessica, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Effects of an iPad Application on Letter Knowledge and Vocabulary Skills in Preschool Children. Presented at the South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Assn Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 02, 2015)
- Downing, Hannah, Brouwer, Kyle L., and Hanson, Elizabeth, Effects of an Ipad Application on the Letter Knowledge and Vocabulary of Preschool Children. Presented at the The South Dakota Leadership Education Excellence in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (SD LEND) Program Research Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (May 13, 2015)
- Turgeon, Laura, Hanson, Elizabeth, and Brouwer, Kyle L., Video Self-Modeling: An Innovative Intervention for ASD and Other Social Communication Delays. Presented at the The South Dakota Leadership Education Excellence in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (SD LEND) Program Research Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (May 13, 2015)
- Zylstra, Hannah, Fercho, Kelene, Hanson, Elizabeth, and Baugh, Lee A., A Brain Computer Interface for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.. (May 01, 2015)
- Linda, Lorentzen, Haylee, Kruger, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Communication Solutions for ALS: We CAN Help!. Presented at the SDSLHA Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 10, 2014)
- Brewer, Joel, Johnson, Marni, Hanson, Elizabeth, and Brueggeman, Paul, Visual Schedules for Hearing Screenings. Presented at the South Dakota Speech Language Hearing Association (SDSLHA) Annual Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 09, 2014)
- Turgeon, Laura, Brouwer, Kyle L., and Hanson, Elizabeth, Video Self Modeling and Autism. Presented at the South Dakota Speech Language Hearing Association State Convention, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (October 09, 2014)
- Entwisle, Lavin, Brouwer, Kyle L., Messersmith, Jessica, and Hanson, Elizabeth, A Scoping Review of Emergent Literacy Interventions for Preschool-age Children with Cochlear Implants. Presented at the University of South Dakota IDEA Fest (April 08, 2014)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Fercho, Kelene, and Baugh, Lee A., Effects of Alphabet Supplementation on Speech Perception: an fMRI Study. Presented at the Conf on Motor Speech: Motor Speech Disorders & Speech Motor Control, Sarasota, FL. (March 01, 2014)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Kurtz, Eric, Grinde, Shelly, Comeau, Luke, and McMahon, Lindsey, Tablet-Based Tools for Intervention for Autism: An Educator Training Program. Presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Assn Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. (November 16, 2013)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Bunnell, Timothy, Using ModelTalker to Explore the Temporal, Spectral, & Perceptual Dynamics of Synthesized Speech. Presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Assn Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. (November 16, 2013)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Wilson, Sally, and Michael, Kaycee, Telephone Conversations Using Alphabet Supplementation. Presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Assn Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. (November 15, 2013)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Beukelman, David R., and Yorkston, Kathryn, New Directions in Speech Supplementation: A Scoping Review. Presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Assn Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. (November 14, 2013)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Wilson, Sally, Michael, Kaycee, Kielhold, Brittany, and Deelstra, Echo, Effects of alphabet supplementation on word intelligibility in two speakers with degenerative neurologic conditions . Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, Bloomington, IN. (September 2013)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Bettelyoun, Heather, Success of telephone calls using alphabet supplementation & speaker perceptions . Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, Bloomington, IN. (September 2013)
- Peterson, Kim, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Effects of Video Self-Modeling Using an iPod Touch in a Clinical Setting with a Child with Autism. Presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication - Biannual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA. (July 31, 2012)
- Anderson, Carrie A., and Hanson, Elizabeth, Evaluation of Multimedia Training Modules for Employees Working with Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Presented at the ASHA Convention, San Diego, CA. (November 2011)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Yorkston, Kathryn, and Britton, Deanna, Systematic Review of Dysarthria Related to ALS:Systematic Review of Dysarthria Related to ALS: Assessment and Treatment. Presented at the ASHA Convention, San Diego, CA. (November 2011)
- Peterson, Kim, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, St. Paul, MN. (October 2011)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Thies, Jenna , and Trask, Tiffany , A Comparison of Symbol Systems Used for Communication. Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, St. Paul, MN. (October 2011)
- Anderson, Carrie, and Hanson, Elizabeth, Evaluation Of Multimedia Training Modules For Employees Working With Adults With Disabilities. Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, St. Paul, MN. (October 2011)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Yorkston, Kathryn, and Britton, Deanna, A systematic review of dysarthria: Assessment, treatment, and timing. Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, Iowa City, IA. (October 2010)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Goldhammer, Emily, Neu, Kendra, Rathe, Beth, and Bethard, Tanya, Telephone Talk: The difference between scanning vs. eye-gaze access on the telephone. Presented at the Clinical AAC Research Conference, Iowa City, IA. (October 2010)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, and Garnaas, Karen, Dysarthria related to ALS: Assessment, treatment, and timing. Presented at the SDSLHA Convention, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 2010)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Yorkston, Kathryn, and Britton, Deanna, A systematic review of dysarthria: Assessment, treatment, and timing. Presented at the Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Savannah, GA. (March 2010)
- Hanson, Elizabeth, Rathe, Beth, and Neu, Kendar, Investigation of the role of a potential learning effect in HINT sentences used for intelligibility testing. Presented at the Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Savannah, GA. (March 2010)