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- Jing Williams
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Dr. Jing Williams teaches elementary and secondary social studies methods courses. She was Past President of the International Assembly (2020-2022) of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). She is the Book/Media Review Editor of the Journal of International Social Studies, the official publication of the NCSS International Assembly.
Social Studies Methods
Global perspectives in social studies education; teaching difficult histories
- Ph D, Curriculum & Instruction, Ohio University, 2014
- MA, English Language and Literature, Translation, Tianjin Normal University, 2009
- Teaching Difficult History: Integrating Human Rights Education in Teaching the U.S. Military Camptown History in South Korea, The Academy of Korean Studies, (2025 - 2026)
- School of Education IdeaFest Research Awards, School of Education, (2024 - 2025)
- Research Support Grant, USD School of Education, (2024 - 2024)
- Research Support Grant, USD School of Education, (2023 - 2023)
- Integrating Global Perspectives in Social Studies Teaching, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2023 - 2023)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, (2022 - 2023)
- Enhancing pre-service social studies teachers’ global awareness through the teaching of the comfort women, Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education, (2022 - 2023)
- 2022 "Through Their Eyes: War & Peace" Oral History Project, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, (2022 - 2022)
- 2021 "Through Their Eyes: War & Peace" Oral History Project, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, (2021 - 2021)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, (2019 - 2020)
- 2019 "Clay County's Fallen" Research Project, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, (2019 - 2019)
- Hometown's Fallen: Discovering the Human Aspects of Wars (Volume II), Allene R. Chiesman Fund for Civic Education, (2018 - 2019)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2018 - 2019)
- CTL Teaching & Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2018 - 2018)
- 2018 “Clay County’s Fallen” Research Project, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, (2018 - 2018)
- Hometown's Fallen: Discovering the Human Aspects of Wars, Allene R. Chiesman Fund for Civic Education, (2017 - 2018)
- CTL Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, (2017 - 2018)
- Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2017 - 2017)
- 2017 "Clay County's Fallen" Research Contest, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, (2017 - 2017)
- Center for Teaching and Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2016 - 2017)
- CTL Course Redesign Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2016 - 2016)
- Travel Grant, Office for Diversity , (2016 - 2016)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2016 - 2016)
- Teaching and Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2015 - 2016)
- Travel Grant, Office for Diversity , (2015 - 2015)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning2025)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning2024)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning2020)
- 2016 "Clay County's Fallen" Research Contest, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 30612016)
- CTL Course Redesign Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning2015)
- "In Gratitude for Your Service!" Writing Contest, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 30612015)
- Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning2015)
- Teaching and Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning2014)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Williams, Jing. The future role of the International Assembly: What is its responsibility to contribute to a more humane world? . Journal of International Social Studies, 2025.
- Williams, Jing A., and Cruz, Bárbara C.. What are the human and environmental costs behind fast fashion?. In Hollywood or history? An inquiry-based strategy for using film to teach geography, editors Nancy Sardone. Information Age Publishing, 2025.
- Williams, Jing A., Cruz, Bárbara C., and Rapoport, Anatoli. Teaching with a global perspective: Approaches and strategies for secondary social studies teachers. National Council for the Social Studies, 2024.
- Williams, Jing A., and Kim, Phyllis. "Comfort women" education teaching resources. Los Angeles, California: UCLA Center for Korean Studies: Comfort Women Resource Center, 2024.
- Williams, Jing A.. "Comfort women" source set. UCLA Center for Korean Studies: Comfort Women Resource Center, 2024.
- Williams, Jing A.. "Comfort Women: Then and Now" Scavenger Hunt. Los Angeles, California: Museum of Social Justice, 2024.
- Williams, Jing A., and Cha, Boeun. Comfort women: The contention of historical narratives, 96-116. Vol. 11, Iss. 2 The Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, 2023.
- Williams, Jing A.. Learning about "comfort women" through memorials. UCLA Center for Korean Studies: Comfort Women Resource Center, 2023.
- Williams, Jing A.. Eurocentric or global?: Two world wars in U.S. history textbooks , 18-32. Vol. 11, Iss. 1 Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, 2023.
- Williams, Jing A.. Two world wars and American imperialism in the Philippines: U.S. history textbook analysis. In Proceedings of Asia Peace and History Institute Academic International Conference . Seoul: Asia Peace and History Institute, 2022.
- Williams, Jing A.. Backward design and learning outcomes. In CTL Graduate Teaching Series Handbook. USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2022.
- Williams, Jing A., Pirlet, Christian D., and Johnson, Mary. Teaching about the Nanjing Safety Zone to introduce human rights. In Teaching difficult histories in difficult times: Stories of practices, editors Lauren McAurthur Harris, Maia Sheppard, Sara A. Levy, 41-51. New York: NY: Teachers College Press, 2022.
- Williams, Jing A., and Pirlet, Christian. Developing global awareness and empathy through the teaching of the Nanjing atrocities, 12-23. Vol. 9, Iss. 2 Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, 2021.
- Williams, Jing A.. International Assembly, 321-322. Vol. 85, Iss. 6 Social Education, 2021.
- Williams, Jing A., and Johnson, Mary. Lesson plan: Comfort women. UCLA Center for Korean Studies: Comfort Women Resource Center, 2021.
- Williams, Jing A.. Guest editor's note research on international social studies education, 323-324. Vol. 44, Iss. 4 Journal of Social Studies Research, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssr.2020.08.001)
- Williams, Jing A., and Johnson, Mary. What were the psychological motivations of the Nanjing Safety Zone Committee. In Inquiry-based global learning in the K-12 social studies classroom, editors Brad Maguth & Gloria Wu, 72-82. Routledge, 2020. (DOI: 10.4324/9780429331497-9)
- Williams, Jing A., and Johnson, Mary. Comfort women: Enhancing students' global awareness through human rights education, 226-233. Vol. 111, Iss. 5 The Social Studies, 2020. (DOI: 10.1080/00377996.2020.1749016)
- Williams, Jing. Hometown's fallen: Discovering the human aspects of wars (Volume II)., Editors Jing Williams. Vermillion, SD: Pressing Matters, 2019.
- Williams, Jing, Reeves, Deborah, and Wright, Paige M.. Civil War Drummer Boys: Integrating Music into Social Studies, 2-7. Vol. 65 Middle Level Learning, 2019.
- Williams, Jing. Book review: (Re)Imagining elementary social studies: A controversial issues reader. Teachers College Record, 2019.
- Williams, Jing. HERstory: When we were at war, 24-28. Vol. 31, Iss. 3 Social Studies and the Young Learner, 2019.
- Williams, Jing. Book review: The global education movement: Narratives of distinguished global scholars, 172-175. Vol. 8, Iss. 2 Journal of International Social Studies, 2018.
- Williams, Jing. Elmer J. Wallace. In Hometown's fallen: Discovering the human aspects of wars, editors Jing Williams. Vermillion, SD: Pressing Matters, 2018.
- Williams, Jing. Hometown's fallen: Discovering the human aspects of wars. Vermillion, SD: Pressing Matters, 2018.
- Williams, Jing. Elmer J. Wallace: The only fallen coast artillery colonel during WWI. The American Legion Magazine, 2018.
- Williams, Jing. Book review: Best practices in social studies assessment. New York, NY: Teachers College Record, 2018.
- Williams, Jing, and Gapp, Susan. Counting on Grace. In Notable books, notable lessons: Putting social studies back in the K-8 curriculum, editors Andrea S. Libresco, Jeannette Balantic, Mary Battenfeld, 45-54. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2017.
- Williams, Jing, and Johnson, Mary. The Nanjing Safety Zone: The dilemma of creating a protective wall. In Mending walls: Historical, socio-political, economic and geographic perspectives, editors Richard Diem, Michael Berson, 159-174. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2017.
- Williams, Jing, and Reeves, Deborah. If musical instruments could talk: Musical instrument artifacts in the social studies classroom, 57-72. Vol. 5, Iss. 1 Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, 2017.
- Doppen, Frans H., An, Jing, and Diki, Kristin. Why do student teachers go global, 85-95. Vol. 40, Iss. 2 Journal of Social Studies Research, 2016. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jssr.2015.05.002)
- An, Jing. Micro-study reveals flaws in pedagogy: A study of social promotion in Tianjin, China, 23-43. Vol. 44, Iss. 2 International Education, 2015.
- Doppen, Frans H., and An, Jing. Student teaching abroad: Enhancing global awareness, 59-75. Vol. 43, Iss. 2 International Education, 2014.
- Williams, Jing. Empowering global citizens: Integrating human rights education in teaching the “comfort women” history in South Korea. Human Rights Education Review.
- International Assembly Excellence in Service Award, International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, 2024
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Service Award, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, 2024
- The Fides Award for Outstanding Military Support (Coyote Excellence Awards), University of South Dakota, 2024
- Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching, USD School of Education, 2024
- Faculty Excellence Award in Service (nominee), USD School of Education, 2024
- Visiting Professor, Seoul National University of Education, 2024
- CTL Course Design Fellowship, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2023
- Faculty Excellence Award in Service (nominee), USD School of Education, 2023
- Outstanding Mentor Award – Social Sciences Division (nominated), Council on Undergraduate Research, 2023
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Nominee), University of South Dakota, 2023
- CTL Course Design Fellowship, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2022
- The Fides Award for Outstanding Military Support, the President's Celebration of University Leadership, University of South Dakota, 2022
- Digital Accessibility Fellowship, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2022
- Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching, USD School of Education, 2022
- Faculty Excellence Award in Research (nominee), USD School of Education, 2022
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Declined), University of South Dakota, 2022
- Faculty Excellence Award in Service , USD School of Education, 2021
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Nominee), University of South Dakota, 2021
- The Fides Award for Outstanding Military Support, the President's Celebration of University Leadership, University of South Dakota, 2020
- 2020 Warren Fellowship for Future Teachers (Faculty Fellow), Holocaust Museum Houston, 2020
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Nominee), University of South Dakota, 2020
- CTL Open Textbook Fellowship, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2019
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Nominee), University of South Dakota, 2019
- Professor of the Game, USD Office of Academic Affairs, 2019
- George “Bud” Day Outstanding Faculty Award, USD Student Veterans Resource Center, 2018
- Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching, School of Education, 2018
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Nominee), University of South Dakota, 2018
- Faculty Excellence Award in Service , USD School of Education, 2017
- Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching (Nominee), University of South Dakota, 2017
- Nicholas and Suzanne Helburn Young Scholars Award, Social Science Education Consortium, 2017
- Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW] Teacher Appreciation Award, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3061, 2016
- CTL Course Redesign Fellowship, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2016
- CTL Course Redesign Fellowship, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, 2015
- Williams, Jing, Gapp, Susan, and Hilt, Lily, Creating connections: Integrating children’s literature into K-5 social studies classrooms. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. (November 23, 2024)
- Williams, Jing, and Kim, Phyllis, Teaching about "comfort women" through statues and memorials. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. (November 23, 2024)
- Cha, Boeun, and Williams, Jing, Teaching difficult histories related to sexuality: History of "comfort women". Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. (November 23, 2024)
- Cha, Boeun, and Williams, Jing A., Approaches to teaching difficult history relating to sexuality: The case of "comfort women" education in South Korea. Presented at the International Assembly of NCSS Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. (November 22, 2024)
- Gapp, Susan, and Williams, Jing, Integrating Global Literature to increase Pre-service Teachers Global Awareness. Presented at the ALER National Conference Breaking Down Barriers to Mobilize our Literate Self, Orlando, FL. (November 09, 2024)
- Williams, Jing, and Kim, Phyllis, Teaching "Comfort Women" HIstory through Statues. Presented at the 53rd SouthWest Conference on Asian Studies, Nacogdoches, Texas. (November 02, 2024)
- Williams, Jing, Ungrading in the social studies classrooms. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies, Nashville, Tennessee. (December 02, 2023)
- Williams, Jing A., and Kim, Jongsung, A sociocultural analysis of the description of “comfort women” in history textbooks from Japan, South Korea, China, and the United States. Presented at the International Assembly Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. (December 01, 2023)
- Williams, Jing A., Cha, Boeun , and Kim, Phyllis, Using primary sources to teach about “comfort women”. Presented at the International Assembly Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. (December 01, 2023)
- Williams, Jing A., and Gapp, Susan, Integrating global literature into social studies education . Presented at the International Conference on Innovative Teaching and Learning, Online. (September 21, 2023)
- Williams, Jing A., and Cha, Boeun, “Comfort women:” Teaching contention of historical narratives through documentaries. Presented at the International Conference on Innovative Teaching and Learning, Online. (September 21, 2023)
- Williams, Jing A., Pirlet, Chrisitian, and Johnson, Mary , Teaching difficult histories in difficult times. Presented at the iCivics, Virtual. (May 18, 2023)
- Williams, Jing A., and Johnson, Mary, Introducing human rights education through the teaching of comfort women. Presented at the International Assembly Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (December 02, 2022)
- Sheppard, Maia A., Harris, Lauren, Williams, Jing, and Pirlet, Christian, Teaching difficult histories in difficult times. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (December 02, 2022)
- Williams, Jing A., Two world wars and American imperialism in the Philippines: U.S. history textbook analysis. Presented at the Asia Peace and History Institute Academic International Conference, Seoul, South Korea. (August 13, 2022)
- Williams, Jing A., Kim, Jimin, Kim, Phyllis, Bisland, Beverly, and Shin, Songhee, Do women have human rights? Exploring the comfort women issue. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies (virtual conference) (November 20, 2021)
- Pirlet, Christian, Williams, Jing, and Johnson, Mary , Teaching difficult histories: The Nanjing atrocities in the classroom. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies (virtual conference) (December 06, 2020)
- Williams, Jing A., and Pirlet, Christian, Teaching the Nanjing atrocities: Developing global citizens through human rights education. Presented at the International Assembly Annual Conference (virtual) (December 04, 2020)
- Williams, Jing, and Johnson, Mary, Do women have rights? Violence against women during WWII in East Asia. Presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Austin, Texas. (November 22, 2019)
- Russell, William, and Williams, Jing, International social studies: A discussion of current and future scholarship. Presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, Illinois. (November 30, 2018)
- Williams, Jing, “Why have I never learned about this in school?” Significance of teaching the Nanjing atrocities in teacher education programs. Presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, Illinois. (November 30, 2018)
- Williams, Jing, and Griese, Melissa, Integrating visual arts in K-12 social studies classrooms. Presented at the Technology & Information in Education [TIE], Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (April 17, 2018)
- Williams, Jing, and Knoer, Joseph, Teaching together: Community partnership to improve social studies education. Presented at the International Society for Social Studies, Orlando, Florida. (February 23, 2018)
- Williams, Jing, Guest Speaking: Nanjing Atrocities. Presented at the Global Genocide Class (online), New Jersey. (February 19, 2018)
- Williams, Jing, American isolationism during the Nanjing Atrocities. Presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, San Francisco, California. (November 17, 2017)
- Williams, Jing, What does patriotism look like?. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. (November 17, 2017)
- Williams, Jing, and Zimmerman, Lexy, Learning about wars through research-based service learning project. Presented at the Systems Change Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota. (October 19, 2017)
- Williams, Jing, and Johnson, Mary, Challenging times for American democracy. Presented at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, Salem, MA. (June 10, 2017)
- Schad, Courtney, and Williams, Jing, Political parties & election process simulation. Presented at the Technology & Innovation in Education [TIE] Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota. (April 25, 2017)
- Williams, Jing, Teaching about wars from a human perspective. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.. (December 03, 2016)
- Williams, Jing, Social studies curriculum and Chinese American students' cultural identity. Presented at the National Association for Multicultural Education Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. (November 11, 2016)
- Williams, Jing, and Johnson, Mary, The Nanjing Safety Zone: The dilemma of creating a protective wall. Presented at the 2016 Social Science Education Consortium Conference, Berlin, Germany. (June 25, 2016)
- Williams, Jing, and Gapp, Susan, What do war letters reveal? Integrating reading and writing in K-12 social studies curriculum. Presented at the Technology & Innovation in Education [TIE] Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (April 12, 2016)
- Williams, Jing, and Reeves, Deborah, If musical instruments could talk: Exploring social responsibility through artifacts. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. (November 13, 2015)
- Williams, Jing, and Johnson, Mary, Rescue during the Nanjing atrocities: Nanjing Safety Zone Committee. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. (November 13, 2015)
- Williams, Jing, Using photographs and historical fiction to foster students’ historical empathy. Presented at the Systems Change, Chamberlain, SD. (October 16, 2015)
- An, Jing, Teaching Chinese American history: The “Pacific” narrative. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (November 22, 2014)
- An, Jing, Empowering international teaching assistants. Presented at the College and University Faculty Assembly of the 94th National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (November 19, 2014)
- An, Jing, Communication Barriers between American Teachers and Chinese Immigrant Parents. Presented at the the 24th Annual Conference for the National Association for Multicultural Education, Tucson, AZ. (November 07, 2014)
- Doppen, Frans H., and An, Jing, Student teachers going global: Who are they?. Presented at the International Assembly of the 93rd National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. (November 22, 2013)
- An, Jing, Midwestern school teachers’ perspectives on Chinese American students’ cultural background. Presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Evanston, IL. (November 06, 2013)
- Doppen, Frans H., and An, Jing, Global awareness and student teaching abroad: A longitudinal case study. Presented at the International Assembly at the 92nd National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. (November 16, 2012)
- An, Jing, Learn China’s contemporary history through architecture. Presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. (November 16, 2012)
- An, Jing, The impact of overseas student teaching. Presented at the College and University Faculty Assembly at the 92nd National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. (November 14, 2012)
- An, Jing, Pre-service teachers’ cultural awareness in urban school. Presented at the Ohio Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. (October 02, 2012)
- An, Jing, From retention to promotion: Where are we heading for?. Presented at the International Assembly at the 91st National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.. (December 02, 2011)
- An, Jing, Connecting students with the world around us: Tianjin, China. Presented at the Ohio Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. (September 27, 2011)