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- Patti Berg-Poppe
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- Ph D, Psychology in Education, The University of South Dakota, 2014
- MPT, Physical Therapy, The University of Iowa, 2001
- MA, English Language and Literature, The University of Kentucky, 1995
- BA, English, Augustana University, 1990
- Basic Life Support for Healthcare providers (CPR and AED) Certified, American Heart Association
- LSVT BIG Certification, LSVT Global
- Physical Therapist -- Iowa, Iowa Department of Public Health
- Emergency First Responder Certified, American Red Cross
- CPR/AED Certified , American Red Cross
- Advanced Credentialed Clinical Instructor, The American Physical Therapy Association
- Neurologic Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
- Physical Therapist -- South Dakota, South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners
- Program for Advancing Childhood Early Intervention (PACE) Scholars Program: Developing an Early Intervention, Related Services Workforce, US Department of Education - Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services Office of Special Education Programs, (2023 - 2028)
- Effects of Unexpected Intrapartum Pelvic Trauma on Physical and Mental Health, Child Bonding, and Family Functioning, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health (NIH), (2023 - 2024)
- The effect of in-home resistance training and add-on cortical electrical stimulation on gait in PD, Seed for Success Foundation, (2023 - 2023)
- Integrating Parkinson disease intervention evidence into skilled home health care: a multistage knowledge-to-action translational project, Parkinson's Foundation, (2022 - 2022)
- Mid-frontal/cerebellar theta activity correlates with balance dysfunction in PD, Center for Brain and Behavioral Research, (2021 - 2022)
- Rehabilitation Patterns and Clinician Preparedness when Treating Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Rural Clinical Practice, University of the Incarnate Word Faculty Endowment Research Award, (2020 - 2021)
- Integrating Family-Centered and Trauma Informed Care into Practice among Pediatric Healthcare Providers, USD School of Health Sciences, (2019 - 2019)
- The Effects of Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy on Balance and Dexterity in Children, USD School of Health Sciences, (2018 - 2018)
- Diversity and Inclusiveness: An Interprofessional Cultural Encounter, USD SHS Diversity, Inclusivity and Cultural Awareness (DICA) Committee, (2018 - 2018)
- MRI: Acquisition of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Instrumentation to Advance Understanding of the Brain, National Science Foundation, (2017 - 2018)
- Pelvic Floor Resting Tone in Children with Dysfunctional Voiding Symptomology Following a Group of Simple Gross Motor Exercises, USD School of Health Sciences, (2016 - 2017)
- Teaching Improvement Grant, University of South Dakota Center for Teaching and Learning, (2012 - 2012)
- Healthy Athletes/ FUNfitness Start-Up Grant, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Lions Clubs International Foundation, (2009 - 2009)
- Use of Video Eyewear to Promote Self-awareness and Reflective Perspective-taking Following Patient Care Learning Scenarios, USD Health Affairs Medical Informatics Committee2015)
- Healthy Athletes, Special Olympics International Healthy Athletes2013)
- Healthy Athletes, Special Olympics International2012)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Harkleroad, Emma, Jahn, Andrea, and Kamphoff, Kacy. Sources and timing of pelvic health education for postpartum women. Vol. 49, Iss. 1S Journal of Women's & Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, 2025.
- Washist, Regan, Steventon, Dan, Samuelson, Paige, Anderson, Brittany, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Milanovich, Samuel. A Scoping Review of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy-Related Gait Abnormalities in Children With Cancer, 57-63. Vol. 37, Iss. 1 Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2025. (DOI: 10.1097/pep.0000000000001156)
- Cota Powell, Andrea, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Pickett, Andrew C., Ikiugu, Moses, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney. The Effect of Athletic Identity and Other Factors on Adaptation to Sport Retirement. Vol. 17, Iss. 3 Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 2024. (DOI: 10.17161/w1t2q575)
- Powell, Andrea, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Pickett, Andrew, Ikiugu, Moses, and Lucas Molitor, Whitney. An examination of sport retirement through concept analysis of occupational retirement, 101-126. Vol. 6, Iss. 2 Journal of Athlete Development and Exercise, 2024.
- Ladwig, Adam, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Ikiugu, Moses, and Ness, Brandon M.. Let teachers decide: The effects of matching and mismatching students' online lecture preference with lecture participation. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2023.
- Cerny, Shana, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Anis, Musheera, Wesner, Chelsea, Merrigan, Mary, and LaPlante, Kathy. Outcomes from an interprofessional curriculum on trauma-informed care among pediatric service providers, 288-299. Vol. 37, Iss. 2 Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2023. (DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2022.2070142)
- Cerny, Shana, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Wesner, Chelsea, AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Merrigan, Mary, and LaPlante, Kathy. Outcomes from an Interprofessional Curriculum on Trauma-Informed Care among Pediatric Service Providers, 288-299. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2022.2070142)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Anis Abdellatif, Musheera, Cerny, Shana, LaPlante, Kathy, Merrigan, Mary, and Wesner, Chelsea. Changes in knowledge, beliefs, self-efficacy, and affective commitment to change following trauma-informed care education for pediatric service providers., 535-544. Vol. 14, Iss. 4 Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2022. (DOI: 10.1037/tra0001083)
- Hartstein, Aaron J., Verkuyl, Margaret, Zimney, Kory, Yockey, Jean, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. Virtual Reality Instructional Design in Orthopedic Physical Therapy Education: A Mixed-Methods Usability Test, 111-134. Vol. 53, Iss. 2 Simulation & Gaming, 2022. (DOI: 10.1177/10468781211073646)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Dewald, Matt, Jordre, Becca, Karges-Brown, Joy, and Ladwig, Adam. Using the SNAPPS model to develop student physical therapist decision making skills during new encounters in the outpatient clinic. In Journal of Clinical Education in Physical Therapy. Vol. 4 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.52214/jcept.v4.8093)
- Hartstein, Aaron, Verkuyl, Margaret, Zimney, Kory, Yockey, Jean, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. Virtual reality instructional design in orthopedic physical therapy education: a mixed-methods usability test. Simulation and Gaming, 2022.
- Ladwig, Adam, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Ikiugu, Moses, and Ness, Brandon M.. Is it convenience? Investigating factors that influence graduate students' preference for method of online lecture participation. Vol. 19, Iss. 2 Distance Learning, 2022.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Christensen, Monica, Koskovich, Nicole, and Stephenson, Christine. Pelvic Floor Muscle Resting Tone in Children With Dysfunctional Voiding Symptomology Following Simple Gross Motor Exercises, 28-35. Vol. 34, Iss. 1 Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2022. (DOI: 10.1097/pep.0000000000000842)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Hauer, Michaela, Jones, Cassandra, Munger, Mattison, and Wethor, Cassidy. Use of Exercise in the Management of Postpartum Diastasis Recti: A Systematic Review, 35-47. Vol. 46, Iss. 1 Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy, 2022. (DOI: 10.1097/jwh.0000000000000231)
- Ladwig, Adam, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Ikiugu, Moses, and Ness, Brandon. Andragogy in graduate health programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance Learning, 2021.
- Shields, Richard K., Ambler, Steven B., Audette, Jennifer, Austin, Gary P., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Bowden, Mark G., Buford, John A., Chevan, Julia, Christensen, Nicole, Krasinski, Debra C., Costello, Ellen, Decker, Ann M., Dupre, Anne-Marie, Ellis, Terry D., Frank, Lynn, Fulk, George D., Gagnon, Kendra, Galen, Sujay S., Healey, William E., Irrgang, James J., Kirk-Sanchez, Neva, Mahoney, Edward C., Maňago, Marc M., Michael McKeough, D, Merians, Alma S., Miller, Amy H., Nesbit, Kathryn C., North, Sara E., Pabian, Patrick S., Peck, Kirk, Silkwood-Sherer, Debbie, Talley, Susan A., van Duijn, Arie J., Scott Ward, R, and Dudley-Javoroski, Shauna. Benchmarking in Academic Physical Therapy: A Multicenter Trial Using the PT-GQ Survey. Vol. 101, Iss. 12 Physical Therapy, 2021. (DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzab229)
- Scholl, Jamie L., Espinoza, Arturo I., Rai, Wijdan, Leedom, Matt, Baugh, Lee A., Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Singh, Arun. Relationships between Freezing of Gait Severity and Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson’s Disease, 1496. Vol. 11, Iss. 11 Brain Sciences, 2021. (DOI: 10.3390/brainsci11111496)
- Bosch, Taylor J., Kammermeier, Stefan, Groth, Christopher, Leedom, Matt, Hanson, Elizabeth K., Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Singh, Arun. Cortical and Cerebellar Oscillatory Responses to Postural Instability in Parkinson's Disease. Vol. 12 Frontiers in Neurology, 2021. (DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2021.752271)
- Bosch, Taylor, Kammermeier, S, Groth, C, Leedom, Matt, Hanson, Elizabeth, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Singh, Arun. Cortical and Cerebellar Oscillatory Responses to Postural Instability in Parkinson's Disease., 752271. Vol. 12 Frontiers in neurology, 2021. (DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2021.752271)
- Chisholm-Burns, Marie A., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Spivey, Christina A., Karges-Brown, Joy, and Pithan, Anne. Developing a Framework of Relationships Among Noncognitive Factors in Doctor of Pharmacy Students’ Academic Performance, 8608. Vol. 85, Iss. 10 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2021. (DOI: 10.5688/ajpe8608)
- Spohn, Renae, Schweinle, William, South-Winter, Carole A., De Jong, David, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. CHDA Certification Exam Success Factors. Vol. 18 (4), Iss. 18(4):1j PMID: 34975359 PMCID: Search life-sciences literature: Perspectives in Health Information Management, 2021.
- Chisholm-Burns, Marie A., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Spivey, Christina A., Karges-Brown, Joy, and Pithan, Anne. Systematic review of noncognitive factors influence on health professions students’ academic performance, 1373-1445. Vol. 26, Iss. 4 Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2021. (DOI: 10.1007/s10459-021-10042-1)
- , Schweinle, William, Berg-Poppe, Patti, South-Winter, Carole A., and De Jong, David. Factors for Successfully Passing Certification Exams: A Systematic Review., Editors American Health Information Management Association. PubMed . Vol. Perspect Health Inf Manag . 2021 Oct 1;18(4):1k. eCollection 2021 Fall. AHIMA Advantage, Journal of AHIMA, and Perspectives in Health Information Managemen, 2021.
- Chisholm-Burns, Marie A., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Spivey, Christina A., Karges-Brown, Joy, and Pithan, Anne. Resilience and First-Year Pharmacy Students’ Academic Performance in a Pharmacy Math Course, 8612. Vol. 85, Iss. 8 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2021. (DOI: 10.5688/ajpe8612)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges-Brown, Joy, Ladwig, Adam, and Cross, Patrick. Values that influence employment acceptance among physical therapists practicing in primary care shortage and non-urban designation areas. Rural and Remote Health, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH6614)
- Naber, Allison, Adamson, Amanda J., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Ikiugu, Moses, Tao, Hanz, and Zimney, Kory. Using Embedded Encounters to Promote Cultural Humility in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Education. Vol. 5, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2021.050113)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, MacCabe, Angela, and Karges, Joy. The impact of an evolving profession on the frequency and perceived difficulty of ethical encounters among physical therapists in the clinic, 1269-1282. Vol. 35, Iss. 12 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2019. (DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1470705)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Hilfman, Cynthia R., Talja-Binoya, Maria Daphne Diaz, and Vyas, Hemang. Impact of physical therapist training, experience, and role certainty on confidence when responding to a public health event crisis, 5-15. Vol. 19, Iss. 1 Physical Therapy Journal of Policy, Administration and Leadership, 2019.
- Naber, Allison, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Lucas Molitor, Whitney, MacCabe, Angela, and Nissen, Ranelle. USD Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Service Learning. In Heathcare Workforce Collaborative.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cesar, Guilherme M., Tao, Hanz, Johnson, Cal, and Landry, Jessica. Concurrent validity between a portable force plate and instrumented walkway when measuring limits of stability, 272-278. Vol. 25, Iss. 6 International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 2018. (DOI: 10.12968/ijtr.2018.25.6.272)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Nissen, Ranelle, Deutsch, Susan, and Webster, Kendra. Relationship between occupational and physical therapist students' belongingness and perceived competence in the clinic using the Ascent to Competence Scale. Vol. 1, Iss. 3 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2017. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2017.010303)
- MacCabe, Angela, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Arnott, Meredyth. Adolescent Back Pain and Associated Backpack Loading, Locker Use, and Online Textbook Alternatives. Vol. In Press, Iss. In Press International Journal of School Health, 2017. (DOI: 10.5812/intjsh.12612)
- Inglis, Lisa, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. Autonomic dysreflexia simulation. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Inglis, Lisa, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. Flipped classroom design – kinetics and kinematics of gait in healthy and post-stroke populations. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Inglis, Lisa. Flipped classroom design – reinforcing activities for postural control content. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Inglis, Lisa. Framework for student-led discussions about conceptual and theoretical neurologic content. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Inglis, Lisa. Integrating and interpreting research and didactic content using case study. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Inglis, Lisa, and Berg-Poppe, Patti. Interdisciplinary case assignment. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Svien, Lana. Practical application of systems theory to infant and child skill acquisition and performance. In Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content. Alexandria, VA: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2016.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti. An examination of goal contents, motivation, need satisfaction, and well-being among practicing health professionals, 149. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2014.
- Schweinle, Amy, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Sorenson, Ashley R.. Preadolescent Perceptions of Challenging and Difficult Course Activities and Their Motivational Distinctions, 797-816. Vol. 33, Iss. 7 Educational Psychologist, 2013. (DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2013.785049)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Becker, Tiffany, Martian, Andrew, Primrose, Kimberly D., and Wingen, Julie. Motor control outcomes following Nintendo Wii use by a child with Down syndrome, 78-84. Vol. 24, Iss. 1 Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2012.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Smallfield, Stacy, and Svien, Lana. An investigation of depression and fatigue post West Nile Virus infection, 127-133. Iss. April 2010 South Dakota Medicine, 2010.
- Cross, Pat, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Walsh, Marty, Kelly, Jennifer, Parker, Debra, Beebe, Justin, and Jacobson, Julie. A cooperative school- and community-based intervention to promote diabetes awareness and prevention behaviors among youths in an American Indian community, 284-291. Vol. 34, Iss. 10 IHS Primary Care Provider, 2009.
- Svien, Lana, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Stephenson, Christine . Issues in aging with cerebral palsy, 27-41. Vol. 24, Iss. 1 Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 2008.
- Stephenson, Jeannie B., Berg-Poppe, Patti, Trojanowski, Suzanne, Williamson, Ann, Riley, Nora, and Beato, Morris C.. Use of an online learning management system by physical therapists preparing for the Neurologic Specialist Certification Examination. Journal of Physical Therapy Education.
- Ladwig, Adam, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Stolle, Barbara, and Potter, Kari. Interprofessional Simulation: Change in Client Status. In IPE Compendium. ACAPT.
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Ladwig, Adam, and Cross, Patrick. Development and psychometric testing of the Determinants of Employment Acceptance Survey for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. Journal of Healthcare Management.
- Schweinle, William, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Hulse, Betty. Men’s Perceptions of Women Leaders and Managers.. In n M. Paludi (Ed.), Women and Management Worldwide: Global Issues and Promising Solutions. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger..
- Schweinle, William, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Hulse, Betty. Men’s Perceptions of Women Leaders and Managers.. In n M. Paludi (Ed.), Women and Management Worldwide: Global Issues and Promising Solutions. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger..
- President's Executive Leadership Institute Fellow, University of South Dakota, 2021
- Outstanding Faculty Award for Distinguished Service, University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences, 2021
- Champions of Inclusive Excellence Award, University of South Dakota President's Council on Diversity & Inclusiveness, 2018
- Academy of Advanced Item Writers Inductee, Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, 2016
- Neurologic Clinical Specialist (2008-2018), American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists, 2008
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Liu, Hsin-yi (Tanya), AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Beltagi, Amir, Bernstein, Jordyn, Samuelson, Alysa, and Schmidt, Jessica, Changes in Cross-Cultural Knowledge, Awareness, and Communication Effectiveness through a Web-Based Cloud Conferencing Educational Series. Presented at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2025, Tokyo, Japan. (May 2025)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Harkleroad, Emma, Jagels, Andrea, and Kamphoff, Kacy, Sources and Timing of Pelvic Health Education for Postpartum Women. Presented at the 2025 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Houston, TX. (February 15, 2025)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Penn, Jennifer, Leedom, Matt, Rafferty, Miriam, and Falvey, Jason, Commonly Reported Home Health Interventions for the Management of Parkinson Disease. Presented at the 2025 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Houston, TX. (February 2025)
- Penn, Jennifer, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Leedom, Matt, Rafferty, Miriam, and Falvey, Jason, Determinants Influencing Outcomes for Patients with Parkinson Disease Treated by Home Health Physical Therapists. Presented at the 2025 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Houston, TX. (February 2025)
- Hartstein, Aaron, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Verkuyl, Margaret, Yockey, Jean, and Zimney, Kory, Virtual Reality in Physical Therapy Education: A RCT Comparing Virtual Reality and Standardized Patient Experiences. Presented at the 2021 Educational Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. (October 23, 2021)
- Penn, Jennifer, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Bains, Mona, and Rafferty, Miriam, Continuum of therapist confidence and knowledge in treating patients with Parkinson's disease across practice settings. Presented at the 2021 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Virtual. (October 2021)
- AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Conrad-Popova, Dyanis, and Berg-Poppe, Patti, Attitudes of healthcare students towards people with disabilities from diverse backgrounds.. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Research Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (June 2019)
- Chaudry, Aliya, Karges, Joy, Adamson, Amanda J., and Berg-Poppe, Patti, Students Learning Professionalism through Integration of Professional Core Values in Clinical Decision Making for “Best” Physiotherapy Practice. Presented at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. (May 13, 2019)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Haft, Geoffrey, Svien, Lana, Deering, Allison, Gebhart, Brooke, Jorgensen, Haley, and Klinkhammer, Hannah, Agility, Balance, and Functional Ballistic Performance in Children with a History of Ponseti Correction for Talipes Equinovarus. Presented at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. (May 12, 2019)
- Karges-Brown, Joy R., Chaudry, Aliya N., MacCabe, Angela, Adamson, Amanda J., Berg-Poppe, Patti J., Chaudry, Selena, and Klappa, Susan, Interprofessional Education in Physiotherapy Curricula: Innovations & Strategies to Prepare Interprofessional Healthcare Leaders of Tomorrow across the Globe. Presented at the Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. (May 11, 2019)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Beato, Morris, Hardage, Jason, Parker, Mary, Trojanowski, Suzanne, and Stephenson, Jeannie, Improved Posttest Scores in Motor Control and Motor Learning Content Areas following the use of a Learning Management System. Presented at the 2019 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Washington, DC. (February 2019)
- Wild, Dana, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Beato, Morris, Trojanowski, Suzanne, Westervelt, Lindley, Brilmyer, Jennifer, Parker, Mary E., Tucker, Jennifer, Stephenson, Jeannie, and , Improved Posttest Scores in Pediatric Content Areas following Use of a Learning Management System. Presented at the 2019 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Washington, DC. (February 2019)
- Hilfman, Cynthia, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Diaz Talja-Binoya, Maria D., and Vyas, Hemang, Public Health Event Response Preparedness among Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants. Presented at the 2019 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Washington, DC. (February 2019)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Gray, Jon, Huber, Jerrica, Walter, Charlotte, and Svien, Lana, Balance in Children with a History of Ponseti Correction for Congenital Talipes Equinovarus. Presented at the 2018 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans. (February 2018)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cesar, Guilherme M., Tao, Hanz, Johnson, Cal, and Landry, Jessica, Evidence of Concurrent Validity between a Portable Force Plate and an Instrumented Walkway when Measuring Limits of Stability. Presented at the 2018 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans. (February 2018)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Burnham, Renee, Slagerman, Boni, Wilcox, Mark, Svien, Lana, and Haft, Geoffrey, Functional Ballistic Movements in Children with a History of Ponseti Correction for Talipes Equinovarus: Preliminary Results. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Boulder, Colorado. (August 2017)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Inglis, Lisa, Yom, Jae, Koskovich, Nicole, and Streleck, Nikki, Postural Control and Activation of Muscles Controlling the Knee in Children with Idiopathic Toe Walking Behaviors. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (August 2017)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Inglis, Lisa, and Powell, Mary Beth, Effects of LSVT® BIG Therapy on Balance and Postural Control: Preliminary Results. Presented at the 2017 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, Texas. (February 2017)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Schweinle, Amy, Goal Contents, Psychological Well-Being and Basic Need Satisfaction Among Physical Therapists. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, Chicago, Illinois. (May 26, 2016)
- AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Johnson, Julie, Cerny, Shana, and , Presented at the First annual University of South Dakota/ U.S.A. – Tafaol Center/Bahrain, International Down syndrome Awareness Colloquium, Bahrain/ UAE/ Egypt/ Saudi Arabia. (March 21, 2016)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Koskovich, Nicole, Streleck, Nikki, Inglis, Lisa, and Yom, Jae P., Postural Control in Children with Idiopathic Toe Walking Behaviors . Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 20, 2016)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Lund, Robin, Stephenson, Christine, Jordre, Becca, Minnaert, Alissa, and Rausch, Emily, Quality of Life for Pediatric Patients with Daytime Urinary Incontinence. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 20, 2016)
- MacCabe, Angela, Arnott, Meredyth, and Berg-Poppe, Patti, Relationships Between Adolescent Back Pain and Carrying Load Characteristics, Locker Use, and Textbook Alternatives. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 20, 2016)
- MacCabe, Angela, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Karges, Joy, Examination of Ethics in Contemporary Physical Therapy Practice: Implications for Professional Education. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 19, 2016)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Bindert, Paul, Menigoz, Andrew, and Turbak, Tyler, Valuation of Patient Centered Care and Attitudes Toward Evidence Based Practice: Preliminary Results. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 19, 2016)
- MacCabe, Angela, Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Karges, Joy, Evolution of Ethical Issues Within the Practice of Physical Therapy. Presented at the 2016 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Anaheim, CA. (February 18, 2016)
- Jesus, Trevino, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Weinandt, Mandie R., Williams, Mandy, Yutrzenka, Gerald, and Zoss, Sami, Systemic-Change and Cultural Transformation: . Presented at the 2015 National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Education, Washington DC. (May 28, 2015)
- Treviño, Jesús, Weinandt, Mandie, Zoss, Samantha, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Williams, Mandy, and Yutrzenka, Gerald, Systemic-Change and Cultural Transformation: Embracing and Practicing Inclusive Excellence at the University of South Dakota. Presented at the The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), Washington D.C.. (May 28, 2015)
- Karges, Joy, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Gilkerson, Susan, Webster, Kendra, Nissen, Ranelle, and Zimney, Kory, Examining Relationships Between Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapy Students' Belongingness and Perceived Competence in the Clinic Using the Ascent to Competence Scale. Presented at the 2015 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis IN. (February 06, 2015)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cerny, Shana, and Svien, Lana, Use of the ICF-CY Framework to Depict Impairments of Body Structure and Function and Activity Limitations Associated with Idiopathic Toe Walking.. Presented at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. (February 2015)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cross, Pat, and Karges, Joy, Profile of physical therapist student loan debt and its impact on employment decisions. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting 2013 of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (January 23, 2013)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cross, Pat, Karges, Joy, McCormick, Kristy, VanKlompenburg, Jeremy, and Wasland, Michelle, Characteristics of community and practice that influence physical therapists’ employment decisions. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting 2013 of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, CA. (January 22, 2013)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, and Schweinle, Amy, Attributes of motivation during difficult math tasks: An examination of preadolescent perceptions of challenge.. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (April 2012)
- Svien, Lana, Cross, Pat, and Berg-Poppe, Patti, Analysis of Special Olympics Athletes’ Balance Performance in FUNFitness Screen. Presented at the Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. (February 09, 2012)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Karges, Joy, Jahn, Justine, Tjeerdsma, Jason, and VanRoekel, Megan, The effects of 24 hours without sleep on postural control. Presented at the 2011 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (February 11, 2011)
- Smallfield, Stacy, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Svien, Lana, Geleynse, Andrew, Johnson, Joy, and Bean, Hayes, Investigating the long-term impact of West Nile Virus infection on occupational performance. Presented at the AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Orlando, Florida. (May 01, 2010)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Smallfield, Stacy, and Svien, Lana, West Nile Virus: an investigation of fatigue outcomes post-infection. Presented at the 2009 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 2009)
- Cross, Pat, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Parker, Debra, Kelly, Jennifer, Walsh, Marty, and Shaheb, Sudah, "Four" health: uniting community resources on a rural native American Indian reservation to promote youth diabetes awareness and prevention behaviors. Presented at the NRHA's 14th Annual Rural and Minority Health Conference, "Connecting teh Dots: Economic Development and Rural Minority & Multicultural Health", Albuquerque, New Mexico. (December 2008)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Smallfield, Stacy, and Svien, Lana, West Nile Virus: A Pilot Investigation of Functional Outcomes Post-Infection. Presented at the West Nile Virus and Mosquito Control Dakotas Summit, Aberdeen, South Dakota. (March 2008)