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- Shana Cerny
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Dr. Cerny earned her Master of Science degree from The University of South Dakota and later completed her post professional doctoral degree at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. She has clinical experience in child mental health, early intervention, school-based services, pediatric rehab, and community mental health.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Human Development Birth through Adolescence
Trauma Informed Care
My scholarly interests and publications are in the areas of the role of the occupational therapy practitioner in social issues, promotion of childhood mental health, human trafficking recovery, and interprofessional education. Dr. Cerny is also an ACEs & Resiliency Mater trainer and a Trust-Based Relational Intervention® Educator.
- OTD, Post-Professional Doctorate of Occupational Therapy, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, 2013
- MS, Occupational Therapy, The University of South Dakota, 2010
- BS, Psychology, The University of South Dakota, 2007
- Advanced Certification in School Systems, American Occupational Therapy Association
- Occupational Therapist, NE Dept. of Health & Human Services
- Board Certification in Pediatrics, American Occupational Therapy Association
- Trust Based Relational Intervention (R) Educator, Texas Christian University
- Occupational Therapist, IA
- Occupational Therapist, NBCOT
- Occupational Therapist, SD
- Improving Resiliency for Native American and Other Juvenile Offenders through Building Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice Centers, United Stated Department of Justice
- Engaging the Senses: Investigating Multi-Sensory Environment for Enhanced Learning & Clinical Practice, University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences Research and Scholarship Seed Grant, (2025 - 2026)
- Program for Advancing Childhood Early Intervention (PACE) Scholars Program: Developing an Early Intervention, Related Services Workforce, US Department of Education - Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services Office of Special Education Programs, (2023 - 2028)
- Teaching Clinical Competencies for Handling Infants and Children using Jointed Flexible Dolls, The University of South Dakota, (2023 - 2023)
- "Identifying the Feasibility and Acceptability of Conducting Longitudinal Outcome Evaluation Research with Adult Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Their Perceptions of a Comprehensive Service Model.", United States Department of Justice, (2022 - Present)
- Using Case-Based Learning to Increase Understanding, Promote Competency, and Build Confidence in Child Maltreatment Practitioners, the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI)., (2021 - 2022)
- Integrating Family-Centered and Trauma Informed Care into Practice among Pediatric Healthcare Providers, USD School of Health Sciences, (2019 - 2019)
- The subjective well-being of children with emotional, behavioral, or developmental needs, School of Health Sciences Research and Scholarship Seed Grant, (2019 - 2019)
- Comprehensive Pediatric Video Case Study Library, Center for Teaching and Learning Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, (2018 - 2019)
- The Effects of Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy on Balance and Dexterity in Children, USD School of Health Sciences, (2018 - 2018)
- Simulated Learning using Lifelike Baby Dolls: The Next Best Approach to Teaching Clinical Competencies in Human Development, Health Affairs Medical Informatics Committee (HAMIC) Technology Grant2016)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Cerny, Shana, Bass, Kelly, Sanderson, Carrie, and Bird, Tracy . (CAASt) Case Studies: Multidisciplinary Culturally Relevant Continuous Case Studies. Authors, 2024.
- Cerny, Shana, Blatchford, Carolyn, Carlson, Madi, Hayworth, Grace, Nobles, Maciah, Wersal, Kylie, and Johnke, Megan. TBRI® Nurture Group©: Tier 2 intervention for preschoolers born during the COVID-19 pandemic & experiencing economic hardship., 1-14. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2024.
- Cerny, Shana, and Bass, Kelly. Child & Adult Advocacy Studies Training.
- Cerny, Shana, and Bass, Kelly. Child & Adult Advocacy Studies (CAASt) DOE CARES Act Funding Data Report.
- Bass, Kelly, and Cerny, Shana. The Case of Thomas., Editors Maura LaVelle. Houston, Texas: Simucase, 2023.
- Cerny, Shana, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Wesner, Chelsea, AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Merrigan, Mary, and LaPlante, Kathy. Outcomes from an Interprofessional Curriculum on Trauma-Informed Care among Pediatric Service Providers, 288-299. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2022.2070142)
- Wangberg, Rebecca, and Cerny, Shana. Human Trafficking Survivors’ Self-Reported Satisfaction and Performance in Daily Life Activities. In Human Trafficking Survivors’ Self-Reported Satisfaction and Performance in Daily Life Activities. Journal of Human Trafficking, 2022. (DOI: 10.1080/23322705.2022.2063641)
- Edwards, Katie, Siller, Laura, Cerny, Shana, Klinger, Julie, Broin, Molly, Wheeler, Lorey, and Baugh, Lee A.. Call to Freedom: A Promising Approach to Supporting Recovery among Survivors of Sex Trafficking. Journal of Human Trafficking, 2021. (DOI: 10.1080/23322705.2021.1894410)
- Cerny, Shana, Reishus, Jessica, Robinson, Wade, Beckman, Shelby, Buse, Erin, Sebastian, Reina, and Smith, Jaimie. Promoting Social-Emotional Development In Children Experiencing Economic Hardship Using TBRI® Nurture Group©. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2021. (DOI: 10.1080/19411243.2021.1884633)
- Bass, Kelly, and Cerny, Shana. Child and Adult Advocacy Studies - Certificate Program.
- Brockevelt, Barbara L., Cerny, Shana L., Newland, Lisa A., and Lawler, Michael J.. Activities within an Ecological, Relationship-Based Model of Children’s Subjective Well-Being, 589-608. Vol. 12, Iss. 2 Child Indicators Research, 2019. (DOI: 10.1007/s12187-018-9563-2)
- Cerny, Shana, Maassen, Alexya, and Crook, Krista. Occupational Therapy Intervention for Survivors of Human Trafficking. Vol. 35, Iss. 1 Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 2019. (DOI: 10.1080/0164212X.2018.1557579)
- Cerny, Shana, Svien, Lana, Johnson, Julie, and Hansmeier, Bethany. Using International, Interprofessional Service Learning to Promote Transcultural Self-Efficacy and Interprofessional Attitudes in Health Science Students. Vol. 2, Iss. 1 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2018.
- Feldhacker, Diana, Cerny, Shana, Brockevelt, Barbara, and Lawler, Michael J.. Occupations and Well-being of Children and Youth. In Handbook of Leisure, Recreation, Physical Activity, Sports, and Quality of Life, editors Lia Rodriguez de la Vega and Walter N. Toscano. Springer, 2018.
- Cerny, Shana, Svien, Lana, Johnson, Julie, and Hansmeier, Bethany. Using International, Interprofessional Service Learning to Promote Transcultural Self-Efficacy and Interprofessional Attitudes in Health Science Students. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2018, 2018.
- Cerny, Shana. Occupational Performance of Families with Children who have Experienced Developmental Trauma: Preliminary Findings. World Federation of Occupational Therapy Bulletin, 2017. (DOI: 10.1080/14473828.2017.1301024)
- Cerny, Shana. The Role of Occupational Therapy within the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States, 317-328. Vol. 32, Iss. 4 Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 2016.
- Ikiugu, Moses, Westerfield, Madeline, Lien, Jamie, Cerny, Shana, and Nissen, Ranelle. Empowering People to Change Occupational Behaviours to Address Critical Global Issues ., Editors Helen J. Polatajko. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2015. (DOI: 10.1177/0008417414567529)
- Cerny, Shana. Trauma-Informed Care/ Trust Based Relational Interventions (TBRI),. In Theories, Models, and Concepts in Occupational Therapy: Foundations for Sustaining the Profession, 5-50. Thorofare, New Jersey: SLACK Incorporated.
- Wallock, Kristin, and Cerny, Shana. Benefits of Smart Home Technology for Individuals Living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Vol. 15 Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits.
- Bass, Kelly, and Cerny, Shana. Child and Adult Advocacy Studies Needs Assessment. In University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD: USD.
- Student-Nominated Outstanding Faculty Award , School of Health Sciences Faculty Council, 2023
- Honorable Mention - 2023 Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award, United States Public Health Service (USPHS) & Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), 2023
- Outstanding Research Presentation, USD Center for Disabilities, LEND Program, 2021
- Nominee; Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, USD School of Health Sciences, 2016
- Cerny, Shana, Bass, Kelly, Bird, Tracy, and Sanderson, Carrie, Child & Adult Advocacy Studies Interprofessional Simulation. Presented at the Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Moving the Dial Forward, Washington, DC. (June 29, 2023)
- Cerny, Shana, Bridging Boundaries: Harnessing the Power of Transdisciplinary Teams to Address Wicked Problems. Presented at the 7th Annual Eastern South Dakota Research Symposium, Sioux Falls SD. (June 14, 2023)
- Cerny, Shana, Bass, Kelly, Sanderson, Carrie, and Thomas, Tracy, Child & Adult Advocacy : Meeting the Need for Multidisciplinary Prevention &Response. Presented at the INSPIRE 2023, Kansas City, MO. (April 23, 2023)
- Wangberg, Rebecca, and Cerny, Shana, Occupational Participation, Performance, and Satisfaction in Survivors of Human Trafficking. Presented at the AOTA Inspire 2022, San Antonio, TX. (April 02, 2022)
- Cerny, Shana, Flick, Jami, Thinnes, Andrea, Kohl, Kimberly, Argabrite Grove, Rebecca, and Suh Kwon, Esther, Human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and occupational injustice: A call to action. Presented at the AOTA INSPIRE 2022, San Antonio, Texan. (April 2022)
- McHugh, Jessica, Toomey, Kay, Ross, Erin, Brockevelt, Barbara, and Cerny, Shana, Pediatric Feeding Disorders: Relationship to Sensory Processing Deficits and OT's Role. Presented at the 2022 AOTA Inspire, San Antonio, Tx. (April 01, 2022)
- Cerny, Shana, It Only Takes a Spark: Using OT Theory to Meet Worldwide and Local Issues. Presented at the AOTA INSPIRE 2021, Virtual. (April 06, 2021)
- Cerny, Shana, Reishus, Jessica, Robinson, Wade, Beckman, Shelby, Buse, Erin, Sebastian, Reina, and Smith, Jaimie, Promoting Social-Emotional Development in Children Experiencing Economic Instability using a Targeted Group Intervention. Presented at the AOTA Children & Youth Conference (December 05, 2020)
- Bass, Kelly, and Cerny, Shana, Child Advocacy Competency among Professionals and Students Working in Social, Health, and Education Services in SD. Presented at the Community Response to Child Abuse Conference, Virtual. (September 30, 2020)
- Cerny, Shana, It Only Takes a Spark: Using Occupational Therapy Theory to Meet Worldwide and Local Issues. Presented at the Occupational Therapy Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD [online]. (May 06, 2020)
- Argabrite Grove, Rebecca, Cerny, Shana, Cobble, Brittany, Flick, Jami, Lopez, Michael, Nwabara, Odochi, Scheppmann, Stephanie, Suh, Esther, and Thinnes, Andrea, Human Trafficking and Occupational Injustice: A Worldwide, Local Issue. Presented at the AOTA Annual Conference, Boston, MA [online]. (March 25, 2020)
- Cerny, Shana, Reishus, Jessica, and Robinson, Wade, Promoting Social-Emotional Development in At-Risk Children. Presented at the Occupational Therapy Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (May 01, 2019)
- Brockevelt, Barb, and Cerny, Shana, Children's Subjective Well-Being: Transformative Interaction Between Child, Context, and Meaningful Activity. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Conference, New Orleans, LA. (April 06, 2019)
- Cerny, Shana, Maassen, Alexya, and Crook, Krista, Occupational Therapy Intervention for Survivors of Human Trafficking. Presented at the 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA. (April 05, 2019)
- Cerny, Cerny, Brockevelt, Barb, and Mogensen, Lise, Indicators of Well-Being in Children with Adverse Childhood Experiences . Presented at the Child Maltreatment and Well-being, Berlin, Germany. (March 21, 2019)
- Cerny, Shana, ACEs and Resiliency. Presented at the Center for Disabilities Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 22, 2018)
- Cerny, Shana, Trauma-Informed Activity Analysis. Presented at the Early Childhood Mental Health Seminar, Sioux Falls, SD. (September 24, 2018)
- Cerny, Shana, Hilson, Megan, and Roberg, Hannah, Effects of Peripheral Neuropathy on Fine Motor Skills in Children Undergoing Chemotherapy. Presented at the 2018 Occupational Therapy Research Day, Vermillion, SD. (May 03, 2018)
- Cerny, Shana, Brockevelt, Barbara, DeLano, Brenda, Heinert, Shaylee, Larsen, Kirstyn, Niemeyer, Mariah, Silver, Christina, and Weiczorek, Kenna, Understanding Children’s Subjective Well-Being. Presented at the 2018 Occupational Therapy Research Day, Vermillion, SD. (May 03, 2018)
- Cerny, Shana, and Merrigan, Mary, ACEs and Resiliency., Vermillion, SD. (April 27, 2018)
- Cerny, Shana, Presented at the Human Trafficking in South Dakota: An Advocate's Perspective, Vermillion, SD. (September 27, 2017)
- Brockevelt, Barbara, Cerny, Shana, Fluth, Nicole, Ludwig, Kaitlyn, Myers, Shelby, Pooker, Ashley, and Ross, Stephanie, Feeding Disorders in Children. Presented at the 2017 Occupational Therapy Research Day, Vermillion, SD. (May 04, 2017)
- Cerny, Shana, Halstead, Sarah, VanHeerde, Megan, and Warnke, Rachel , Occupational Therapy Intervention for Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Case Report. Presented at the 2017 Occupational Therapy Research Day, Vermillion, SD. (May 04, 2017)
- Brockevelt, Barbara, Cerny, Shana, Bodurtha, Laura, Byrne, Sarah, Crook, Krista, Holbrook, Kate, Laskowski, Beth, Mettler, Lindsey, Vander Molen, Kenzie, and Visser, Dana, Predictors of Child Subjective Well-Being. Presented at the 2017 Occupational Therapy Research Day, Vermillion, SD. (May 04, 2017)
- Cerny, Shana, Trauma‐Informed Analysis of Family Occupational Performance. Presented at the 2017 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, PA. (April 01, 2017)
- Cerny, Shana, The Role of Occupational Therapy within the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States. Presented at the 2017 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, PA. (March 31, 2017)
- Cerny, Shana, Occupational Performance Difficulties Experienced by Human Trafficking Survivors. Presented at the USD Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Conference “Cultures of Change”, Vermillion, SD. (March 22, 2017)
- Cerny, Shana, Neurotransmitters, Stress, & Occupational Performance. Presented at the 2016 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo., Chicago, IL. (April 08, 2016)
- Cerny, Shana, Occupational Performance Difficulties Experienced by Human Trafficking Survivors. Presented at the 2016 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo., Chicago, IL. (April 08, 2016)
- AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Berg-Poppe, Patti, Johnson, Julie, Cerny, Shana, and , Presented at the First annual University of South Dakota/ U.S.A. – Tafaol Center/Bahrain, International Down syndrome Awareness Colloquium, Bahrain/ UAE/ Egypt/ Saudi Arabia. (March 21, 2016)
- Cerny, Shana, VanEngen, Tessa, and Ocampo, Hyacinth, Developmental Acquisition of Hand SKills. Presented at the Autism Awareness, Brookings, SD. (March 14, 2016)
- Cerny, Shana, Relationship-based Interactive Interventions for Children with Autism. Presented at the Autism Awareness, Brookings, SD. (March 14, 2016)
- Berg-Poppe, Patti, Cerny, Shana, and Svien, Lana, Use of the ICF-CY Framework to Depict Impairments of Body Structure and Function and Activity Limitations Associated with Idiopathic Toe Walking.. Presented at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. (February 2015)
- Ikiugu, Moses, Cerny, Shana, and Nissen, Ranelle, The Effectiveness of Intervention based on an Occupation-Based Theoretical Model in Promoting Occupational Performance Change to Help Resolve Global Human Concerns. Presented at the 12th Annual Research Conference “Occupation & Education”, Lexington, KY. (October 18, 2013)