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- Angela Helmer
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Born and raised in Peru. Acquired a near-native fluency in German during her 14 years in Germany. Earned her PhD in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from UCLA with emphasis on Hispanic Linguistics.
Advanced Spanish language classes, Spanish Linguistics, Spanish Phonetics, Civilization, Culture, and Literature of the Americas, Spanish for Business and the Medical Field, Latin American Film.
Language contact, especially the co-existence of Latin and Spanish in Colonial Peru. Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Phonetics.
- Ph D, Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of California Los Angeles, 2010
- MA, Archaeology, University of California Los Angeles, 2002
- BA, Archaeology and Classical Studies, Occidental College, 1999
- Human Research Curriculum (Social Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel), CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, USD
- 2022 Title IX Training, USD ITS
- Human Research Curriculum (Social Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel), CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, USD
- Certified External Program Reviewer (2021), Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (ADFL) and Modern Languages Association (MLA)
- 2020 Common Threats KnowBe4, USD ITS
- 2020 Your Role: Internate Secury and You KnowBe4, USD ITS
- FERPA (Education) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Restricted Intelligence Season 5:Ep 01 - Nothing in Life Is Free (Freeware) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Restricted Intelligence Season 5:Ep 02 - Besties (Insider Threat) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Restricted Intelligence Season 5:Ep 03 - There He Blows (Whaling) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Restricted Intelligence Season 5:Ep 04 - The Worst that Could Happen (Ransomware) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Restricted Intelligence Season 5:Ep 05 - It's The Latest (Password Safety) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Restricted Intelligence Season 5:Ep 06 - The Perfect Storm (Oversharing Social Media) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) KnowBe4, USD ITS
- Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning, USD CTL
- Digital Accessibility Training, CTL, USD
- Inclusive Mentoring, CTL, USD
- Human Research Curriculum (Social Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel), CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, USD
- Human Research Curriculum (Social Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel), CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, USD
- Bridges: Building a Supportive Community (USD), South Dakota Board of Regents
- Safe Zone Certificate, Office of Diversity at USD
- Human Research Curriculum (Social Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel), CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, USD
- Human Research Curriculum (Social Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel), CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, USD
- A&S Travel Grant, College of Arts & Sciences, (2022 - 2022)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, (2021 - 2021)
- Dean´´'s Opportunity Funds, USD, (2019 - 2019)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2019 - 2019)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD Center for Teaching and Learning, (2018 - 2018)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2017 - 2017)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2017 - 2017)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2016 - 2016)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2016 - 2016)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2014 - 2014)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2014 - 2014)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2013 - 2013)
- Arts and Sciences Faculty Research Grant, USD, (2013 - 2013)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2013 - 2013)
- Proyectos Ciencia Básica CONACYT 2012, CONACYT, Mexican Government, (2013 - Present)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2012 - 2012)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD, (2012 - 2012)
- Del Amo Travel Grant, UCLA, (2007 - 2007)
- Summer Travel Grant, UCLA, (2006 - 2006)
- Travel Grant, UCLA, (2005 - 2005)
- Travel Grant, UCLA, (2005 - 2005)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD2011)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD2010)
- Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, USD2009)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Helmer, Angela. Edición de aniversario de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina. 60 años de contribuciones a la lingüística española y portuguesa. . In Series Lingüística Latinoamericana, editors Angela Helmer, 240. Vol. 8 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2025.
- Lehmann, Clayton M., and Helmer, Angela M.. Francisco López de Gómara´s General History of the Indies, 412. CO: University Press of Colorado , 2023.
- Helmer, Angela. “Voces indianas en la Historia General de las Indias de Francisco López de Gómara / Indigenous terms in Francisco López de Gómara´s General History of the Indies”. In Estudios del Español , editors Alba Valencia Espinoza (ed.), 145-161. Iss. No. 15 (1), May 2023 Cuadernos de la ALFAL, 2023.
- da Hora, Dermeval, and Helmer, Angela. Interseções Linguísticas: Estudos diversos (Linguistic Intersections: Diverse Studies). In Series “Coleção ALFAL: Além das Fronteiras” (ALFAL Collection: Beyond Borders) , editors Dermeval da Hora and Ángela Helmer, 222. São Paulo: Líquido Editorial, 2023.
- Helmer, Angela. “Algunas anotaciones sobre el lenguaje de Francisco López de Gómara en su Historia General de las Indias / Some notes on Francisco López de Gómara´s language in his General History of the Indies” . In Estudios del Español , editors Alba Valencia Espinoza (ed.), Nadezhda Bravo Cladera (coord.), 28-43. Iss. No. 14 (1), May 2022 Cuadernos de la ALFAL, 2022.
- Helmer, Angela. Oración fúnebre a las honras de Felipe IV de España. In Collection: El Paraiso en el Nuevo Mundo, 156. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2019.
- Helmer, Angela. Rasgos lingüísticos del español en un discurso fúnebre del siglo XVII en Lima ., Editors Marta Luján, Micaela Carrera de la Red. Cuadernos de la ALFAL, 2019.
- Helmer, Angela. A favor de los pardos: Referencias clásicas en los discursos americanos contra el artículo 22 de la Constitución de Cádiz. In Textos, imágenes y símbolos. Lengua y cultura en la América virreinal : en homenaje a Claudia Parodi , editors Ángela Helmer, 197-215. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2017.
- Helmer, Angela. Textos, imágenes y símbolos. Lengua y cultura en la América virreinal : en homenaje a Claudia Parodi ., Editors Ángela Helmer, 300. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2017.
- Helmer, Angela. Propuesta de reforma del método de enseñanza del latín en el Perú colonial. In Cuadernos de la ALFAL, editors Micaela Carrera de la Red, Marta Luján, 99-108. Iss. N° 8 Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina, 2016.
- Helmer, Angela. “Diego de Herrera, Oración fúnebre a las honras del rey N.S. D. Felipe Cuarto el Grande”. In Libros desde el Paraíso. Ediciones de textos Indianos, editors Manuel Pérez (Coord.), 189-201. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana /Vervuert, 2016.
- Helmer, Angela, and Luna, Kenneth V.. Estrategias semánticas durante el contacto del Nuevo y Viejo Mundo: el caso del vino. In Amicitia Fecunda Estudios en Homenaje a Claudia Parodi, editors Jimena Rodríguez / Manuel Pérez, 199-212. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015.
- Helmer, Angela. "El elogio de los matasanos: Un fin de fiesta de Peralta y Barnuevo" (Praise of the Quackdoctors: A "Fin de Fiesta" by Peralta y Barnuevo). In Historia del español de América, editors Micaela Carrera de la Red/Claudia Parodi, 49-58. Iss. No. 6, June 2014 Cuadernos de la ALFAL, 2014.
- Helmer, Angela. La comida de los dioses: préstamo léxico amerindio en un documento neolatino del Perú colonial. In La resignificación de un mundo nuevo: Crónica, retórica y semántica en la América virreinal., editors Claudia Parodi, Manuel Pérez, Jimena Rodríguez , 117-134. Madrid: Iberoamericana , 2013.
- Helmer, Angela. El latín en el Perú colonial: diglosia e historia de una lengua viva., Editors Pakarina Ediciones. Lima, Perú: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos , 2013.
- Helmer, Angela. La herencia latina en documentos del Perú colonial. In Historia del español de América, editors Micaela Carrera de la Red/Claudia Parodi, 105-118. Vol. X, Iss. 20 Frankfurt/Madrid: Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI), 2012.
- Helmer, Angela, Luna, Kenneth V., and Parodi, Claudia. Bifurcación de una norma: el leísmo en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo, 217-236. Vol. 89, Iss. No. 3 Liverpool: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 2012.
- Helmer, Angela. Asclepiadaeum: Un poema latino del Perú colonial, 319-337. Vol. XXXV, Iss. 2 Lima: Lexis - Revista de Lingüística y Literatura, 2011.
- Helmer, Angela. Lengua y prestigio en el Perú colonial. In Centro y periferia: Cultura, lengua y literatura virreinales en América, editors Claudia Parodi and Jimena Rodríguez, 203-214. Madrid - Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert, 2011.
- Helmer, Angela. La semántica cultural del ají [axí]. In Visiones del encuentro de dos mundos en América, editors Mercedes Montes de Oca, Claudia Parodi, 61-78. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2009.
- Helmer, Angela, and Parodi, et al, Claudia. Relación de Chimalhuacán o Pueblo de Sact Andrés Apóstol, (1579)". Los Angeles: CECI, UCLA, 2008.
- Book Francisco López de Gomara´s General History of the Indies, co-authored with Clayton Lehmann was selected as one of the Best Historical Materials published in 2023 and 2024, Reference and User Services Association, an affiliate of the American Library Association., 2025
- Book Francisco López de Gomara´s General History of the Indies, co-authored with Clayton Lehmann, was a finalist for the 2024 Premio Valle Inclán (Translation Award), Society of Authors, Great Britain, 2024
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2024
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2023
- Professor of the Game, USD - Academic Affairs, 2022
- Recipient Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching 2021, 2021
- Nominated for President’s Award for Research Excellence, Established Faculty, USD - College of Arts & Sciences, Humanities, 2020
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2020
- Recipient 2019 Richard and Sharon Cutler Faculty Award in Liberal Arts in the Humanities Division., College of Arts & Sciences, 2019
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2019
- Nominated for President’s Award for Research Excellence, USD - College of Arts & Sciences, Humanities, 2018
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2018
- Nominated for the Truman and Beverly Schwartz Distinguished Faculty Award 2017, 2017
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2016
- Nominated for President’s Award for Research Excellence, USD - College of Arts & Sciences, Humanities, 2015
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015
- Recipient 2014 Monsignor James M. Doyle Humanities Teaching Award , Monsignor James M. Doyle, 2014
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2013
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012
- Nominated for Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching , 2011
- Honorary Member, Sigma Delta Pi, 2009
- Summa cum laude, Occidental College, Los Angeles, 1999
- Member Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa, 1999
- President's Award, Los Angeles City College, 1998
- Member Mortar Board, Mortar Board, 1998
- Member Alpha Mu Gamma, Alpha Mu Gamma, 1997
- Helmer, Angela, “El periodo colonial en el Perú: orígenes, transformaciones y legado” (“The Colonial Period in Peru: Origins, Transformations, and Legacy. ). Presented at the Volkshochschule Overath, Advanced Spanish, Overath, Germany. (October 02, 2024)
- Helmer, Angela, “A Medical Thesis by a Peruvian Mulatto Towards the End of the Colonial Period”. Presented at the Neo-Latin Symposium, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky (online). (April 18, 2024)
- Helmer, Angela, “Disertación de un médico afroperuano excepcional durante la colonia” (Dissertation of an exceptional Afro-Peruvian doctor during the colonial period). Presented at the XX Congreso Internacional de la ALFAL, Concepción, Chile. (January 24, 2024)
- Helmer, Angela, “Indigenous Loan Words in a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Text” . Presented at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO. (October 13, 2023)
- Helmer, Angela, "Tradutore, Tradittore":Challenges of Translating a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Text into English. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Albquerque, NM. (October 14, 2022)
- Helmer, Angela, "Translation of the LUM Audioguides into English: Some Challenges". Presented at the Inauguration of Multilingual Audioguides for the LUM Museum in Lima Peru, Lima, Peru. (April 07, 2022)
- Helmer, Angela, Colonialism and Language. Presented at the Intersectionality of Linguistics and Colonialism Roundtable, New York. (November 17, 2021)
- Helmer, Angela, Cultural Semantics of ‘Bread’ and ‘Wine´. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Online. (October 15, 2021)
- Helmer, Angela, Americanismos/Indigenismos en la Historia general de las Indias de Francisco López de Gómara ("Americanism/Indigenisms in the General History of the Indies of Francisco López de Gómara"). Presented at the XIX International Conference of the Association of Latin American Linguistics and Philology ALFAL, Online. (August 10, 2021)
- Helmer, Angela, “Dos ejemplos de la producción literaria latina en el virreinato del Perú” (Two examples of the literary tradition in Latin in Peru’s viceroyship) . Presented at the XXVIII CILH (Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos) Virtual Conference, PA, US. (June 26, 2021)
- Helmer, Angela, “Manifestaciones lingüísticas urbanas en los virreinatos de Perú y la Nueva España” (Urban Linguistic Manifestations in the Viceroyships of Peru and New Spain) . Presented at the IV Meeting of the Northeastern European Delegation of ALFAL, Uppsala, Sweden. (March 25, 2021)
- Helmer, Angela, Colonizacion y lengua: El caso del Perú. Presented at the Department of World Languages and Literatures, Spain Research Network, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX. (October 06, 2020)
- Helmer, Angela, Diglossia in the Spanish colonies in the Americas: The case of Peru. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Convention, University of Texas, El Paso. (October 11, 2019)
- Helmer, Angela, and McLaughlin, Cara, “LUM Testimonial Project: Translation Challenges”. Presented at the South Dakota World Languages Association, Brookings, SD. (September 13, 2019)
- Helmer, Angela, Presentation of Oración fúnebre a las honras del rey nuestro señor don Felipe Cuarto el Grande. Presented at the Book Presentation, Lima, Peru. (July 08, 2019)
- Helmer, Angela, “Theobroma cacao– A nineteenth century medical thesis of Peru”. Presented at the Neo-Latin Symposium, Cork, Ireland. (April 12, 2019)
- Helmer, Angela, Documentos latinos del Perú colonial. Presented at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, Lima, Peru. (June 01, 2018)
- Helmer, Angela, ¿Qué dijiste? Why you should learn a second language. Presented at the Spanish Undergraduate Conference, Wayne, Nebraska. (April 28, 2018)
- Helmer, Angela, Why Latin? Why in Peru?. Presented at the Neo-Latin Symposium, Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington. (April 19, 2018)
- Helmer, Angela, Presentation of Textos, imágenes y símbolos Lengua y cultura en la America virreinal : en homenaje a Claudia Parodi.. Presented at the Book Presentation, Los Angeles, CA. (November 16, 2017)
- Helmer, Angela, "Some reflections on what I learned from my students". Presented at the South Dakota World Languages Association, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 20, 2017)
- Helmer, Angela, "Rasgos lingüísticos del español en un discurso fúnebre del siglo XVII en Lima" (“Linguistic Features of Spanish in a Seventeenth Century Funerary Oration in Lima”) . Presented at the XVIII Congreso Internacional de la ALFAL, Bogota, Colombia. (July 25, 2017)
- Helmer, Angela, "Poemas latinos en una ceremonia de bienvenida a Lima en 1816" (Latin Poems in a Welcome Ceremony in Lima, 1816). Presented at the Jornadas Internacionales en memoria de Claudia Parodi, Mexico City, Mexico. (May 26, 2017)
- Helmer, Angela, "El negro y la Constitución de Cádiz". Presented at the 51st anniversary of the Instituto Seminario Historia Rural Andina, Lima, Peru. (March 10, 2017)
- Helmer, Angela, Eulogy to Professor Claudia Parodi. Presented at the Memorial Celebration, Los Angeles, CA. (November 15, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, La Constitución de Cádiz y la defensa de los españoles pardos . Presented at the Southern California Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Los Angeles, CA. (November 12, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, and Turner, Rob, How do we know what they know: Measuring student proficiency using the WebCAPE placement program, some challenges and observations. Part 2: Study Abroad. Presented at the South Dakota World Languages Association, Custer, SD. (October 14, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, Poder, prestigio & lengua en la colonia. Presented at the Conferencia Magistral, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Lima, Peru. (August 12, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, Una gramática latina para escolares del Perú colonial. Presented at the Conferencia Research Group Historia y Contacto, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru. (August 08, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, A favor de los pardos: Referencias clásicas en los discursos americanos contra el artículo 22 de la Constitución de Cádiz. Presented at the Congreso "Español de América: historia y contactos", Pisac, Cusco, Peru. (July 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, Prodesse et Delectare: Latin in Schools of Colonial Peru. Presented at the Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington. (April 15, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, La enseñanza del latín en las escuelas del Perú colonial. Presented at the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies, New Orleans. (February 26, 2016)
- Helmer, Angela, Linguistics in the Foreign Language Classroom. Presented at the South Dakota World Languages Association, USD, Vermillion. (September 18, 2015)
- Helmer, Angela, “Oración fúnebre a las honras del Rey N.S: D. Felipe Quarto el Grande…” . Presented at the First Colloquium of Critical/Annotated Editions of Hispano-American Colonial Texts from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. (October 09, 2014)
- Helmer, Angela, Propuesta de reforma del método de enseñanza del latín en el Perú colonial. Presented at the XVII Congreso Internacional de la ALFAL, João Pessoa, Brazil. (July 16, 2014)
- Helmer, Angela, El latín en el Perú colonial. Presented at the Conferencia Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. (July 10, 2014)
- Helmer, Angela, “La situación político-legal del negro en las colonias americanas en los últimos años del dominio español” (“The political and legal situation of Blacks in the American colonies during the last years of Spanish domination”) . Presented at the III Conference of Colonial Culture, Language, and Literature, Los Angeles, CA. (February 28, 2014)
- Helmer, Angela, “El latín y su importancia: El caso de las colonias españolas en América” (Latin and its importance: The Case of the Spanish Colonies in the Americas). . Presented at the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), Unversity of California, Los Angeles. (October 26, 2013)
- Helmer, Angela, "El elogio de los matasanos: Un fin de fiesta de Peralta y Barnuevo" (Praise of the Quackdoctor: A "Fin de Fiestas" by Peralta y Barnuevo). Presented at the II Jornadas, Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de la América Latina ALFAL, Mexico City, Mexico. (March 2013)
- Helmer, Angela, La ley se acata pero no se cumple: prohibiciones relacionadas con la vestimenta femenina en el virreinato del Perú. Presented at the 2012 Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (October 12, 2012)
- Helmer, Angela, Estrategias semánticas durante el contacto del nuevo y viejo mundo: El caso del vino. Presented at the 65th Annual Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky. (January 2012)
- Helmer, Angela, La comida de los dioses: Préstamo léxico amerindio en un documento neolatino del Perú colonial. Presented at the II Jornadas de cultura, lengua y literatura coloniales, Los Angeles. (October 2011)
- Helmer, Angela, La herencia latina en documentos del Perú colonial. Presented at the XVI Congreso Internacional de la ALFAL (Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de la América Latina), Alcalá de Henares, Spain. (June 2011)
- Helmer, Angela, Latin as an Instrument of Power in the Viceroyship of Peru. Presented at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky. (April 15, 2011)
- Helmer, Angela, El rol del latín en la sociedad urbana del Perú colonial (The Role of Latin in the Urban Society of Colonial Peru). Presented at the SCOLAS, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (March 11, 2011)
- Helmer, Angela, Texting (SMS) as a Modern-Day Form of Discourse. Presented at the The Many Faces of Culture in the World Language Classroom, Brookings SD. (October 09, 2010)
- Helmer, Angela, and Wolfe, Susan, Rosetta Stone - An Alternative to the Language Classroom?. Presented at the The Many Faces of Culture in the World Language Classroom, Brookings, SD. (October 08, 2010)
- Helmer, Angela, Lengua y prestigio en el Perú colonial. Presented at the I Jornadas de cultura, lengua y literatura coloniales, Los Angeles, CA. (November 19, 2009)
- Helmer, Angela, Old World Wine in New World (Semantic) Bottles: The Spanish Encounter with Amerindian Alcoholic Drink. Presented at the In Vino Veritas, New York. (April 25, 2009)
- Helmer, Angela, Diglosia hispano-latina en la colonia. Presented at the XV ALFAL Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay. (August 19, 2008)
- Helmer, Angela, La semántica cultural del ají [axí]. Presented at the Pueblos y Culturas de las Américas: Diálogos entre globalidad y localidad, Seville, Spain. (July 18, 2006)
- Helmer, Angela, Parodi, Claudia, and Luna, Kenneth V., Bifurcación de una norma: el leísmo en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo. Presented at the XIV Congreso Internacional de ALFAL, Monterrey, Mexico. (October 18, 2005)
- Helmer, Angela, Ceremonias de Bienvenida: encuentro de dos mundos. Presented at the Primer Encuentro Internacional de Estudiosos de la Cultura Colonial, Mexico, DF, Mexico. (September 12, 2005)
- Helmer, Angela, Ceremonias de Bienvenida. Presented at the Novohispanidades, Mexicanidades y Latinoamericanidades, Los Angeles, CA. (February 25, 2005)