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- Erin Lehmann
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-Standards Based Grading (SBG) in Educational Leadership
-Leadership in Mathematics Education
-Leading Educator Wellness
- EDD, Educational Administration, University of South Dakota, 2015
- Educational Specialist, Educational Leadership, University of South Dakota, 2009
- MA, Curriculum and Instruction , University of South Dakota, 2001
- BS, Elementary Education, University of South Dakota, 2000
- South Dakota Educator Certificate, South Dakota Department of Education
- Breakout Kit , USDs Center for Teaching and Learning
- Increasing Principal Awareness to Help Build an Equitable and Healthy School Climate , Center for Teaching and Learning
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Van Regenmorter, Abi, Lehmann, Erin, Grichko, Vassa, and Newland, Lisa. The Complex Art of Wearing Multiple Hats: A Case Study Analysis of Dual-Role Administrators in Rural School Districts., Editors Devon Brenner, Catharine Biddle, Erin McHenry-Sorber, 36-48. Vol. 46, Iss. 1 Mississippi State, MS: The Rural Educator, 2025. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.55533/2643-9662.1435)
- Schutter, Nicole, and Lehmann, Erin. Novice Teacher Recruitment and Retention in a Midwestern State: An Exploration of Contextual Factors., Editors Sheresa Blanchard, 183-201. Vol. 14, Iss. 1 Greenville, NC: Theory & Practice in Rural Education , 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3776/tpre.2024.v14n1p183-201)
- Schmit, Christopher, Lehmann, Erin, Swank, David, Dannenbring, Tasha, and Alborn-Yilek, Sue. Teacher Retention: Retaining Teachers in High-Needs, Urban Secondary Schools in a Midwest State Post-Pandemic., Editors Robyn Elder, 1-39. Vol. 9, Iss. 1 Saint Charles, MO: Journal of Educational Leadership in Action, 2023.
- Lehmann, Erin. NCSM Virtual Coaching Labs., Editors Kim Romain and Judy Dunmire, 17. Vol. 54, Iss. 1 Denver, CO: NCSM Inspiration! , 2023.
- Vogel, Jessica, Lehmann, Erin, Curtin, Susan, and Retterath, Carly. Rural Leaders’ Experiences Implementing FAPE for Students with Intellectual Disabilities., Editors Jafeth E. Sanchez and Jennifer K. Clayton, 31-47. Vol. 10 ICPEL Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research Journal, 2022.
- Whiteman, Deidra, Card, Karen, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Curtin, Susan, Lehmann, Erin, and De Jong, David. Division of Educational Leadership: Completed Dissertation Research Impacting the Midwest and Beyond: 2017-2021. In University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 2022.
- Olson, David, Lehmann, Erin, De Jong, David, Reed, Kristine, and Leikvold, Dan. Mentee Perceptions of Public School Superintendent Mentorship in a Rural, Midwest State., Editors Brad Galka, 1-17. Vol. 16, Iss. 1 Kansas State University: Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy, 2021.
- Lehmann, Erin. Leading Leaders in Rethinking Grading: A Case Study of Implementation of Standards-Based Grading in Educational Leadership, 1-11. Vol. 5, Iss. 3 Fayetteville/North Carolina : Journal of Research Initiatives, 2021.
- Bauer, Amanda, Lehmann, Erin, Reed, Kristine, and Zimmermann, Gwen. Curricular Reform in Schools: Secondary Leaders’ Perceptions., Editors Dr. Brian Buckhalter and Dr. Erin Lehmann, 3-27. Vol. 22, Iss. 1 Engelwood, CO: Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership (JMEL), 2021.
- Lehmann, Erin. Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education. In NCSM Essential Actions, editors Paul Gray, Donna Simpson, Jamie Wilber, Rebecca Angus, 1-128. Iss. 1st ed. Englewood, CO: NCSM, 2019.
- Grichko, Vassa, Schamber, Betsy, Hall, Shanice, , Swank, David, Barker, David, and Lehmann, Erin. Dissertation 2.0: An Action Research Study on Adapting with AI. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice.
- Charlie's Champ, School of Education, 2024
- School of Education Research Excellence Award Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2024
- School of Education Service Excellence Award Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2024
- School of Education Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2024
- School of Education Service Excellence Award Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2023
- Publication Award for Affiliate Journals, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 2022
- President's Executive Leadership Institute (PELI), University of South Dakota, 2022
- School of Education Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2022
- School of Education Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2021
- Lehmann, Erin, Educational Doctorate Q&A with Erin Lehmann. Presented at the Educational Doctorate Q&A with Erin Lehmann, Onlin e. (November 20, 2024)
- Grichko, Vassa, Lehmann, Erin, Barker, David, and Swank, David, Designing Guidelines on (In)Appropriate AI Use for Dissertations. Presented at the 2024 CPED Convening, Honolulu, Hawaii & Virtual. (October 30, 2024)
- Grichko, Vassa, Lehmann, Erin, Swank, David, and Barker, David, Empowering Educators by Ethically Incorporating AI. Presented at the 2024 South Dakota Higher Education Association Annual Conference, Rapid City, SD. (October 03, 2024)
- Hays, John, and Lehmann, Erin, Empowering Teachers by Identifying Inequity in the Classroom Using Effective Evidence Collection. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Chicago, IL. (September 25, 2024)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Barnes, Bill, 6 Critical Actions for Leading Educator Wellness in Your School and District. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Chicago, IL. (September 24, 2024)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Bennett, Cory, Breaking Barriers: Bold Leadership for High-Quality, Equitable Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Presented at the NCSM Pre-Conference Session, Chicago, IL. (September 22, 2024)
- Grichko, Vassa, Swank, David, Barker, David, and Lehmann, Erin, Dissertation 2.0: An Action Research Study on Adapting with AI in Ed Leadership. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (July 30, 2024)
- Seales, Valerie, and Lehmann, Erin, Induction Programs: Pathways to New Teacher Retention and Success . Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (July 30, 2024)
- Dunmire, Judy, Lehmann, Erin, and Buckhalter, Brian, 2023-2024 NCSM Fellowship Program. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (May 23, 2024)
- Barker, David, Swank, David, Grichko, Vassa, and Lehmann, Erin, Reigniting Your Spark: Connecting Strengths to Possibilities. Presented at the TIE Conference 24, Sioux Falls, SD. (April 16, 2024)
- Swank, David, Lehmann, Erin, Grichko, Vassa, and Barker, David, Data-Driven:Navigating the Roadmap of School Improvement. Presented at the TIE Conference 24, Rapid City, South Dakota. (April 15, 2024)
- Swank, David, Grichko, Vassa, Barker, David, and Lehmann, Erin, Escaping the Tyranny of Grades. Presented at the TIE Conference 24, Rapid City, South Dakota. (April 15, 2024)
- Barker, David, Swank, David, Grichko, Vassa, and Lehmann, Erin, Reconnect to Research: Scholar Practitioners as Change Agents. Presented at the TIE Conference 24, Sioux Falls, SD. (April 15, 2024)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, Shenk, Ian, and Placa, Nicora, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 6: Advocacy for Coaching. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (February 20, 2024)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, Shenk, Ian, and Placa, Nicora, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 5: Strategic Coaching: Coaching Leaders. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (January 30, 2024)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, Shenk, Ian, and Placa, Nicora, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 4: Strengths-Based Coaching. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (January 09, 2024)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, Shenk, Ian, and Placa, Nicora, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 3: Math Coaching with an Equity Lens: Integrating Mathematics Practices and Culturally Responsive Instruction. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (December 19, 2023)
- Barnes, Bill, and Lehmann, Erin, Leading an Educator Wellness Culture in Your School and District. Presented at the Teaching and Leading Educator Wellness, Virtual. (December 08, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, Shenk, Ian, and Placa, Nicora, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 2: Collaborative Coaching Tools. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (December 05, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, Shenk, Ian, and Placa, Nicora, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 1: Establishing Coaching Routines. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (November 14, 2023)
- Hays, John, Boyd, Ashley, and Lehmann, Erin, Empowering Teachers by Identifying Inequity in the Classroom Using Effective Evidence Collection. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Washington DC. (October 28, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, Mirrors and Windows: Why Culturally Relevant Leadership Matters. Presented at the NCSM Pre-Conference Session, Washington DC. (October 28, 2023)
- Grichko, Vassa, Lehmann, Erin, Swank, David, and Barker, David, Transforming Knowledge: The Value of Co-Teaching with EdD Scholar-Practitioners. Presented at the 2023 CPED Convening, Pensacola, FL. (October 06, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Swank, David, and Grichko, Vassa, Workshop I: Escaping the Tyranny of Grades: Ungrading Edition . Presented at the 2023 CPED Convening, Pensacola, FL. (October 04, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, SBG and D2L. Presented at the SBG and D2L, Virtual. (August 01, 2023)
- Moon, Demi, Lehmann, Erin, and De Jong, David, Seventh Grade Mathematics Results in a Standards-Based Learning Environment: Examining Teacher Collaboration and Leadership. Presented at the Inspiring Leaders for Innovation in Education, Virtual. (July 14, 2023)
- De Jong, David, Lehmann, Erin, and Swank, David, Which Emotions Are Experienced by School Leaders During Online, Asynchronous Simulations?. Presented at the Inspiring Leaders for Innovation in Education, Virtual. (July 14, 2023)
- Schmit, Christopher, and Lehmann, Erin, Teacher Retention: Retaining Teachers in High-needs, Urban Secondary Schools in a Midwest State Post-pandemic. Presented at the Inspiring Leaders for Innovation in Education, Virtual. (July 13, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and De Jong, David, The Instructional Walkthrough Tool: A Multi-Case Study Among Rural School Leaders. Presented at the Inspiring Leaders for Innovation in Education, Virtual. (July 13, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, BE THE CHANGE: Leading Equity Work from a Coaching Stance - Day 1: Framework for Leadership/Instructional Leadership. Presented at the NCSM Summer Leadership Academies, Denver, CO. (June 26, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, BE THE CHANGE: Leading Equity Work from a Coaching Stance - Day 2: Culturally Relevant Leadership. Presented at the NCSM Summer Leadership Academies, Denver, CO. (June 26, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, BE THE CHANGE: Leading Equity Work from a Coaching Stance - Day 3: Coaching. Presented at the NCSM Summer Leadership Academies, Denver, CO. (June 26, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, Culturally Relevant Mathematics Leaders: Monitoring Culturally Relevant Practices. Presented at the 2022-2023 Virtual Leadership Seminars, Virtual. (March 08, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, and Shenk, Ian, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 6: Coaching Teams . Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (February 21, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, Culturally Relevant Mathematics Leaders: Empowering Students through Culturally Relevant Practices. Presented at the 2022-2023 Virtual Leadership Seminars, Virtual. (February 08, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, and Shenk, Ian, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 5: Coaching Through Challenging Situations . Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (January 31, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, and Shenk, Ian, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 4: Instructional Coaching. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (January 10, 2023)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, and Shenk, Ian, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 3: Content Focused Coaching. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (December 13, 2022)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, and Shenk, Ian, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 2: Cognitive Coaching. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (November 15, 2022)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Seda, Pam, Culturally Relevant Mathematics Leaders: Designing Culturally Relevant Tasks Design and Advocate. Presented at the 2022-2023 Virtual Leadership Seminars, Virtual. (November 09, 2022)
- Lehmann, Erin, Novak, Jenny, and Shenk, Ian, NCSM Virtual Coaching Lab: Session 1: Coaching Basics & Active Listening. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Virtual. (October 25, 2022)
- Lehmann, Erin, Jakopovik, Paula, and Nank, Sean, Are you ready to submit or review an article for the NCSM journal?. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Anaheim, CA. (September 27, 2022)
- Lehmann, Erin, Instructional Walkthroughs: A Way to Support Reflection, Feedback, and Next Steps in a Mathematics Classroom. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Anaheim, CA. (September 27, 2022)
- Swank, David, Lehmann, Erin, and De Jong, David, Helping School Leaders Understand What is Needed to Shift to Personalized Learning . Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 05, 2022)
- Vogel, Jessica, and Lehmann, Erin, How Educational Leadership Programs Can Better Support Rural Leaders’ Implementation of FAPE. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 05, 2022)
- De Jong, David, and Lehmann, Erin, Educational Leadership Simulations: A Safe Space to Facilitate Professional Discourse with School Leaders. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 04, 2022)
- Leuthold, Jim, and Lehmann, Erin, Stuffing the Classroom Into a Laptop: Characterizing Teacher Experiences Transitioning to Remote Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 04, 2022)
- Lehmann, Erin, Rendon, Sharon, Barnes, William, Schuhl, Sarah, and Stricklin, Tom, NCSM Mathematics Coaching Essential Actions. Presented at the Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM) Beyond the Conference, Virtual. (October 26, 2021)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Buckhalter, Brian, Are you ready to submit or review an article for the NCSM Journal?. Presented at the 53rd NCSM Annual Conference, virtual. (September 19, 2021)
- Lehmann, Erin, Zimmermann, Gwen, and Trakas, Denise, NCSM Essential Actions for Site-based Leaders. Presented at the NCSM Virtual Pre-Conference, Virtual. (September 19, 2021)
- Conaway, Chad, De Jong, David, Lehmann, Erin, and Grundmeyer, Trent, Class Size: Perceptions of K-3 Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents in South Dakota. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 05, 2021)
- Lehmann, Erin, and Bauer, Amanda, Curricular Reform in Schools: Secondary Leaders’ Perceptions. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 05, 2021)
- Lehmann, Erin, Leading Leaders in Rethinking Grading: Implementation of SBG in Educational Leadership. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual. (August 05, 2021)
- Lehmann, Erin, Leading Leaders in Rethinking Grading: A Case Study of Implementation of SBG in Educational Leadership. Presented at the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting, Virtual (due to COVID-19). (April 11, 2021)
- Lehmann, Erin, Networking Night with NCSM: Coaching Corner . Presented at the Networking Night with NCSM/Coaching Corner, Online. (December 16, 2020)
- Lehmann, Erin, De Jong, David, and Bowar, Josh, Teacher to Principal: Internal Succession within a School. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual (Due to COVID-19). (August 06, 2020)
- Steinhoff, Kraig, Lehmann, Erin, and De Jong, David, Transitioning from a Traditional Educational Model to a Competency-Based Educational Model. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference, Virtual (Due to COVID-19). (August 06, 2020)