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- John Korkow
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John Korkow is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Addiction Counseling and Prevention at the University of South Dakota, and as a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) with Lutheran Social Services, also in South Dakota. His research interests are alcohol and drug neurology, alcohol and drug counseling, Native Americans in college, and expansion of the use of qualitative research methodology in research (particularly grounded theory).
Addiction counseling
Addiction neurology, addiction counseling, Native Americans in college, and expansion of the use of qualitative research methodology in research (particularly grounded theory).
- Ph D, Educational Psychology, University of South Dakota, 2008
- MA, Counseling and Psychology, University of South Dakota, 2001
- BS, Alcohol and Drug Studies, University of South Dakota, 2000
- ProFirstAid Basic, ProTrainings
- Licensed Addiction Counselor, South Dakota Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals
- Substance Abuse Professional, American Substance Abuse Professionals, Inc. for Department of Transportation Substance Abuse
- CITI research Certification, CITI
- Level III Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor, South Dakota Certification Board for Alcohol & Drug Professionals
- International Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (IAADC), International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium
- Reasoning Behind LGBTQ Methamphetamine Use, SPURA, (2015 - 2015)
- The Intersection of SBIRT and Wellbriety, SPURA, (2014 - 2014)
- South Dakota Department of Health and the Opioid Abuse Task Force, South Dakota Department of Health, (2017 - 2017)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Korkow, John. Ethical Entry and Exit of a Native American University Community for Purposes of Qualitative Research, 16. Vol. 9, Iss. 3 San Francisco, CA: Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology , 2025.
- Kinney, Jean, and Korkow, John. Loosening the Grip, 650. Iss. 13 Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Publishing, 2024.
- Korkow, John. Boundaries for Pastors without Addiction Counseling Licensure in Counseling Addicted Clients in Recovery, 4. Vol. 8, Iss. 3 San Francisco, CA: Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology , 2024.
- Korkow, John. Review of: Intimate Partner Violence. Vol. 1, Iss. 1 Cognella, 2021.
- Korkow, John. Journeys on the Red Road Study Guide. In Diversity Series Video Workbooks for Steinbronner Communications, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Korkow, John. Just Us Study Guide. In Diversity Series Video Workbooks for Steinbronner Communications, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Korkow, John. Called From Darkness Study Guide. In Diversity Series Video Workbooks for Steinbronner Communications, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Korkow, John. Home Boy Joy Ride Study Guide. In Diversity Series Video Workbooks for Steinbronner Communications, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Korkow, John. Soul Sanctuary Study Guide. In Diversity Series Video Workbooks for Steinbronner Communications, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Feldhacker, Diana, Wesner, Chelsea, Yockey, Jean, Larson, June, Norris, Debra, and Korkow, John. Strategies for Health: a game-based, interprofessional approach to teaching social determinants of health: a randomized controlled pilot study. In Journal of Interprofessional Care, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Korkow, John. Stand Down Study Guide. In Diversity Series Video Workbooks for Steinbronner Communications, editors Korkow, John, 3. Vol. 1 TouchPointProductions, 2021.
- Kinney, Jean, and Korkow, John. Loosening the Grip, 650. Iss. 12 Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Publishing, 2021.
- Kinney, Jean, and Korkow, John. Loosening the Grip 13th, 650. Iss. 12 Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Publishing, 2021.
- Hovrud, L, Simons, Raluca, Simons, Jeffrey, and Korkow, John. Non-suicidal self-injury and bulimia: the role of emotion dysregulation and body dissatisfaction., 1089-1097. Vol. 25, Iss. 4 Eating and weight disorders : EWD, 2020. (DOI: 10.1007/s40519-019-00741-5)
- Korkow, John, Sevening, Diane, Zavadil, Francis, and Merrigan, Mary. Addiction Education: The Benefits of NASAC Accreditation The Department of Addiction Studies at the University of South Dakota., Editors Jessica Gleason, 5. Vol. 5, Iss. 2 Washington, D.C.: NASAC Accreditation Website, 2017.
- Newville, Rachel A., and Newville. Students support no smoking no vaping policies, 2. Vermillion, SD: The Volante, 2016.
- Korkow, John. The Slippery Slope: The High Cost of Varying Standards for Certification and Licensure of Addiction Counselors in the United States, 2. Washington, D.C.: Advances in Addiction and Recovery, 2016.
- Korkow, John. Requested article describing INCASE. In INCASE: The International Coalition of Addiction Educators, Past, Present and , editors Jessica Gleason, 2. Vol. 3, Iss. 3 Washington, D.C.: Advances in Addiction & Recovery, 2015.
- Norris, Debra, Korkow, John, Johnson, Marni, Williams, Mandy, and Merrigan, Mary. Pat; the Veteran Case.
- USD Department of Addiction Counseling and Prevention MA Program Recognized as Second Best in Nation, Best Medical Degrees, 2019
- 15 years service as faculty in School of Health Sciences, USD School of Health Sciences, 2016
- SHS Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, USD School of Health Sciences, 2016
- Best Online Master’s in Substance Abuse Counseling Degree Programs, Online Colleges, 2015
- Top Rated Instructor School of Health Sciences, USD School of Health Sciences, 2015
- NAADAC Speaker's Bureau, NAADAC, 2013
- Korkow, John, Education and the Law-Protecting Yourself, Your University and Your Students. Presented at the NAADAC 2022 Conference, Indianapolis, IN. (October 10, 2022)
- Korkow, John, Education and the Law-Protecting Yourself, Your University and Your Students. Presented at the USD Health Sciences Conference Online, Indianapolis, IN. (March 09, 2022)
- Korkow, John, and Sevening, Diane, NASAC accreditation training for reviewers. Presented at the NASAC training meeting, online. (October 18, 2021)
- Korkow, John, Sevening, Diane, and Kamp, Diana, March to Membership Webinar. Presented at the March to Membership, Webinar. (February 11, 2019)
- Korkow, John, Sevening, Diane, Bowden, Kirk, Reading, Edward, and Michels, Vickie, How to Achieve NASAC Accreditation. Presented at the NAADAC Shoot for the Stars, Houston, TX. (October 08, 2018)
- Korkow, John, Sevening, Diane, and Bowden, Kirk, How to Achieve NASAC Accreditation. Presented at the NAADAC webinar series online, webinar. (March 20, 2018)
- Korkow, John, Discussion of NASAC requirements. Presented at the NAADAC, Denver, Colorado. (September 24, 2017)
- Korkow, John, and Sevening, Diane, Benefits of NASAC Accreditation. Presented at the NAADAC Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. (September 23, 2017)
- Korkow, John, Osborn, Donald, and Bowden, Kirk, NASAC, a Valuable Option for your Addiction Studies Program . Presented at the NASAC, a Valuable Option for your Addiction Studies Program, Online. (March 31, 2017)
- Korkow, John, Osborn, Donald, and Bowden, Kirk, Why Your School Should Seek NASAC Accreditation. Presented at the NAADAC webinar series online, webinar. (February 13, 2017)
- Korkow, John, and Leader Charge, Leon, The Intersection of Wellbriety and SBIRT. Presented at the National Indian Health Board, Webinar. (May 16, 2016)
- Korkow, John, and , The Intersection of SBIRT and Wellbriety. Presented at the Leading The Way, Washington, D.C.. (October 17, 2015)
- Korkow, John, and , Issues and Answers About Certification and Licensure. Presented at the Leading The Way, Los Angeles, California, USA. (April 18, 2015)
- Korkow, John, and , The Intersection of SBIRT and Wellbriety. Presented at the Leading The Way, Los Angeles, California, USA. (April 18, 2015)
- Korkow, John, Education and the Law-Protecting Yourself, Your University and Your Students. Presented at the CAADE Leads the Way, Reno, Nevada. (April 19, 2013)
- Korkow, John, Education and the Law: Protecting Yourself, Your University and Your students. Presented at the Leading the Way, Indianapolis, Indiana. (August 13, 2012)
- Korkow, John, Education and the Law: Protecting Yourself, Your University and Your Students. Presented at the NCAD 2011, San Diego, CA. (September 19, 2011)
- Sevening, Diane, and Korkow, John, The path from a standard on-campus program to full online delivery of an entire Bachelor's degree & Master's degree: University of South Dakota Department of Alcohol & Drug Studies. Presented at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington, DC. (September 09, 2010)
- Korkow, John, The Path from a Standard On-Campus program to Full Online Delivery of an Entire Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree: University of South Dakota Department of Alcohol and Drug Studies. Presented at the NCAD 2010 Conference, Washington, D.C.. (September 09, 2010)
- Korkow, John, Native Americans and College Success. Presented at the Aspire Conference, Spearfish, SD. (October 02, 2009)
- Korkow, John, , Sioux Falls, SD. (January 2009)