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- Kevin Reins
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Kevin J. Reins is an associate professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of South Dakota, teaching courses in elementary, middle and secondary mathematics methods and STEM at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He reviews manuscripts and related works for Mathematics Teacher, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, and Allyn & Bacon. Currently he serves as member of the Mathematics Advisory Council, Improving Mathematics Performance Task Force, Mobile Computing Initiative, and Math Standards Review. His research and service foci are the use of Lesson Study with preservice and inservice mathematics teachers, Realistic Mathematics Education, math modelling, instructional strategies and technology-mediated teaching and learning in mathematics.
Realistic Mathematics Education, Guided Reinvention, Constructivism, Principles to Actions & Effective Math Teaching Practices
Realistic Mathematics Education, Lesson Study with Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Curriculum Focus & Coherence, Transformative Technology, Specialized Content Knowledge
- Ph D, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wyoming, 2003
- MA, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wyoming, 1999
- BA, Computer Science, Concordia University, 1994
- BS, K-12 Mathematics Education, Concordia University, 1994
- SCK Institute Certification, University of Michigan
- Population Education Trainer, Population Education
- CUR Dialogues 2005: The Art of Grantsmanship, Office of Research and Graduate Education2005)
- Enhancing Teacher Job Satisfaction in Rural K-12 Education: Assessing the Impact of Large Language Models (LLMs) Like ChatGPT, South Dakota Community Foundation, (2024 - 2026)
- CTL Course Design Fellowship 2024, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), (2024 - 2024)
- Bolstering K-16 STEM Education and Community Engagement Across South Dakota – Building Capacity, Broadening Participation, Fostering Connections, and Strengthening the STEM Research Ecosystem, National Science Foundation, (2024 - Present)
- SD RFP#2255 Enhancing Educators Access to a Well-Rounded Education, Sphero, INC., (2021 - 2021)
- EPSCoR RII Track-1: Understanding the rules at the boundaries of multicellular life, SDSMT, (2019 - 2024)
- CTL Mobile Computing Initiative Grant, University of South Dakota, (2019 - 2019)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) , (2018 - 2019)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Professional Development School (PDS), School of Education Research Center, (2018 - 2018)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant , Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) , (2016 - 2016)
- CTL Teaching Improvement Grant Proposal, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) , (2015 - 2015)
- 2014 CTL Course Design/Redesign Grant, Center for TEaching and Learning, (2014 - 2014)
- Faculty Travel Grant, Mobile Computing Initiative/Center for Teaching and Learning, (2011 - 2011)
- Mobile Computing Initiative (MCI) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), (2010 - 2011)
- Faculty Travel Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2010 - 2010)
- Mobile Computing Initiative (MCI) Grant Proposal, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)2015)
- Faculty Development Award, Center for Teaching and Learning2008)
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, South Dakota Discovery Center2007)
- Investment Travel Program (ITP), Office of Research and Sponsered Programs2006)
- Technology Enrichment Grant (TEG), Center for Instructional Design and Delivery2005)
- Center for Teaching and Learning: Teaching & Learning Grant, University of South Dakota
- Center for Teaching and Learning: Teaching & Learning Grant, University of South Dakota
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Reins, Kevin. ISDDE Newsletter May 2024., Editors Chris Schunn & Cornelia Connoly, 11. International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE), 2024.
- Reins, Kevin J., and Melville, Matthew. Extending Learning to Preservice Teachers in a Full Lesson Study Cycle. In Lesson Study with Mathematics and Science Preservice Teachers: Finding the Form - WALS-Routledge Lesson Study Series, editors Sharon Dotger, Gabriel Matney, Kelly Chandler-Olcott, Jennifer Heckathorn & Miranda Fox, 69-79. Vol. WALS-Routledge Lesson Study Series Routledge, London: Taylor & Francis, 2024. (DOI: 10.4324/9781003326434)
- Reins, Kevin. Embodiment Theory for Envisioning Materials, Activities, and Facilitation Techniques that Leverage How Students Move to Learn Mathematical Content. In Pathways to Research in Education, editors Patti O. Davis, 10. EBSCO's Pathways to Research, Salem Press, 2023.
- Williams, John, Reins, Kevin, and Hoefert, Branden. Robots for Science: Analysis of Preservice Teacher Outcomes through a Robotics and Coding Integration Unit in a K-8 Science Methods Course, 2342-2348. Vol. 2023, Iss. 1 Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2023.
- . Realistic Mathematics Education - A Math-Specific Instructional Theory. In Pathways to Research in Education, editors Patti O. Davis, 10. EBSCO's Pathways to Research in Education, Salem Press, 2022.
- Reins, Kevin. Designing Effective Lesson Study Practices for Mathematics Education Students . In International Society for Design and Development in Education (www.isdde.org), editors Kaye Stacey & Sheila Evans, 21. Vol. 4, Iss. 13 University of Melbourne: Educational Designer, Journal of the International Society for Design and Development in Education, 2020.
- Hazlett, Lisa, Sweeney, William, and Reins, Kevin. Using Young Adult Literature Featuring LGBTQ Adolescents With Intellectual and/or Physical Disabilities to Strengthen Classroom Inclusion. Ontario, Canada: Cited in Sexuality Education, 2020. (DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2020.1712549)
- , Sweeney, William R., and Reins, Kevin J.. Defying Expectations: Representations of Youths in Young Adult Literature, 324. Vol. 63, Iss. 3 Hoboken, NJ: Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 2019. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2011.584031)
- Hazlett, Lisa, Sweeney, William, and Reins, Kevin. Using Young Adult Literature Featuring LGBTQ Adolescents With Intellectual and/or Physical Disabilities to Strengthen Classroom Inclusion. International Literacy Association, 2019. (DOI: 10.1002/jaal.982)
- Reins, Kevin. Broadening the landscape of modeling by including an emergent view.. In Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) 2016: Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics, editors Christian Hirsch. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2016.
- Reins, Kevin J.. Using tasks to assess and support student modeling, use of mathematical structure, and argumentation.. In Classroom Assessment to Achieve the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice , editors Beverly J. Ferrucci, 50-63. Vol. 46 Keene, NH: NEMJ, ATMNE, 2014.
- Reins, Kevin. Exploiting box plots for a visual model of informal statistical inference .., Editors David Webb, 16. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, 2013.
- Reins, Kevin. PBL Partnership with Sioux Falls New Technology High School (SFNTHS). In NExT Newsletter, editors Rebecca Martin. Saint Paul, MN: Bush Foundation, 2012.
- Reins, Kevin. The Great Balancing Activity: A Hypothetical Learning Trajectory for Descriptive Statistics Which Supports Learning With Understanding and Encourages Sense Making., Editors David C. Webb, 11. Boulder, CO: Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, 2011.
- Hazlett, Lisa, Sweeney, William, and Reins, Kevin. Using Young Adult Literature Featuring LGBTQ, Disabled, and Disabled LGBTQ Adolescents to Strengthen Classroom Inclusion., Editors Anita Woolfolk Hoy, 206-214. Vol. 50, Iss. 3 Urbana, IL: Theory Into Practice, 2011.
- Reins, Kevin. Patient Problem Posing (3P). In The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education: Going Mainstream 2010, editors Robert H. Reed and Dave A. Berque, 154. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2010.
- Reins, Kevin. Annotation Practices with Pen-Based Technologies. In Technology implementation and teacher education: Reflective Models, editors Junko Yamamoto, Joseph C. Kush, Ron Lombard, C. Jay Hertzog, 398-417. Hershey, New York: Information Science Reference, IGI Global, 2010.
- Reins, Kevin. Digital tablet PCs as new "technologies of writing" and learning: A survey of perceptions of digital ink technology, 1-16. Vol. 7, Iss. 3 Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2007.
- Reins, Kevin. Chapter 7: Geometry. In Teaching for K-12 mathematical understanding using the Conceptual Change Model, editors Robert J. Kansky, 233-276. Saiwood, CA: Saiwood Publications, 2005.
- Employee Recognition Event - 20 years of service, University of South Dakota, 2023
- Employee Recognition Event - 15 years of service, University of South Dakota, 2018
- Employee Recognition Event - 10 years of service, University of South Dakota, 2014
- 2012-13 Member Rewards Program, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2013
- Reins, Kevin, Webb, David C., and Wake, Geoff, International Society for Design and Development in Education: Shaping the future of Design and Development. Presented at the 2024 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICMI-15), International Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia. (July 12, 2024)
- Reins, Kevin, Assisting Preservice Teachers in Utilizing Embodiment Theory to Engineer Algebra Tile Experiences Supporting Mathematical Learning for All Students. Presented at the ISDDE 2023 Designing for Equity and Social Justice: Creating New Futures, and the design of education, as found in curriculum materials, assessment, professional learning, and policy., Boston University, Boston, MA. (October 18, 2023)
- Reins, Kevin, Partnerships through Lesson Study for Enculturating Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers. Presented at the Forging Partnerships to Transform Secondary Mathematics Clinical Experiences, Two-Day Virtual Conference. (June 12, 2023)
- Williams, John, Reins, Kevin, and Hoefert, Branden, Robots for Science: Analysis of Preservice Teacher Outcomes through a Robotics and Coding Integration Unit in a K-8 Science Methods Course. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, New Orleans, LA. (March 2023)
- Reins, Kevin, Design Principles for Embodied Manipulative Interactions. Presented at the Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition (EMIC) II, Virtual. (September 25, 2021)
- Reins, Kevin, Lesson Study Practices with Preservice Teachers in Mathematics. Presented at the Lesson Study in Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Conference (LSMSTEC), Chicago, Illinois. (April 14, 2021)
- Reins, Kevin, Assisting Inservice Mathematics Teachers in Utilizing RME and STEM Design Principles When Collaboratively Co-Imagining a Lesson. Presented at the Making Mathematics Meaningful for Students, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. (October 18, 2018)
- Reins, Kevin, Campoli, Ayana, and Shudak, Nicholas, The Pairing and Sequencing of Math Content and Pedagogy Courses for Meaningful Learning of Mathematical Content for Elementary Preservice Teachers. Presented at the 2017 NRMERA - Creative Innovation in Learning, Boulder, CO. (October 2017)
- Reins, Kevin, Group-worthy Card Sorts for Cognitive Demand and Promoting Meaningful Mathematical Talk . Presented at the 2017 TIE Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota. (April 24, 2017)
- Reins, Kevin, Improving Partnerships and Learning Through Lesson Study with Preservice Teachers. Presented at the ISDDE 2016 Infrastructuring by Design, Utrecht, Netherlands. (September 22, 2016)
- Reins, Kevin, Utilizing Desmos to Explore Inverse Functions and Other Mathematical Content. Presented at the Technology & Innovation in Education (TIE) Conference 2016, Sioux Falls, SD. (April 11, 2016)
- Reins, Kevin, Inverse Functions from an Emergent-Modeling View, Presented in the Digital Mathematics Environment (DME). Presented at the 2015 5th International Realistic Mathematics Education Conference, CU-Boulder, CO. (September 19, 2015)
- Reins, Kevin, Designing Instructional Sequences Revolving Around Applets in the Digital Mathematics Environment (DME) out of CU-Boulder. Presented at the 2015 Technology in Education (TIE) Conference, Rapid City, SD. (April 20, 2015)
- Reins, Kevin, Exploiting box plots for a visual model of informal sta. Presented at the 4th International Realistic Mathematics Education Conference (RME4), Boulder, Colorado. (September 29, 2013)
- Reins, Kevin, The Great Balancing Activity: A Learning Progression for Descriptive Statistics Which Supports Learning With Understanding and Encourages Sense Making. Presented at the 3rd International Realistic Mathematic Education (RME3) Conference, Boulder, CO. (September 24, 2011)
- Reins, Kevin, Patient Problem Posing in UP (Ubiquitous Presenter) . Presented at the ISTE 2011 (International Society for Technology in Education), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (June 27, 2011)
- Reins, Kevin, Patient Problem Posing (3P) and Analytic/Evaluative Reflection within UP. Presented at the Workshop on the Impact of Pen-Based Technology on Education (WIPTE), Blacksburg, Virginia. (October 25, 2010)
- Reins, Kevin, Active learning through annotation on a tablet PC [Three hour Late Night Learning Session]. Presented at the 3nd Annual Laptop Leaders’ Academy: Steering Students in the Technology Race, Mitchell, South Dakota. (June 2009)
- Reins, Kevin, Applying Japanese Lesson Study Methodologies with Prospective secondary mathematics teachers. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2009 Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (April 2009)
- Reins, Kevin, Nine types of effective high-quality inking practices thought to improve instructor-learner dialogue. Presented at the 2nd Annual Laptop Institute: Preparing for the Flat World, Mitchell, SD. (June 2008)
- Reins, Kevin, There’s more to the mean than add’em up and divide by N. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2008 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah. (April 2008)
- Reins, Kevin, Improving representational thinking for the teaching and learning of mathematics. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, Hawaii. (January 2008)