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- Matthew Fairholm
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Dr. Fairholm is Professor of Public Administration with a joint appointment in the Department of Political Science and the W.O. Farber Center for Civic Leadership at USD. His academic and professional interests focus on public administration, leadership theory and practice, and Constitutional governance. Dr. Fairholm's teaching and training experience spans the public, private, non-profit, and university settings. Prior to coming to USD, Dr. Fairholm was the Director of Leadership Studies and Development at the Center for Excellence in Municipal Management (currently the Center for Excellence in Public Leadership) and Instructor of Public Administration at The George Washington University, where he continues to serve as a Senior Fellow. Dr. Fairholm worked in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), entering the federal service as a Presidential Management Intern. After his appointment, he continued to work at DOE in the areas of congressional, intergovernmental, international and public affairs and also in the Department's science research and development division. Previous to DOE, he worked in a software development firm focusing on grassroots political activity. His published articles appear in leadership and public administration journals. He is the author, with his father, of the book Understanding Leadership Perspectives: Theoretical and Practical Applications (Springer). His latest book is entitled Putting Your Values to Work: Becoming the Leader Others Want to Follow (Praeger).
Public Administration; Leadership Theory and Practice; Organizational Behavior and Development, Constitutional Governance
Areas of special interest within the profession include: Leadership Development; Public Administration Theory; Local Government; Executive Education / Public Management and Leadership Capacity Building
- Ph D, Public Administration, The George Washington University, 2002
- BA, Public Policy, Magna Cum Laude, Brigham Young University, 1993
- MA, Public Policy, Brigham Young University, 1993
- Issue Oriented Motivated Reasoning: How Selective Exposure Effects Attitude Schemas, Chiesman Foundation, (2018 - 2018)
- On Statesmanship: Developing a Statesmanship Model, Chiesman Foundation, (2017 - 2018)
- County Consolidation, Chiesman Foundation , (2009 - 2010)
- Re-codified Ordinances for the City of Platte, SD, Government Research Bureau, (2008 - 2008)
- School District Opt-Out Elections, Chiesman Foundation, (2005 - 2006)
- Relationship between School District Budget Cuts and School Outcome Measures, Chiesman Foundation, (2005 - 2006)
- Leadership Perspectives of Mid-West Public Managers, Chiesman Foundation, (2003 - 2004)
- South Dakota Democracy Project, Chiesman Foundation, (2002 - 2004)
- Research Travel Grant, USD College of Arts and Sciences2016)
- Research Travel Grant, USD College of Arts and Sciences2011)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Of Service, Leadership, and Public Administration: Hopes, Warnings and Possibilities. In The Harrington Lectures.
- Klatt, Tyler, and Fairholm, Matthew. Promote or Deter: How Organizations Influence Public Service Motivation, 48-69. Vol. 52, Iss. 1 Public Personnel Management, 2023. (DOI: 10.1177/00910260221121101)
- Malay, Joshua, and Fairholm, Matthew. How Ideological Divides Serve to Limit Bureaucratic Autonomy: A Case Study of the BLM, 375-386. Vol. 50, Iss. 4-5 American Review of Public Administration, 2020.
- Malay, Joshua, and Fairholm, Matthew. Agency Legitimacy: A Reputational Power Analysis of the Bureau of Land Management, 343-374. Vol. 52, Iss. 3 Administration and Society, 2020. (DOI: 10.1177/0095399719843660)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Dzordzormenyoh, Michael K., and Binda, Godlove A.. Trust-Culture Leadership in Local Public Administrators’ Work, 260-273. Vol. 14, Iss. 4 International Journal of Public Leadership, 2018. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPL-06-2018-0031)
- Fairholm, Matthew. Management Training Insights Emerging from Spiritual Concerns. In Marketing Initiatives for Sustainable Educational Developmen. Hershey, PA: IGI - Global, 2018.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Refinding Leadership in Refounding Public Administration, 699-724. Vol. 50, Iss. 5 Administration and Society, 2018.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Fairholm, Gilbert W.. Fear and Hate in Modern Organizations: Leadership Tactics to Counter Their Effects. In Corporate Social Irresponsibility: Individual Behaviors And Organizational Practices, editors Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch and Gianluigi Mangia, 161-182. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2017.
- Fairholm, Matthew. The Work of Leadership: How to get people to choose to follow. Washignton, DC: Public Management, 2017.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Revitalizing the Spirit of Management Training, 1-18. Vol. 6, Iss. 1 IGI Global Publishers: International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing, 2016.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Gronau, Taylor. Spiritual Leaderhip Perspectives in the Work of Public Administrators , 354-373. Vol. 12, Iss. 4 Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion, 2015. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14766086.2015.1060516)
- Fairholm, Matthew. Putting Your Values to Work: Becoming the Leader Others Want to Follow. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2013.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Gronau, Taylor. Six Practical Reminders for Leading Policy Implementation . Public Management, 2013.
- Fairholm, Matthew, Skaff, Michelle, and Maffit, Joseph. Mighty Mo Flood, 1-2, 6. Vol. 35, Iss. 2 Washington, D.C,: PA Times, American Society for Public Administration, 2012.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Fairholm, Gilbert W.. Reinventing Management Training: How Spiritual Values Change the Practice of Modern Management and of Managerial Education., Editors Charles Wankel and Agata Stanusch. Hershey, PA: Handbook of Research on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education, IGI Global, 2012.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Dettrey, Bryan J.. Safety and Protection: Compilation of Survey Results in the Vermillion Community. Vermillion, SD: Vermillion Police Department, 2012.
- Nordyke, Shane, Anderson, William, Braunstein, Richard, Fairholm, Matthew, and Palmer, Daniel. A Non-traditional PhD Program in a Traditional World: A Story of Blended Strategies and Students. Vol. 7, Iss. 3 Journal of Political Science Education, 2011.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Why Governance Isn’t Concerned with Government Anymore., Editors T. Brandsen and M. Holzer, 3-18. Newark, NJ: The Future of Governance: 5th Annual TransAtlantic Dialogue Proceedings, National Center for Public Performance, 2010.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Leadership and Organizational Strategy. Vol. 14, Iss. 1 The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 2009.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Card, Michael. Perspectives of Strategic Thinking: From Controlling Chaos to Embracing It, Article 2. Vol. 15, Iss. 1 Journal of Management & Organization, 2009.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Fairholm, Gilbert W.. Understanding Leadership Perspectives: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. New York: Springer Publishers, 2009.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Trans-Leadership: Linking Influential Theory and Contemporary Research. Armonk, New York: Transforming Public Leadership for the 21st Century, M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 2008.
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Card, Michael. What MPAs Tell Us They Value After They Leave Us, 6-7. Vol. 30, Iss. 10 American Society for Public Administration: PA Times, Education Supplement, 2007.
- Fairholm, Matthew. I Know It When I See It: Leadership in Local Government, 10-15. Vol. 88, Iss. 9 Public Management, 2006.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Leadership Theory and Practice in the MPA Curriculum: Reasons and Methods, 335-346. Vol. 12, Iss. 3 Journal of Public Affairs Education, 2006.
- Fairholm, Matthew. A New Sciences Outline for Leadership Development, 369-383. Vol. 25, Iss. 4 Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 2004.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Different Perspectives in the Practice of Leadership, 577-590. Vol. 64, Iss. 5 Public Administration Review, 2004.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Leading from the Middle: The Power and Influence of Middle Leaders, 17-22. Vol. 30, Iss. 4 The Public Manager, 2004.
- Fairholm, Matthew, Moe, Kari J., Houghtby-Haddon, Natalie K., and Feldman, Lisa B.. Lessons Learned: Assessing the District of Columbia’s Certified Public Management Program, 335-362. Vol. 28, Iss. 3 Public Administration Quarterly, 2004.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Leading with Spirit in Public Organizations, 4. Vol. 26, Iss. 11 American Society for Public Administration: PA Times, 2003.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Defining Leadership: A Review of Past, Present, and Future Ideas. Washington, DC: Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, 2002.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Integrated Leadership Development Trajectory: Concept and Practice. Washington, DC: Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, 2002.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Sidebars, Squirms, and Subtle Distracters: Leadership in a Volunteer Steering Committee. Washington, DC.: Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, 2002.
- Fairholm, Matthew. The Four V’s of Leadership. Washington, DC.: Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, 2001.
- Fairholm, Matthew. The Themes and Theory of Leadership: James MacGregor Burns and Moral Leadership. . Washington, DC.: Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, 2001.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Leadership Amid the Constraints of Trust, 102-109. Vol. 21, Iss. 2 Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 2000.
- Fairholm, Matthew. Leadership Principles and Technologies: The Philosophy of Leadership Informed by the Science of Complexity, Chaos, and Quantum Physics. Washington, DC. : Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, 2000.
- Fairholm, Matthew, Kelly, Rita Mae, Joseph, Alma, Rosenbloom, David, Mayor, Bruce, Roberts, Steve , and . What's Wrong and What Should Be Done: Comments on the Case Study, 230-239. Vol. 23, Iss. 2 Public Productivity Management Review, 1999. (DOI: 10.2307/3380781)
- Fairholm, Matthew. "Blows and the Blues Mixed:" Jazz and the African-American Identity, 7-10. Iss. Winter Provo, UT: Insight: Views from the Margin, 1992.
- Harrington Lecture, College of Arts and Sciences, 2024
- Kenneth J. Meier & Diane Meier Jones Faculty Research Award, Political Science Department, 2021
- Kenneth J. Meier & Diane Meier Jones Faculty Research Award, Political Science Department, 2020
- Richard and Sharon Cutler Faculty Award in Liberal Arts - Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, 2020
- Nominee, Mosaic Award for Inclusive Excellence, Center for Diversty and Community, 2018
- Outstanding Advisor of the Year Award , Student Services, 2018
- Belbas - Larson Nominee, University of South Dakota, 2017
- Blair and Linda Tremere Faculty Public Service Award, College of Arts and Sciences, 2013
- Faculty Sabbatical, 2011
- Kenneth J. Meier & Diane Meier Jones Faculty Research Award, USD Political Science, 2009
- Public Service Faculty Leadership Award, Students of Public Administration, 2009
- Outstanding Teaching in Political Science, American Political Science Association, 2006
- Richard and Sharon Cutler Faculty Award in Liberal Arts - Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, 2006
- Kenneth J. Meier & Diane Meier Jones Faculty Research Award, USD Political Science, 2005
- Pi Alpha Alpha, 2003
- Superior Job Performance Award, U.S. Department of Energy, 1997
- Superior Job Performance Award, U.S. Department of Energy, 1995
- Presidential Management Intern, U.S. Department of Energy , 1993
- Valedictorian, Department of Political Science, BYU, 1992
- Phi Kappa Phi, 1992
- Pi Sigma Alpha, 1992
- Ezra T. Benson Scholarship, Brigham Young University, 1988
- Fairholm, Matthew, Overcoming Elements of Toxic leadership: Power & Ethics in Organizational Life. Presented at the 26th Annual Conference, Yankton Area Mental Wellness Conference, Yankton, SD. (June 05, 2024)
- Fairholm, Matthew, National Civic League’s Model City Charter Revision. Presented at the National Academy of Public Administration 2021 Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE. (November 05, 2021)
- Fairholm, Matthew, A Continuing Exploration of the Origins of Public Leadership in the Public Administration Literature. Presented at the 2020 ASPA Annual Conference (cancelled), Anaheim, CA. (April 2020)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Panel - Seeing Leadership in the Practice, History, and Literature of Public Administration. Presented at the 2020 ASPA Annual Conference (Cancelled), Annaheim, CA. (April 2020)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Influence, Subtlety, and Leadership in a Volunteer Organization’s Steering Committee. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC. (March 09, 2019)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The Latest on Leadership. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC. (March 09, 2019)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Foreman, Abby, Trust, Goals and Motivation in Contract-for-Services Relationships. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (April 07, 2018)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Binda, Godlove A., and Dzordzormenyoh, Michael, Trust Culture Leadership in the Work of Public Administrators. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Denver, CO. (March 11, 2018)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Reasserting the Refounding. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, GA. (March 21, 2017)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The Etiology of a Public Sector Leadership Theory: Are Private and Public Sector Leadership the Same in All Unimportant Aspects. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, GA. (March 20, 2017)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Foreman, Abby, Perceptions of The Contract-For-Services Relationship: The Impact of Trust. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (May 2016)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Schlimgen, Eric M., The Implementation of a Food Recovery Program at the University of South Dakota. Presented at the IdeaFest, Vermillion, SD. (April 14, 2016)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Skaff, Michelle, Implementing the Electronic Document Management System at the Local Law Enforcement Level by Iowa’s Judicial System: An Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Seattle, WA. (March 2016)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Jones, Jennifer B., Leadership Perspectives in Native American Administrative Contexts. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Seattle, WA. (March 2016)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Skaff, Michelle K., Implementing the Electronic Document Management System at the Local Law Enforcement Level by Iowa’s Judicial System: An Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference,, Chicago, IL. (April 16, 2015)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Fairholm, Gilbert W., Fear and Hate in Modern Organizations. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Chicago, IL. (March 07, 2015)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Foreman, Abby M., Perceptions of the Contract-for-Services Relationship: The Impact of Trust. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association, Brookings, SD. (October 04, 2014)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Public Administration Leadership Principles in the Presidential Papers before Woodrow Wilson. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC. (March 14, 2014)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Collaborative Leadership as a Personal and Interpersonal Experience. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, New Orleans, LA. (March 15, 2013)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Collaborative Leadership as a Personal and Interpersonal Experience. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association Annual Conference, Hastings, NE. (September 22, 2012)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Moderated Panels: Sioux City Fire and Incident Command; USGS role during the 2011 Missouri River Flood . Presented at the Mighty Mo Flood Conference, Vermillion, SD. (March 27, 2012)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Antonen, Patrick, Career Paths of City Managers’ in Conflicting and Collaborative Environments. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Las Vegas, NV. (March 06, 2012)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Weir, Joya, and Ballard, Matthew, Leadership Preference and Relationship Type: How Computer-Mediated Reltionships Impact Leadership. Presented at the IdeaFest, Vermillion, SD. (April 14, 2011)
- Fairholm, Matthew, To Be One with Others While Still Being One: Collaborative Leadership and the Role of Individual Choice. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Baltimore, MD. (March 12, 2011)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Why a Rational Move Towards “Governance” May Destroy the Soul of Public Adminis-tration. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, San Jose, CA. (April 2010)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Vandall, Tim, A Regional Analysis of State Government Performance Data. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association, Sioux City, IA. (October 17, 2009)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Governance, Government, and Constitutional Issues. Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, District IV Conference, Omaha, NE. (October 2009)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Is “Professional Government” in South Dakota Worth It?: A Comparative Study of Professional Administration in Selected South Dakota Municipalities. Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, District IV Conference, Omaha, NE. (October 2009)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Why Governance Isn’t Concerned with Government Anymore. Presented at the Fifth Trans-Atlantic Dialog Conference, Washington, DC. (June 2009)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leadership, Ambiguity, and Uncertainty. Presented at the Iowa Municipal Management Institute Conference 2009, Iowa City, IA. (March 25, 2009)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The Place of Spiritual Perspectives in the Work of Public Administration. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Miami, FL. (March 2009)
- Nordyke, Shane, Anderson, William, Braunstein, Richard, and Fairholm, Matthew, A Non-traditional PhD Program in a Traditional World: A Story of Blended Strategies and Students. Presented at the American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference (February 2009)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The Four Vs and Public Administration Practice: A Framework for Discerning Leadership in a Transformational Age. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Dallas, TX. (March 2008)
- Fairholm, Matthew, What Local Government Managers Teach Us About Leadership. Presented at the Iowa Municipal Management Institute Conference 2008, Iowa City, IA. (March 2008)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leadership: I Know It When I See It. Presented at the 3rd Annual Nebraska City Management Conference, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Omaha, NE. (January 2007)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leadership and Management: The Dichotomy of Collaboration and Control. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC. (January 2007)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leadership and Management: A New Dichotomy for Public Administration. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association, Mankato, MN. (January 2007)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Trans-Leadership: Linking Seminal Theory and Contemporary Research. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Denver, CO. (January 2006)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Card, Michael, and Skaret, Matt, The Opt-Out Option: Unraveling a Significant Issue in South Dakota’s Financing. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association, Wayne, NE. (January 2006)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The 4 V’s of Leadership. Presented at the 56th City and County Management Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. (January 2005)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Perspectives of Strategic Thinking: From Controlling Chaos to Embracing It. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association Conference, Kearney, NE. (January 2005)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leadership Theory and Practice in the MPA Curriculum: Reasons and Methods. Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Washington, DC. (January 2005)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Values, Vision, Vector, and Voice: Connecting Leadership Perspectives and Public Administration Approaches. Presented at the ASPA District IV Regional Conference, South Sioux City, NE. (January 2004)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Murano, Doug, Leadership Perspectives of Midwest Municipal Managers. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association Conference, Vermillion, SD. (January 2004)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Olson, Drake T., Municipal Services, Citizen Involvement, and the Separation of Powers: Cracking the Chestnut Street Issue. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association Conference, Vermillion, SD. (January 2004)
- Fairholm, Matthew, and Olson, Drake T., Municipal Services, Citizen Involvement, and the Separation of Powers: Cracking the Chestnut Street Issue. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (January 2004)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Values, Vision, Vector, Voice: Distinguishing Authentic Leadership Perspectives. Presented at the UNL Gallup Leadership Institute Inaugural Summit, Omaha, NE. (January 2004)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Conceiving Leadership: An Essential Element of Public Administration. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Washington, DC. (January 2003)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The Power of Public Leadership. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Washington, DC. (January 2003)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Smith, Elizabeth, Braunstein, Richard, Card, Michael, and Zell, J, Do South Dakotans Bowl At All? Developing Multidimensional Measures of Democratic Participation. Presented at the Great Plains Political Science Association Conference, Marshall, MN. (January 2003)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Houghtby-Haddon, Natalie K., Feldman, Lisa B., and Moe, Kari J., Public Service Reinvigorated, Public Trust Restored?: A Case Study of the District of Columbia Government and The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Municipal Management. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Phoenix, AZ. (January 2002)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leading a Performance Culture: The District of Columbia Case. Presented at the Performance Measurement for State and Local Government, Atlanta, Georgia. (January 2001)
- Fairholm, Matthew, The Difference Between Leadership and Management. Presented at the School of Business and Public Management Undergraduate Leadership Retreat, Camp Letts, Maryland. (January 2001)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Leadership Principles and Technologies: The Philosophy of Leadership Informed by the Science of Complexity, Chaos, and Quantum Physics. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Public Administration Network: Multiple Perspectives Multiple Works, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (January 2000)
- Fairholm, Matthew, Public Service in the New Millennium: Leadership in Chaotic Times. Presented at the Public Service in the New Millennium Conference, Washington, DC. (January 2000)