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- Mejai Avoseh
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Mejai B.M. Avoseh, Ph.D., is professor of Adult and Higher Education, University of South Dakota. He has researched and taught adult education in Nigeria, Namibia, and the United States. He has done significant work on indigenous epistemology in Adult Learning and Education as well as in citizenship education. He was a subject-matter expert member of the U.S. Delegation to CONFINTEA VII (non-voting). He was Director of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) and Board Member of the American Association for Adult & Continuing Education (AAACE). Mejai is recipient of the 2019 AAACE Outstanding Service Medallion. He is double recipient of the Fulbright Award for U.S. Scholars and a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame.
Adult/Higher education, Comparative/International/multi-cultural education, global citizenship education & Indigenous pedagogy.
Adult learning and education, Comparative/International education & diversity/multi-cultural education.
- MA, Philosophy, University of Ibadan, 1984
- Ph D, Adult Education, University of Ibadan
- BA, Philosophy, University of Ibadan
- MS, Educational Leadership & Administration, The College of St. Rose
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Teacher Education, University of Ibadan
- Certificate of Completion, U.S. Department of State
- Inclusive Mentoring, Center for Teaching & Learning, USD
- The Fulbright Press and Public Relations Certificate, United States Department of State
- Certificate of Completion, U.S. Department of State
- School District Administrator Certificate (SDA), NYSED
- School Administrator/Supervisor (SAS) Lincense, NYSED
- New York State Teacher certificate - Common Branche -Pre-K to 6, New York State Education Department
- New York Teaching License: Social Studies, Secondary 7-12 , NYSED
- Fulbright Sub‐Saharan Africa Regional Travel Program, Fulbright , (2020 - 2020)
- A New Approach to Measuring and Understanding the Structure and Function of Adolescent Attachment Networks, SERC, (2018 - 2018)
- CTL Teaching & Learning Grant, USD - CTL, (2016 - 2017)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant., USD, (2016 - 2017)
- SOE research grant, School of Education, (2015 - 2015)
- Teaching/Research, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board & the US Department of State, (2013 - 2014)
- CTL Teaching and Learning Grant, USD, (2009 - 2009)
- Bush Grant, USD/CTL, (2009 - 2009)
- Center for Academic Engagement Grant , USD, (2008 - 2008)
- CTL/Bush Grant , USD2007)
- Fall 2011 CTL/MCI Grants, Center for Teaching and Learning
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Holistic and linear rubrics of ALE for global citizenship inclusion: A comparative analysis. In Proceedings of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education - ISCAE, editors Jost Reichmann, 29-35. Florence: ISCAE, 2024.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Channeling Adult Learning and Education for Active Citizenship and Sustainable Development: The Quest for African Narrative , 1-17. Vol. 28, Iss. 1 Ibadan: Nigerian National Council for Adult Education, 2024.
- Amposah, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult learning and education for expanding access to higher education: the case of opsimaths in Ghana., Editors Stewart Gardiner, 1-17. Online: International Journal of Lifelong Education - Taylor and Francis, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02601370.2024.2406386)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Indigenous African Synchronicity for Revitalizing Adult Education for Positive Social Change ., Editors Paolo Federighi, 398-404. Vol. 24, Iss. 2 Florence: Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete- Firenze University Press, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Paulo Freire, Ariaria, Oja-Oba and Sabon Gari Market (AROGOS) Pedagogy of Adult Learning and Education., Editors Ojokheta, K.O, 1-10. Vol. 11, Iss. 1 Ibadan: International Journal of Continuing and Non-formal Education, 2024.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. CONFINTEA Vll Marrakech Framework and the Challenge of and Urgency for Active Citizenship Education. In Special Issues: Journal of Adult Learning, editors Davin Carr-Chellman, Lilian H. Hill, and Carol Rogers-Shaw, 82-91. Vol. 35, Iss. 2 Atlanta: SAGE/AAACE, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/10451595231207373)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult Learning and Education for Poverty Alleviation in Africa. Challenges and Opportunities for Women. In Adult education and social justice: International perspectives, editors M. Slowe, H. Hinzen, M. Omolewa, & M. Osborne , 67-77. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023. (DOI: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.10)
- Francis, MaryAnn, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Newland, Lisa. STUDENT PRIVACY AND LEARNING ANALYTICS: INVESTIGATING THE APPLICATION OF PRIVACY WITHIN A STUDENT SUCCESS INFORMATION SYSTEM IN HIGHER EDUCATION. In Journal of Learning Analytics, 102-114. Vol. Vol. 10 , Iss. No. 3 Alberta: Society for Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR), 2023.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Mẹdagbe and Global Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) . In NCHC SAMPLE HONORS COURSE SYLLABI, editors NCHC Publication Board, 3. Vol. NA, Iss. NA Lincoln : National Collegiate Honors Council, 2023.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Ogu (Egun) ethnolinguistic culture collection: Ogu Culture Series (Eight ). In Africana Digital Ethnography Project (ADEPt) , editors Aaron Carter-Enyi,, Eight Volumes. Atlanta: Atlanta University Center INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY , 2023.
- Alimigbe, Frances , and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Partnership for digitizing teaching in post-COVID Nigeria: TRCN Master Trainers' digital literacy for teachers and school administrators., Editors Griswold, W., 11-20. Atlanta, GA: Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), 2022.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Introduction. In Informal, Mutual and transformative learning for social justice, editors Mejai Avoseh, 129-135. Ibadan: University Press, 2022.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Ọmọlúàbi: The Social Justice and Transformative Frame of Indigenous Lifelong Learning. In Informal, mutual, and transformative learning for social justice, editors Mejiuni, O. & Avoseh, M. B. M., 167-171. Ibadan: University Press Plc., 2022.
- Mejiuni, Oluwatoyin, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Informal, mutual, and transformative learning for social justice., Editors Mejiuini, O. & Avoseh, M. B.M. . Ibadan: University Press, Plc, 2022.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Ikiugu, Moses, Nissen, Ranelle, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Kenyon, DenYelle, and Kupershmidt, Sabina. Development of Learning Materials to Address Social and Medical Factors Impacting A Minority Population . Vol. 6, Iss. 3 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2022.
- Whiteman, Deidra, Card, Karen, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Curtin, Susan, Lehmann, Erin, and De Jong, David. Division of Educational Leadership: Completed Dissertation Research Impacting the Midwest and Beyond: 2017-2021. In University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 2022.
- Alimigbe, Frances A., and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. International organizations and teachers' professional development in post COVID-19 Nigeria., Editors Wendy Griswold, 35-42. Atlanta: International Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education - American Association for Adult and Continuing Education – AAACE, 2021.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Ikiugu, Moses, Nissen, Ranelle, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Kenyon, DenYelle. Evaluating Interprofessional Competencies and Knowledge of and Confidence in Addressing Social Determinants of Health. In Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 1-19. Vol. 5, Iss. 4 (DOI: 10.26681/jote.2021.050408)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Contents and methods of adult learning and education in the 21st Century. In Nigerian National Council for Adult Education (NNCAE) at Fifty, editors A. Oduaran, M. Avoseh, K. Kazeem, & C. Oladapo, 95-114. Abuja: NNCAE, 2021.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Mẹdagbe and the challenges of sustainable development in global times. In Proceedings of Adult Education in Global Times Research Conference, editors : Sork, Thomas & Serrambana, Sonia , six. Vancouver : Canadian Society for Adult Education, 2021.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. ENHANCING SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT IN NIGERIA THROUGH TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A CASE OF TRCN . In Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE). Papers of the 2020 International Pre-Conference (69th, Virtual, editors M.B. M. Avoseh & M. Boucouvalas , 14-28. Atlanta: Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), 2021.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Vóthún & Ago: Ogu Culture Series 1-5. In Africana Digital Ethnography Project - www.radar.auctr/adept, editors Aaron M. Carter-Enyi.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult learning and education for global citizenship in South Africa. In Citizenship education A challenge for adult learning and education, 25. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), 2020.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. ANDRAGOGY IN SECONDARY SCHOOL LEADERSHIP: REFLECTIONS OF A NIGERIAN SCHOOL LEADER . In Proceedings of Adult Education in Global Times-An International Research Conference, 10-14. Vancouver : Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, 2020.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Andragogy in secondary school leadership: Reflections of a Nigerian school leader. ., Editors John P Egan, 10-14. Vancouver : Proceedings of Adult Education in Global Times-An International Research Conference, 2020.
- Fleming, Brady, De Jong, David, von Fischer, Paul, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Santo, Susan. The Relationship Between Superintendent Servant Leadership Behavior and Principal Job Satisfaction in Iowa, 13-40. Vol. 7, Iss. 1 Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice, 2020.
- Fleming, Brady, De Jong, David, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Santo, Susan, and von Fischer, Paul. The Relationship Between Superintendent Servant Leadership Behavior and Principal Job Satisfaction in Iowa., Editors Dr. Kevin Hurt. Columbus, GA: Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice (SLTP), 2020.
- Del Grosso, Avery, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Breuninger, Scott, and South-Winter, Carole A.. Application of Leininger’s Culture Care Theory in Family Medical History. In European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. Society for Advance Healthcare Research, 2020.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Whitiker, Erica, and . Social justice and retention: a study of marginalized statistical minority students at a predominantly white rural institution in the U.S.., Editors Concetta Tino, 17 (5-21). Iss. 2 EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING , 2019. (DOI: 10.3280/EXI2019-002001)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. The Ubuntu narrative in enhancing social justice adult education in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education -AAACE, editors Mejai Avoseh, 173-182. St. Louis: American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 2019.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Literacy education for active citizenship and sustainable development. In International Journal of Literacy Education, editors R.A. Aderinoye, 1-3. Vol. 9, Iss. 1 Ibadan: Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, 2019.
- Giese, Greta , and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. HERZBERG’S THEORY OF MOTIVATION AS A PREDICTOR OF JOB SATISFACTION: A STUDY OF NON-ACADEMIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE EMPLOYEES. In Excellence and Innovation in Learning AND Teaching, 38-52. Vol. 2 FrancoAngeli, 2018. (DOI: 10.3280/EXI2018-002003 )
- Bauer, Michelle M., Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and . ADULT EDUCATION AND THE IMPORT OF CRITICAL THINKING IN A GLOBAL ERA OF ACCELERATED TECHNOLOGY , 79-88. Myrtle Beach, SC: American Association for Adult and Continuing Education , 2018.
- Dawson, Rahsaan, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. FREIRE’S CONSCIENTIZATION AND THE GLOBAL STUDENT: TOWARDS EMANCIPATORY TRANSFORMATION. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Pre-Conference of CIAE, editors Mejai Avoseh, 113-124. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education , 2018.
- Valdez, April, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and . LIBERATING EDUCATION AND THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Pre-Conference of CIAE, editors Mejai Avoseh, 243-252. Myrtle Beach, SC: American Association for Adult & Continuing Education, 2018.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. AKỌTẸYỌN AND OJÚ ỌRUN: INDIGENOUS AFRICAN METAPHORS FOR DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION., Editors M. Avoseh & M. Boucouvalas, 23-28. Memphis: Commission for International Adult Education of AAACE, 2017.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Ubiquitous indigenous African lifelong education as "New" foundation for sustainable development. In Education and new Developments, editors Mafalda Carmo, 618-622. Vol. 2017 Lisbon: END, 2017.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Dakota Diversity and Indigenous values: The metaphor of Abomi Senu Fena. In Dakota TESL 2016 Newsletter, editors Emily Koo, 9-9. Vol. 10, Iss. Fall 2016 Sioux Falls: Dakota Teachers of English as Second Language , 2016.
- Jean Francois, Emmanuel , Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Griswold, Wendy , and . Perspectives on transnational higher education. In Perspectives on transnational higher education, editors Jean Francois, Avoseh, & Griswold.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Balancing the “local” and the “global” through transnational education: The Case of the University of Botswana. In Perspectives on transnational higher education, editors E. Francois, M.B.M. Avoseh, & W. Griswold . Boston: Sense Publishers, 2016.
- Shudak, Nicholas, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Freirean-based critical pedagogy: The Challenges of Limit-situations and Critical Transitivity, 463-471. Vol. 6, Iss. 4 Creative Education, 2015. (DOI: 10.4236/ce.2015.64046)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Botho: Botswana’s Indigenous Power for Humanizing the “Vuvuzelas” of Globalization. ., Editors Marcie Boucouvalas, 24-31. Bowie, MD: Commission for International Adult Education of AAACE, 2014.
- Mosweunyane, Dama, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards HIV/AIDS among the Basarwa of Botswana: Exploring indigenous options, 174-181. Bowie, MD: American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 2014.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Lifelong learning as a narrative in humanism. EDAD Newsletter, University of South Dakota , 01. Vermillion, SD: EDAD, USD, 2014.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. From Vermillion to Kasane: A lifelong journey of learning, 01. Vol. Vol.8,, Iss. #1, Spring Bismarck, ND: Dakota TESL, 2014.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Avoseh, M.B.M. (2013). Proverbs as Theoretical frameworks for lifelong learning in indigenous African education. ., Editors A. K. Brooks, J. V. Ross-Gordon et. al, 236-250. Vol. 63, Iss. 03 Thousand Oaks, CA: Adult Education Quarterly, 63 (3), 236-250, DOI: 10.1177/0741713612462601. Published by Sage & AAACE (http://www.aaace.org/)., 2013. (DOI: 10.1177/0741713612462601)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Religious Rites and Celebrations as Frameworks for Lifelong Learning in Traditional Africa., Editors Marcie Boucouvalas, 5-11. Bowie, MD: Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the AAACE , 2012.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. The Freirean “Andragogy” and Orality in indigenous African education: A framework for comparative education., Editors Reischmann, J, 51-56. Bamberg: International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE) , 2012.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Why my sister did not go to “school” and its lessons for inequities and future agenda., 12. Iss. http://www.worldwewant2015.org/node/290901 New York: UN Women and UNICEF global thematic consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 2012.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and . A traditional African perspective of blended learning. . In Transcultural Blended Learning and Teaching in Postsecondary Education, editors Emmanuel Jean Francois, Ph.D., 15-28. Hershey, PA : IGI Global , 2012.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and . The Challenges of Raising an Ideal African Family in America., Editors Marcie Boucouvalas, 8-14. Bowie, MD: Proceedings of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), 2011.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Proverbs as Foundation of Lifelong Learning in Indigenous African Education., Editors Marcie Boucouvalas, 15-23. Bowie, MD: Proceedings of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), 2011.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Informal community learning in traditional Africa. In Innovations in lifelong learning: critical perspectives, editors Jackson, Sue , 35 - 48 . London: Routledge, 2011.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult Educational and Moral Powers of Women in Indigenous Africa. In Proceedings of the Commission on Intationernational Adult Education (CIAE) of AAACE, editors Marcie Boucouvalas, pp. 9-14. Clearwater Beach, FL: American iation for Adult and Continuing Education., 2010.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult Education and Religious Literacy. In Rocznik Andragogiczny 2009 (The Andragogy Yearbook), 283-293. Warszawa: Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne, 2009.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Paulo Freire's Humanism and the Challenges of 21 st Century Adult Education. In Rocznik Andragogiczny 2009 (The Andragogy Yearbook). Warszawa: Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne, 2009.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Paulo Freire’s Conscientization and the Challenges of 21st Century Adult Education, 1-6. Cleveland, Ohio: Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of AAACE International , 2009.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. A Cross-cultural Analysis of Fighting Poverty through Education and Participatory Development, 10-18. Vol. XXI, Iss. 1 Boston: International Journal of Case Method Research & Application, 2009.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult education for rural revitalization in South Dakota, 37-40. Vol. XL, Iss. 3 Community Education Journal, 2009.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. A comparative review of lifelong learning in traditional African and Native American indigenous education. In Comparative Adult Education 2008: Experiences and Examples, editors Reischmann, J. and Bron, M, 191-202. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang, 2008.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Using adult education methods to engender closer connections between ESL teachers and learners, 5-6. Piere, SD: Dakota TESL Newsletter, 2008.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. School executives and the challenges of diversity in relationships. In Texas Council of Women School Executives (TCWSE) Monograph, 149-155. Texas Council of Women School Executives (TCWSE) Monograph, 2008.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. A comparison of participation in adult education and learning across two ‘worlds’, 51-57. Edinburgh: Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults (SCUTREA, 2008.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Values and informal education: From indigenous Africa to 21st century Vermillion, 51-57. St. Louis, Missouri: 49th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), , 2008.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Student Government and 'Volante' should challenge rumors. Vermillion: The Volante, 2008.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Andragogy in second grade: Reflections of an adult educator in elementary education, 19-27. Vol. 5, Iss. 2 New York: The New York Journal of Adult Learning, 2007.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. The symmetrical relationship between learning and communities in traditional Africa. Belfast: Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults (SCUTREA, 2007.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. The United States’ ‘No Child Left Behind Act’ and its implications for widening access to education . In Widening Access to Education as Social Justice, editors Akpovire Oduaran and H. S. Bhola , 227-244. Dordrecht, : Springer, 2006.
- , Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and . A Comparison of Paradigm Shifts in Continuing Education Programs and Practices at a Selected University in Taiwan and a University in the United States, 80-87. Milwaulkee: Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of AAACE, 2006.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Adult Education and Religious Literacy, 1-7. Milwaukee: Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of AAACE, 2006.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Without Genealogy: A Search for the Unwritten History of Adult Education in Traditional Africa, 1-12. Bamberg, Germany: 11th International Conference on the History of Adult Education, 2006.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Gosmire, Doreen, Morrison, Marcia, Van Osdel, Joanne, and . Paulo Freire and the Jigsaw Puzzles of Online Education . In Paulo Freire and the Jigsaw Puzzles of Online Education . Grand Forks, ND: Beyond Boundaries: Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning , 2005.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. The Power of Voice: An Analysis of Dialogue as a Method in both Elementary and Adult Education, 374-384.. Vol. XVII, Iss. 3 Boston: International Journal of Case Method Research and Application -, 2005.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. The Philosophy of Kegitism and the Andragogic Leader. In Building Stronger Perspectives of Adult Education in the New World Order, editors Kester Kehinde, 9. Ibadan: Nigerian National Council for Adult Education.
- Lucas Molitor, Whitney, Ikiugu, Moses, Nissen, Ranelle, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Kenyon, DenYelle, and Kupershmidt, Sabina. Evaluating Interprofessional Competencies and Knowledge of and Confidence in Addressing Social Determinants of Health. In Journal of Educational Therapy Education. Vol. 5, Iss. 4 Journal of Occupational Therapy Education.
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. MẸDAGBE: Ogu Indigenous Philosophy as Framework for Diaspora and Global Citizenship, 09.
- Robinson, Derrick, Schaap, Benjamin, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Emerging themes in Creative Higher Education Pedagogy. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education .
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and . Multiracialism and Diversity Support: A Study of Perceptions in Small U.S. Colleges. West Texas A&M : Journal of multiculturalism in Higher Education .
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Sustaining Empowering Education in the 21st Century through Indigenous Pedagogies. Wheeling, Illinois : International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET)..
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike. Proverbs as Theoretical frameworks for lifelong learning in indigenous African education.. SAGE: Adult Education Quarterly. (DOI: doi:10.1177/0741713612462601 )
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Morrison, Marcia, Gosmire, Doreen, and Van Osdel, Joanne. Indigenous Ways and a Holistic Education Approach to Green Revolution.
- Professor of the Game, Academic Affairs, USD, 2024
- Consulting Editor of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (IRE), UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2023
- University Honors’ Faculty Spotlight, USD Honors Program, 2023
- Inducted into International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame (IACEHOF) 2022, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame’s (IACEHOF) Board of Directors , 2022
- International Ambassador Award, Nigerian National Council for Adult Education (NNCAE), 2021
- Named into the International Adult & Continuing Education Hall of Fame’s Class of 2021, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame’s (IACEHOF) Board of Directors , 2021
- Obafemi Awolowo University Award of Excellence, Obafemi Awolowo University, 2020
- Board Member, International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE), 2020
- Osun State University Award of Excellence, Osun State University, Nigeria, 2020
- Received the J. William Fulbright Scholars Award for U.S. Scholars, , United States Department of State, 2019
- 2019 AAACE Outstanding Service Medallion Award., American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), 2019
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, USD, 2019
- Arle L. Olson Award for Continued Veteran Support, , Student Veterans, University of South Dakota (USD). , 2018
- Champions of Inclusive Excellence, USD President’s celebration of university Leadership., University of South Dakota, 2018
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of South Dakota, 2017
- Board Member, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 2016
- Director, Commission for International Education of AAACE, 2016
- President-elect, Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS), 2016
- Nominated for the School of Education Excellence in Research Award, School of Education, 2015
- Nominated for the School of Education Excellence in Service Award, University of South Dakota, 2015
- Vice-President and Board Member, Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS), 2015
- Cerificate of Completion of Fulbright Scholarship Program, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board & United States Department of State, 2014
- Board Member, Association of Educational Development in Africa, University of South Africa, 2014
- President and Chair of Board, Dakota TESL, 2013
- Received the J. William Fulbright Scholars Award for U.S. Scholars, United States Department of State, 2013
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, USD, 2013
- President-Elect, Dakota Teachers of English as a Second Language - Dakota TESL, 2012
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, USD, 2012
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, USD, 2010
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, USD, 2008
- Nominee, Belbas-Larson Award for Excellence in Teaching, USD, 2007
- Special Mention for Literacy Research, UNESCO, 1992
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Holistic and Linear Rubrics of ALE for Global Citizenship Inclusion and Participation: A Comparative Analysis. Presented at the International Society for Comparative Adult Education: Comparative Adult Education 2024, Florence, Italy. (November 10, 2024)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Indigenous African Synchronicity for Revitalizing Adult Education for Positive Social Change . Presented at the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Conference, Florence, Italy. (November 08, 2024)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Adult Learning Special Issue: CONFINTEA VII. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), Reno, Nevada. (October 30, 2024)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Harnessing adult learning and education for active citizenship and sustainable development: The quest for the African narrative. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Nigerian National Council for Adult Education, Ilesa - Nigeria. (October 10, 2023)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Intersection of gender, culture, and teachers’ professional development: The case of Nigeria . Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE), Lexington, KY. (October 02, 2023)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Teachers Need Teachers for Effective Service Delivery in Nigeria. Presented at the The 2023 Online Conference of Registered Teachers, Online. (August 30, 2023)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Citizenship Education & The Marrakech framework. Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE), Milwaukee, WI. (October 10, 2022)
- Alimigbe, Frances A., Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and , Partnership for digitizing teaching in post-COVID Nigeria: TRCN Master Trainers' digital literacy for teachers and school administrators. Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE), Milwaukee. (October 10, 2022)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Medagbe as Imperative for Social Justice fof OGA. Presented at the OGU GENERAL ASSEMBLY INAUGURAL SUMMIT, Administrative Staff College of Nigeria, Badagry. (May 28, 2022)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Citizenship Education and Mitakuye Oyasin as Imperatives for transforming education in a post COVID-19 Era. Presented at the The Dakota TESOL 2021 Conference “Transforming Education”, Virtual. (November 06, 2021)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Innovative Education and Exchange in the COVID Era. Presented at the 2021 Model African United Nations Conference, Ibadan, Nigeria. (August 27, 2021)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Mẹdagbe and the challenges of sustainable development in global times. Presented at the Adult Education in Global Times Research Conference 2021, Virtual - The University of British Columbia. (June 03, 2021)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Teachers as Vanguards of Equity and Inclusion in Challenging Times . Presented at the Teaching and Learning within the Context of COVID-19 and other Emergencies: Implications for Teacher Professional Development, Virtual - Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria. (January 26, 2021)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, MẸDAGBE: An indigenous African rubric for education and the pursuit of Global Common. Presented at the NCSS International Assembly (socialstudies.org) Virtual Conference, NCSS Virtual Conference: Advancing Social Justice. (December 04, 2020)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Indigenous synchronicity for learning and culture in the Age of Social “Vuvuzelas”. Presented at the A Public Fulbright Valedictory Lecture, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. (September 03, 2020)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, COVID-19, Health, and the Supernatural in an African Culture. Presented at the Family Medicine Cultural Immersion’s Speaker Day, Sioux Falls. (August 17, 2020)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, COVID-19 and the Future of Adult and Community Education in Nigeria.. Presented at the Webinar, Zoom. (May 15, 2020)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Omolúàbí: An indigenous framework for inclusive and equitable education. Presented at the The Annual International Conference of the College of Education, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. (February 24, 2020)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The People As Framework for Global Citizenship . Presented at the Fulbright Review/Orientation, Lagos, Nigeria. (January 09, 2020)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Fulbright Awards: International Opportunities for Adult Education Scholars. Presented at the 68th Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, St. Louis, Missouri. (October 09, 2019)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Ubuntu narrative in enhancing social justice adult education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Presented at the International Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education, St. Louis, Missouri. (October 07, 2019)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Creating a Critical Learning Environment in Adult Learning . Presented at the Dakota Techers of English as Second Language Conference, Fargo, ND. (November 15, 2018)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Bauer, Michelle M., ADULT EDUCATION AND THE IMPORT OF CRITICAL THINKING IN A GLOBAL ERA OF ACCELERATED TECHNOLOGY . Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education, Myrtle Beach, SC. (October 02, 2018)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Valdez, April, and , Liberating Education and the Challenges of Globalization and Technology. Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education, Myrtle Beach, SC. (October 02, 2018)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Adult Learning in a Complext World: Wither South Dakota?. Presented at the Dakota Teachers of English as Second Language, Sioux Falls. (November 08, 2017)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, AKỌTẸYỌN AND OJÚ ỌRUN: INDIGENOUS AFRICAN METAPHORS FOR DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION. Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE), OF aaace., memphis, TN. (October 31, 2017)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Philosophical Base of Transnational education and Global Citizenship. Presented at the Fourth Annual Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS) Conference, Athens, Ohio. (October 04, 2017)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, MEDAGBE: Ogu moral philosophy for Diaspora citizenship. Presented at the Diaspora Festival of Badagry, Badagry, Lagos, Nigeria. (August 23, 2017)
- Makwinja, Layani, Newland, Lisa, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Freeman, Harry, Contextual predictors of children’s subjective well-being in Botswana. Presented at the 6th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, Montreal, Canada. (June 2017)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Ubiquitous indigenous African lifelong education as "New" foundations for sustainable development. Presented at the International Conference on Education and New Development, Lisbon - Portugal. (June 2017)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Gendering from the Periphery: A transcultural Perspective on American Indian and Ogu Indigenous Women . Presented at the 2017 Bi-Ennial International Conference : Gender & Security, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. (May 17, 2017)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Changkuoth , Gatchay K., Zongo, Prosper , and , Political and Cultural Challenges of transnational terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Presented at the Third Annual International Conference on Transnational Education and Learning, The University of Memphis. (October 06, 2016)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Diversity and Equity in Education: The Dialectics of Modernity and African Tradition. Presented at the XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (August 22, 2016)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Repositioning Adult Education with Indigenous Synchronicity and Without the Vuvuzelas of Globalization: The Framework of BỌM. Presented at the World Conference on Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. (August 12, 2016)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Art and Craft of Interactive Teaching and Learning in Indigenous Pedagogies. Presented at the 33rd, International Conference OF WACRA, Pontifica Universidad Cat, Lima, Peru. (July 05, 2016)
- Schaap, Ben, Avoseh , Mejai Bola: Mejai., and , An Educator's Effect on Adult Learners' Creative Insight. Presented at the 65th American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Albuquerque. (January 2016)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Enriching the Landscape of International Adult Learning through Circular Rubrics. Presented at the AAACE 2016 Annual Conference, Albuquerque. (January 2016)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Botho and the revolutions in transnational adult learning. Presented at the The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) 64th Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (November 18, 2015)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Dakota Diversity and the Linear-Holistic Challenge: The Metaphor of Abomi Sénu Fénά. Presented at the Closer Connections Conference of Dakota Teachers of English as Second Language, Sioux Falls, SD. (November 10, 2015)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Botho, Ọmọlúὰbí, and Mẹdagbe (BỌM) as Frameworks for Transnational Education. Presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Transnational Education and Learning, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,. (October 02, 2015)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Critical transnational pedagogy (CTP): Toward a critical theory of transnational education and learning.. Presented at the International Conference of the Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS), Athens, Ohio. (October 02, 2015)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Botswana’s Kgotla: A Viable Addition to the Dialogic Process in Adult Education. . Presented at the The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AACE) 63rd Annual Conference, Charleston, South Carolina. (November 04, 2014)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Botho: Botswana’s Indigenous Power for Humanizing the “Vuvuzelas” of Globalization. . Presented at the International Pre-Conference, Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE), Charleston, South Carolina. (November 03, 2014)
- Modise, O., and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Balancing the “local” and the “global” through transnational education: The Case of the University of Botswana. . Presented at the First international conference on transnational education and learning, Milwaulkee. (September 29, 2014)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Putting indigenous Africa back into educational development in Africa: An exploration of cultural and traditional frameworks. Presented at the Association of Educational Development in Africa, 2014 IJEDA Symposium, Rustenburg, South Africa. (March 02, 2014)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Exploring indigenous African epistemology as a framework for comparative education. . Presented at the XV World Congress of Comparative Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (June 27, 2013)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Comparing Honors and Wisdom in Indigenous African Education and in a 21st Century University Program. Presented at the The 61st Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE),, ), Las Vegas. (November 08, 2012)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Religious Rites and Celebrations as Frameworks for Lifelong Learning in Traditional Africa. Presented at the Pre-Conference, Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the AAACE, Las Vegas, Nevada. (November 05, 2012)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Freirean “Andragogy” and Orality in indigenous African education: A framework for comparative education. Presented at the The 5th Conference of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education, Las Vegas, Nevada. (November 04, 2012)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Sternadori, Miglena, Indigenous immigrant women and the contradictions of gender re-construction. . Presented at the Women and Gender Research Conference,, The University of South Dakota. (October 20, 2012)
- Reed, Kristine, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Partnerships for teacher capacity building. Presented at the The 56th International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast , Ghana. (July 11, 2012)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, ). Active citizenship through global learning: Exploring comparative story-telling and case studies for criticality in undergraduate education. Presented at the The 29th International Conference of World Association for Case Method Research and Application, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. (June 26, 2012)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Active citizenship through global learning: Exploring comparative story-telling and case studies for criticality in undergraduate education. Presented at the The 29th International Conference of World Association for Case Method Research and Application, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. (June 26, 2012)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, A traditional African perspective of the adult learner and adult learning in our complex world. Presented at the The 60th International Conference of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), Indianapolis. (November 02, 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Proversbs as Foundations for Lifelong Learning in Indigenous African Education. Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the 60th International Conference of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), Indianapolis. (October 31, 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, , and , The Challenges of Riasing an Ideal African Family in America. Presented at the Pre-Conference of the Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the 60th International Conference of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), Indianapolis. (October 31, 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, An African Wand for Seeing the "Invisible". Presented at the Closer Connections Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Connecting Traditional Family Dynamics to Acculturation in America. Presented at the Closer Connections Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Kaufman, Roberta, Putting Paulo Freire in ELL/Learning Disabilities Classrooms. Presented at the Closer Connections Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, REDUCING “DISTANCE” IN DISTANCE EDUCATION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANISTIC CONSIDERATIONS: THE CASE OF A UNIVERSITY. Presented at the 28th International Conference on CASE METHOD, Research, Application, Case Writing, Interactive Methods., Dublin, Ireland. (June 26, 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Study- Abroad as Learning to Serve and Serving to Learn: Building active global citizens through Study-Abroad. Presented at the International Conference on Study Abroad, Service-Learning, and Sustainability, Brookings. (May 14, 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Service learning and sustainability as community empowerment. . Presented at the International Conference on Study Abroad, Service-Learning, and Sustainability, Brookings, SD. (May 12, 2011)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, , Dakar, Senegal. (December 30, 2010)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Some Fundamental Questions on Global Learning and Global Transformation. Presented at the The 59th International Conference of AAACE, Clearwater Beach. (October 27, 2010)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Adult Educational and Moral Powers of Women in Indigenous Africa. Presented at the International Adult Education Pre-Conference, the Commission for International Adult Education, Clearwater Beach, Florida.. (October 25, 2010)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Languages and Related Imperatives of Teaching and. Presented at the Great Plains Conference on Teaching in the Social Sciences, Vermillion. (October 09, 2010)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Black Race in a Globalized World: Impacts, Challenges & Opportunities. Presented at the 1st. Global Conference on Black Nationalities, Oshogbo, Nigeria. (August 24, 2010)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Ideas from Indigenous African Education for Adult Education and Community Development in the 21st Century. Presented at the AAACE 58th International Conference, Cleveland, OH. (November 06, 2009)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Paulo Freire’s Conscientization and the Challenges of 21st Century Adult Education.. Presented at the Pre-Conference, Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of the AAACE 58th International Conference, Cleveland, OH. (November 02, 2009)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Andragogy in K-12 and Adult education Classrooms. Presented at the Dakota TESL Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (October 02, 2009)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Employing African 'Philosophy' In Humanizing Teaching And Learning In A Global Environment. Presented at the The 26th International Conference on Case Method Research and Application, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. (June 28, 2009)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Fostering Participatory Development through Academic Engagement . Presented at the 43rd Annual National Community Education Association (NCEA) Conference, Dallas, Texas. (November 06, 2008)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Schamp, Ryan, Dewey, Freire and self-direction in 21st century college classrooms. Presented at the Great Plains Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Vermillion. (October 18, 2008)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Narrating African dreams in English utilizing adult education and cultural awareness. Presented at the Dakota TESL 2008 Conference, Bismarck, ND. (October 09, 2008)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Educational and related powers of women in pre-colonial Africa.. Presented at the Women and Power Conference, Vermillion. (October 04, 2008)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, A cross-cultural comparison of fighting poverty through education and participatory development. Presented at the 25th International Conference on Case Method Research and Application, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. (June 29, 2008)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Combining Pragmatism and Conscientization to Empower Adult Learners to Achieve their Best. Presented at the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association Conference,, Kansas City, MO. (June 04, 2008)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Using adult education methods to engender closer connections between ESL teachers and learners. Presented at the Dakota TESL Closer Connections Conference, Sioux Falls. (October 04, 2007)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The symmetrical relationship between learning and communities in traditional Africa.. Presented at the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults (SCUTREA),, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (July 04, 2007)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Gosmire, Doreen, Blending behaviorism and humanistic perspectives to create unique learning experiences. Presented at the First Great Plains Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Vermillion. (April 28, 2007)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Changing ecology of adult education and the imperatives of Freire’s critical consciousness. Presented at the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association Annual Conference, Bloomington, MN. (April 19, 2007)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Eduard Lindeman and the cultural ends of adult education. Presented at the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association Annual Conference, Bloomington, MN. (April 18, 2007)
- Zhang, Ling, and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Dismantling cultural silence in ESL. Presented at the Iowa Culture and Language Conference, Des Moines. (February 19, 2007)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, ). An Invitation to Re-Celebrate Humanistic Adult Education with Grundtvig, Lindeman and Freire. Presented at the The 55th American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Milwaukee. (November 08, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and Soka, John, Julius Nyerere and Adult Education for Development: Revisiting the Ujamaa. Presented at the The 55th American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Milwaukee. (November 07, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Adult Education and Religious Literacy. Presented at the Pre Conference of the Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of the 55th American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Milwaukee. (November 06, 2006)
- Lu, Jui-hsiang, Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, and , A Comparison of Paradigm Shifts in Continuing Education Programs and Practices at a Selected University in Taiwan and a University in the United States. Presented at the Pre Conference of the Commission on International Adult Education of the 55th American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Milwaukee. (November 06, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, A Comparative Review of Lifelong Learning in Traditional African and Native American Indigenous Education. Presented at the 4th Conference of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education, Bamberg University, Germany. (September 29, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Without Genealogy: A Search for the Unwritten History of Adult Education in Traditional Africa. Presented at the 11th International Conference on the History of Adult Education, Bamberg University, Germany. (September 26, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Repositioning Adult Education for 21st Century South Dakota. Presented at the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association Annual Conference,, Fargo, ND. (April 26, 2006)
- Lu, J.H., and Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Cross-Cultural Experiences of Learning and Teaching Adult ESL/EFL. Presented at the Iowa Culture and Language Conference (ICLC), Des Moines. (February 16, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Teaching American Adult Learners in the Age of Globalization. Presented at the Iowa Culture and Language Conference (ICLC), Des Moines. (February 16, 2006)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Searching for the Clientele of Adult Education in South Dakota. Presented at the 54th National Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Conference, Pittsburgh. (November 04, 2005)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Exploring the Educational Import of Governance and Active Citizenship in Traditional Africa. Presented at the Conference on Comparative Democratic Practices,, New York. (November 04, 2005)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Gosmire, Doreen, Morrison, Marcia, and Van Osdel, Joanne, The Impact of the NCLB Act on Leadership Styles of Female Administrators: A Study of Select States of the Midwest. Presented at the 19th Annual Women in Educational Leadership Conference, Lincoln. (October 09, 2005)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Morrison, Marcia, and Gosmire, Doreen, Paulo Freire and the Jigsaw Puzzles of online education. Presented at the 4th Annual Beyond Boundaries Conference: Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning, Grand Faulks. (October 06, 2005)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Gosmire, Doreen, Morrison, Marcia, and Van Osdel, Joanne, The impact of the NCLB act on leadership styles of femal administrators: A study of select states in the midwest. Presented at the Annual conference of Women in Educational leadership, Lincoln, NE. (October 2005)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, Gosmire, Doreen, Morrison, Marcia, and Van Osdel, Joanne, Paulo Frieire and the jigsaw puzzlies of online educationa. Presented at the Beyond Boundaries: Integrating technology into teaching and learning, Grand Forks, ND. (October 2005)
- Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The Power of Voice: An Analysis of Dialogue as a Method in Both Elementary and Adult Education. Presented at the 8th International Conference of the Academy for Creative Teaching, San Juan Puerto Rico. (January 05, 2005)