14th annual Building Bridges Conference is March 25 at The U
Sponsored by the USD Clinical Training Program and USD Admissions Office, the daylong event, “O’yate O’kiciyapi: People Helping One Another,” focuses on several topics of support and resiliency within the Native communities. Participants will have an opportunity to examine the importance of emotional and psychological support in Native communities, including “Getting Help” by Beth Boyd, Ph.D., professor of psychology and director of the Psychological Services Center at USD, and Cori Bazemore of USD Admissions. Additional presentations include “Lessons Learned from Last Year’s Participants,” and “Finding the Help Around You: Connecting to Your Community” by Wayne Evans, Ed.D., emeritus faculty of the USD School of Education, and Gene Thin Elk, director of Native American Services at The U. In addition, a variety of USD departments, programs and organizations will be showcased at an Information Fair throughout the day.
The 14th Building Bridges Conference begins with registration in the ballroom of the Muenster University Center at 8 a.m. followed by the opening ceremony at 9 a.m. A complete schedule of events, along with a registration form, is available by visiting the Building Bridges Conference Web site: www.usd.edu/bridges/conference.cfm.
Building Bridges provides opportunities for students, counselors and faculty to learn effective ways to make higher education a positive experience for all students but especially for Native students. A limited number of travel grants are available for high school groups on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, please contact the Clinical Psychology Program/BRIDGES Conference Planning Committee at (605) 677-5353 or e-mail [email protected], or contact Bazemore at (605)-677-7219 or [email protected].