During the 2010-11 academic year, BAP members organized several meetings on campus with accounting and business professionals. They hosted various presentations from companies such as Eide Bailly, McGladrey & Pullen, Ketel Thorstenson, Deloitte, Cain Ellsworth, KPMG, FDIC, IRS, and Becker Professional. Additionally, USD chapter members had an opportunity to participate in several community service activities, including assisting low income and elderly with their taxes during the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, accounting tutoring, Accounting Summer Camp, CPA night and the Arthur Volk Symposium. They also traveled to Deloitte in Minneapolis, Minn., for a field trip

“Receiving this award for a fifth consecutive year is proof of the hard work and dedication that our chapter puts forth every year in order to achieve success,” stated Srini Ragothaman, Ph.D., professor of accounting at USD and BAP advisor. “We are fortunate to have an enthusiastic group of students who made this happen.”

Beta Alpha Psi offers students an opportunity to meet with representatives from leading public accounting firms and private companies; the chance to get to know other accounting majors at USD and learn more information about the accounting field outside of the classroom. President of USD’s BAP chapter is John Whalen of Hartford, S.D. Additional officers include Judon Mehlhaff of Eureka, S.D., Jenny Schoenfish of Parkston, S.D., Ali Pearce of Rockland, Maine, Abby Doorn of Spencer, Iowa, Corey Backer of Sioux Falls, S.D., Joshua VanLaecken of Watertown, S.D., Jon Callahan of Vermillion, Sara Boyum of West Point, Neb., and Lynsey VonHoltum of Wilmont, Minn.

For more information about BAP at USD, please visit www.usd.edu/business/bap/.

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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