Chemistry department at The U receives NSF grant for TEM
USD will receive $495,815 from a National Science Foundation Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities - Multi-User grant to purchase a TEM. This instrument uses an electron beam, rather than visible light, to image structures at the nanometer scale (one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter). Using a system of electromagnetic lenses, the instrument will be able to produce an image magnified up to 650,000 times. The images are projected on a fluorescent screen and recorded with a digital camera. Interfaces with the Internet and remote access consoles will cyber-enable the TEM, maximizing users and outreach in the region.
Acquisition of a TEM strengthens the suite of techniques available at USD for materials characterization, which has increased dramatically the last few years due to acquisition of instrumentation, including a powder X-ray diffractometer, single crystal X-ray diffractometer, atomic force microscope and scanning confocal Raman microscope. The TEM would be the centerpiece of a regional cyber-user facility for the materials chemistry Ph.D. program at USD and the Northern Plains Undergraduate Research Center (NPURC). NPURC is a $2.9 million NSF funded undergraduate research center led by USD.
For more information about the Department of Chemistry at The University of South Dakota, including graduate and undergraduate programs, and the NPURC, please visit the department’s Web site at