Cindy Heckenlaible, a USD English major alum and a high school English teacher at Vermillion High School, published her article, "The Research Paper: Engaging Students in Academic Writing," in the March 2008 issue of the National Writing Project's _E-Voice_. While working on this article at a National Writing Project (NWP) writing retreat in Leavenworth, Wash., an NWP editor invited her to submit it for publication. The article is available at

Jan Hausmann, who earned her Ph.D. in English from USD and now teaches at Mount Marty College in Yankton, S.D., was selected to participate in the 2008 Memorial Library Summer Seminar, "Reading, Writing, and Teaching the Holocaust." The seminar, at New York City’s Columbia University from July 7 through July 19, is comprised of Writing Project teacher-consultants from schools throughout the United States. Each seminar participant receives a $1,000 fellowship, free housing, and a stipend for airfare, meals and local expenses. Through Hausmann's leadership and her experience from this seminar, the Dakota Writing Project plans to offer a local Holocaust institute at a later date.

Anne Moege, who earned an undergraduate degree in English education at The U, is a teacher at Mitchell Middle School who will have her work with technology featured on the NWP Web site. In 2006 and 2007, Moege participated in the Dakota Writing Project Electronic Writing Marathon, an online activity where DWP teacher-consultants from around the state utilized a variety of technology environments, such as weblogs, Google.Docs, podcasts and digital storytelling. The E-Marathon included online discussions of how to use these technologies in classrooms. As a result of participating in the DWP E-Marathon, Moege attended the NWP’s Writing-and-Technology Writing Retreat in Nebraska, where she worked on an article about her school’s efforts with the state laptop initiative. Her article was published on the DWP Reflections Weblog at . This article, as well as her participation in the DWP E-Marathon and NWP Writing Retreat, will be featured in an article on the NWP Web site this month.

The Dakota Writing Project, which is affiliated with the National Writing Project, is a local, non-profit organization of educators striving to improve the teaching of writing at all grade levels and in all disciplines. In order to become a DWP teacher-consultant, teachers must successfully complete the rigorous DWP Invitational Summer Institute. See for details.

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