"A Christmas Carol" tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the "spirits" of Christmas, the latter of who lead the tight-fisted and hard-hearted Scrooge to a life-affirming transformation. "A Christmas Carol," adapted by Romulus Linney, is holiday entertainment that supports the true meaning of Christmas.

University Theatre's production features a large cast that includes a mix of area professionals, USD students, and community youths. Dan Workman, artistic director of the Children’s Theatre Company of South Dakota, and his son, Dylan, play Ebenezer Scrooge and Boy Scrooge/Tiny Tim, respectively. Brian Begley and Nanette Hofer, USD Theatre alums, play the ebullient Mr. and Mrs. Fezziwig while Bruce Earnest, associate professor of theatre at The U and music director for the production, plays Marley’s Ghost. USD students Ty Hudson of South Sioux City, Neb., and Avalon Kann of McGregor, Iowa, are the humble parents of the happy Cratchit family.

"A Christmas Carol" is directed by Eric Hagen, professor of theatre, while Patricia Downey, assistant professor of theatre, provides choreography for the Fezziwig dance that is supported by Owen De Jong, Vermillion’s own fiddling virtuoso.  Grand scenic and costume effects are designed by professors Tim Case and Rachel Dozier-Ezell. Lighting and sound designs are created by Aaron Larson and Lionel Riley, graduate students of design.

Tickets for "A Christmas Carol" are $10 for adults, $6 for youths (K-12) and non-USD students, and $4 for USD students. The University Theatre box office opens Monday, Nov. 24 with hours from noon to 5 p.m. daily. Reservations can be made by calling the box office at (605) 677-5400 or by going online at www.usd.edu/cfa/Theatre. "A Christmas Carol" is partially supported by generous donations from First Bank and Trust and Barnes and Noble at USD.

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