Documentary by USD Fine Arts Student Screens in Vermillion
The University of South Dakota Native American Cultural Center, in conjunction with the Vermillion Downtown Cultural Association and Vermillion Cultural Programming Committee, presents a celebration of Native American culture with multiple presentations culminating in the documentary screening of “We Are A Horse Nation” at the Coyote Twin Theater, Oct. 23.
The first event, from 3:30 - 5 p.m. at the Vermillion Public Library, will feature James Star Comes Out of the Oglala Lakota, and Redwing Thomas of the Isanti Dakota for a presentation titled, “Horse Regalia of the Ochethi Sakowin.”
The second event, “Horse Nation of the Ochethi Sakowin Exhibition,” will include a reception with the artists and a meal provided by USD Native Student Services from 5-6 p.m. at the Coyote Twin Theater Gallery.
The final event will screen the documentary, “We Are A Horse Nation,” made by USD fine arts graduate student, Keith Braveheart, from 6-8 p.m. in the Coyote Twin Theater. There will be a talkback with the filmmaker and individuals featured in the film in the gallery.