The fair, hosted in the Al Neuharth Media Center, will promote literature, all forms of writing and more.

Attendees will be able to enjoy a buffet lunch provided by USD admissions and reading by poet and USD faculty member Lindy Obach at 11:15 a.m. prior to the fair which begins at 12:30 p.m.

Various English department groups will be on hand with activities and prize drawings. USD English professors will offer 5-minute lectures on literary topics, followed by a brief Q&A discussion.

Consultants from the USD Writing Center will be available to meet with students about their writing and provide feedback. Organizations such as the Vermillion Literary Project, Sigma Tau Delta, Astrophil Press, and South Dakota Review will also be present.

After the fair, interested students can take a campus tour at 2 p.m.

For more information, contact Michelle Rogge Gannon.

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