“Initially, SDDS will support 12 STEM projects across eight departments at four institutions in South Dakota, including 30 faculty, 43 postdocs, and 303 students,” said Jennewein. “SDDS will provide South Dakota researchers with a centralized, efficient, high-performance platform for both archival of and shared access to large quantities of electronic data.”

Jennewein said he was inspired to apply for the grant because he believed it would accelerate how data-driven research is conducted around the state.

“Reducing time to discovery is always a goal of research IT,” said Jennewein.

Some of the initial projects utilizing the SDDS will include USD’s Center for Ultra-low Background Experiments at Dakota (CUBED) for its work at the Sanford Underground Research Facility, the Center for Brain and Behavior Research and the South Dakota Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network at various locations around the state.

He also touted the platform’s ability to help entice additional research opportunities. “It makes us more competitive,” said Jennewein. “What was before impossible is now possible. A strong data infrastructure attracts strong partners.”

The distributed storage system will be housed at two locations: the USD Vermillion campus and University Center in Sioux Falls. The SDDS is scheduled to be operable by the end of 2017.

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