As assistant vice president for research compliance, O’Kelley will oversee several areas, including animal welfare, human subjects protection, environmental health and safety, export controls, conflict of interest, and research misconduct. Reporting to the incoming interim vice president for research, Mary Berry, Ph.D., O’Kelley’s position will enable both the campus community and external regulatory agencies to work seamlessly with the university. Coupled with software improvements planned for FY15, the new structure in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will facilitate “one-stop shopping” for researchers. Contact information for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is online at

O’Kelley joined USD in 2012, bringing significant experience in regulatory compliance from industry. While at USD, he has served on the Institutional Biosafety Committee, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and emergency operations team, in addition to several other responsibilities.

“Kevin’s outstanding skill dealing with complex issues and diverse groups of people makes him the ideal person for the AVPRC position,” said Laura Jenski, Ph.D., retiring vice president for research. “He will do an excellent job ensuring compliance with regulations while facilitating the work of our researchers.”

A photo of O’Kelley is available for download at

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