The USD Inclusive Science Initiative and the Center for Teaching and Learning will hold 10 weekly, 45 minute sessions of guided training on best practices for being a mentor at the university level using the curriculum developed by the nationally-recognized National Research Mentorship Network.

Sessions will start on Jan. 16-17, and will be held on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. and Wednesdays 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. The workshops will continue every week through March 27-28 with no meetings taking place during Spring Break.

Participants who attend eight of the 10 workshops will receive a Statement of Achievement in Mentoring from the CTL. The workshops will be held in MT110, and Collaborate links will be provided for faculty who wish to participate online.

Brian Burrell, an associate professor in the Division of Basic Biomedical Sciences at USD and one of the main organizers of the workshops, said the programs benefit both the faculty mentors and their student mentees.

“Studies have shown that faculty who receive mentor training experience greater productivity by their trainees,” he said. “Furthermore, student success in college is greatly impacted by the quality of faculty mentoring that they receive and this is especially students from underrepresented groups.”

To register for this series or to receive the Collaborate link, please sign up at [email protected].

If you have specific questions about the program or want to see a detailed curriculum, contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Week 1: Introduction to Mentor Training Program
Week 2: Aligning Expectations
Week 3: Promoting Professional Development
Week 4: Maintaining Effective Communication
Week 5: Addressing Equity and Inclusion
Week 6: Inclusion within South Dakota & the Surrounding Region
Week 7: Assessing Understanding
Week 8: Fostering Independence
Week 9: Cultivating Ethical Behavior
Week 10: Articulating Your Mentoring Philosophy and Plan

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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