Schools scheduled to participate are: Brandon Valley High School, Brookings High School, Dakota Valley Middle School and High School (North Sioux City), Edison Middle School (Sioux Falls), Elk Point-Jefferson Middle School, Madison High School, Mickelson Middle School (Brookings), Mitchell High School, Sacred Heart Middle School (Yankton), Spearfish Middle School and High School, Todd County High School (Mission), Vermillion Middle School, and Yankton Middle School and High School.

The tournament consists of several events that follow formats similar to popular board games, television game shows, and athletic contests. The competitions highlight knowledge of biology, earth sciences, chemistry, physics, computers, technology, and mathematics.

South Dakota winners will compete May 15-16 at the national tournament that will feature 2,000 students on 120 different championship teams from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Host of the national competition is the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.

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Hanna DeLange
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