Miskimins to direct research for USDs medical school
Her new role as director formalizes many of the duties and responsibilities Miskimins has taken on over the last several years. Those duties include helping with the development of junior faculty, including finding mentors for research and teaching. She also helps faculty pursue their research interests, including locating funding opportunities, networking and training opportunities. She also coordinates activities of the Research Advisory Council in the Division of Basic Biomedical Sciences.
"Robin has such respect from her colleagues that she naturally provided leadership in helping our faculty develop their teaching and research skills over the last several years," Ron Lindahl, Ph.D., executive dean of the medical school, said. "This well-deserved promotion is an acknowledgement of her past contributions as well as the critical role we know she will continue to play."
Miskimins joined the faculty of the medical school in 1991. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Arizona. She received the Board of Regents Award for Excellence in Research in 1999 and the Chester McVay Award for Faculty Teaching and Research Excellence in 2007.
A photograph of Miskimins is available for download at www.usd.edu/urelations/images/Robin_Miskimins.JPG.