ranks the Best Affordable AACSB Online M.B.A.’s and lists USD’s No. 13 in a 2014 “Best Online M.B.A. Programs” feature. The top-20 ranking makes USD’s online M.B.A. a “Best Buy” and one of the most affordable online master’s degree programs available.’s “Best Buy” designation indicates USD’s program has been independently reviewed and found to offer a high quality distance M.B.A. to online students at a cost rate well below the national average of 93 AACSB-accredited business schools.

According to, the average cost of a distance learning M.B.A is $37,011. USD’s online M.B.A. average cost is $13,202 based on’s comprehensive review of 147 distance M.B.A. degrees. Costs are specific to the online learning M.B.A. program as opposed to the residential M.B.A. degree.

The online M.B.A. program at USD was developed for leaders of business, industry and government, and the program emphasizes decision making, problem solving, understanding the role of business in society and developing leadership ability and social responsibility. USD online M.B.A. courses are taught by the same faculty and consist of the same subject matter regardless of delivery mode, including on campus instruction or classes offered at off campus locations.

For more information about a USD Online M.B.A., please visit:  To see’s rankings, go to

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