Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Chapter Welcomes Princeton Physicist
"We are delighted to have an award-winning scholar like Professor Bialek visit our campus," said Karen Koster, professor and associate chair of biology. "His research spans scientific disciplines and blurs their boundaries in ways that are both enlightening and engaging."
A theoretical physicist interested in the phenomena of life, Bialek is known for work emphasizing the approach of biological systems to the fundamental physical limits on their performance. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Physical Society, and recipient of the 2013 Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience of the Society for Neuroscience.
"I hope that students and others who attend his lecture and meet with him appreciate how his interdisciplinary perspective helps unravel fundamental questions about how organisms function, in other words, how life works," said Koster.
During his visit, Bialek will meet with undergraduate classes in the physics and biology departments as well as neuroscience research students. He will also appear on South Dakota Public Broadcasting "In the Moment," Tuesday, Feb. 6.