Sanford School of Medicine professor to study HGH effects with three-year research grant
With no scientific studies examining the role for using HGH to accelerate recovery time from injury, Baumgarten’s study will focus on dosage amounts and a temporal relationship with an acceleration of tendon to bone healing as well as biomechanical testing to assess the side effects of using HGH. Baumgarten’s research ultimately brings South Dakota to the forefront of medical research involving HGH and injury recovery. Overall, the study aims to seek answers on whether or not HGH has no effect on injury recovery and may help dissuade its illicit use among athletes. A specialist in sports medicine and shoulder surgery, Baumgarten completed a fellowship in sports medicine and shoulder surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. While he was there, he was also an associate physician with the New York Mets. Baumgarten presently serves as the head team physician with the USHL’s Sioux Falls Stampede and Dakota State University athletics.