Second-year law students Bryton Syverson and John Nelson advanced to the final round of the competition earning second place. Shanya Burt and Andy Grocott, also second-year law students, reached the semi-final round. Second-year law students Natalie Gronlund and Erica Reber ranked eighth.

"It is really exciting to see such strong performances from our second-year ADR board members. I am extremely proud of the hard work and dedication each of these students put into this competition,” said Lori Rensink, a third-year law student and president of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board.

The teams prepared for several weeks before the tournament with the assistance of other students, faculty, alumni and trained professionals. USD Law alumna Mallory Schultz helped with practice rounds and USD Law professor Tom Simmons helped the teams prepare for different client interactions. The team was also assisted by its advisors Tyler Tigges and Marilyn Trefz.

"The ADR Board truly operates as a team when we prepare to send members to competitions,” said Rensink "Each member of the ADR Board is willing to put in the work to help another board member succeed. I know we will see more success from the ADR Board in the future.” 

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