SPURA Announces 2023 Cohort of Research Fellows

Left to right, back to front
Maykala Mofle, Brian Burrell (SPURA Co-Director), Spencer Hurst, Tyson Junck, Sophia Van Bursick, Abigail Stelling, Yohann Fernandes (mentor), Morgan Rothschadl (peer mentor)
SPURA is a 10-week summer research program providing undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct mentored, hypothesis-driven research and make meaningful contributions to the fields of mental health and substance use disorders.
The 2023 SPURA fellows are Lindsey Grabowska, Spencer Hurst, Tyson Junck, Makayla Mofle, Katherine Pardy, Abigail Stelling, Kacy Tubbs and Sophia VanBuskirk. Under the guidance of graduate student peer mentor Morgan Rothschadl and program directors Lisa McFadden, Ph.D., and Brian Burrell, Ph.D., the SPURA fellows will help shape the future of prevention, treatment and support systems.
For more information about USD’s SPURA program, visit usd.edu/SPURA.