Susan and Douglas Tuve to Serve as 2024 Dakota Days Parade Marshals

Susan and Douglas Tuve exemplify a life dedicated to service, leadership and community involvement. Both have made significant contributions to USD and the Vermillion community. Their combined efforts have left a lasting impact on the institution they cherish.
Susan "Sue" Tuve spent the first two years of her academic journey at USD before transferring to the University of Minnesota to complete her degree in anthropology—a program not offered at USD at the time. Sue’s experience at USD instilled a deep appreciation for the personalized faculty support and unique academic opportunities of a smaller university, a characteristic of USD that she continues to champion.
Following graduation, Sue embarked on a 35-year career in trust and investment banking, first with a national bank and later with a private bank in Minneapolis. During her time in Minnesota, she met and married her husband of 49 years, Douglas. Also originally from South Dakota, Douglas "Doug" has degrees in philosophy, theology and electrical engineering.
Despite living away from Vermillion, Sue remained connected to USD, serving as a trustee since 1981 and joining the USD Foundation Investment Committee, where she later became chair. She also served as chair of the USD Foundation Board of Directors from 2001- 2003.
After retiring in 2005, Sue and Doug made Vermillion their home. Susan joined the USD Foundation as director of planned giving until her second retirement in 2018. In this role, she worked tirelessly to raise private funds to support the university’s programs and initiatives.
Today, Sue continues to serve the USD Foundation as a trustee and is a member of the USD Scholarship Committee, the College of Arts & Sciences Advisory Board, Women in Philanthropy Steering Committee and the Opera Guild Board. She and Doug are avid supporters of Coyote Athletics and fine arts. Sue and Doug are also active Vermillion community members, serving in the Vermillion Rotary and other civic organizations.
"Sue and Doug Tuve have made a lasting impact on the university, whether they’re cheering from the stands or chaperoning the USD Chamber Singers on tour," said USD President Sheila K. Gestring. "Their dedication and passion for USD are truly inspiring, and we are proud to honor them as this year’s Dakota Days Parade grand marshals."