Each student was required to maintain a journal and an e-Portfolio about their research. Journals and e-Portfolios are accessible at www.usd.edu/engage/undergradresearch/udiscover/udiscoverportfolios.cfm.

The U. Discover Summer Research Scholar Program is a project of the Council for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (CURCA). It is designed to give undergraduate students in any academic field experience in conducting a scholarly research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor at the U. Students selected participate as a group in weekly lunch hour presentations on various topics related to conducting research activities, and learn from their peers about research in different disciplines. Undergraduates and their faculty sponsors include: Carly Dearborn of Milbank, S.D., and Scott Breuninger, assistant professor of history; David Earll from Sibley, Iowa, and Margaret Banks, curator, National Music Museum; Alicia Elliott of Vermillion and Kathleen Eyster, professor, Basic Biomedical Sciences; Elizabeth Hahn of Sioux Falls, S.D., and Brian Burrell, assistant professor, Basic Biomedical Sciences; Phillip Millard of Sioux City, Iowa, and Cathy Ezrailson, assistant professor, Curriculum and Instruction; Stephanie Reed from Elk Point, S.D., and Dan Van Peursem, chair, Mathematical Sciences Department; Derick Rehurek of Vermillion and Richard Rognstad, professor of music; Theresa Stevenson from Blencoe, Iowa, and Doug Peterson, director, University Honors; Allison Struck of Yankton, S.D., and William Anderson, assistant professor of political science and director of Government Research Bureau, and Mandie Weinandt of North Sioux City, S.D., and Michael Allgrunn, assistant professor, Beacom School of Business. Christopher Ervin, assistant professor of English and director of the University Writing Center, served as the program director for the summer.

For more information, please visit: www.usd.edu/engage/undergradresearch/udiscover/udiscover_apply.cfm.

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Hanna DeLange
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