USD Alumni Association to Recognize Three Graduates at Dakota Days
The Alumni Achievement Awards will be presented at a dinner Friday, Oct. 2: Public Service to David Gilbertson (1975), of Pierre, chief justice of the South Dakota Supreme Court; Professional Achievement to Dr. John Hallenbeck (1964), of Kensington, Maryland, chief of the stroke branch of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; and Service to the University to Susan Tuve (1969), of Vermillion.
Register online or by calling 605-677-6734 / 800-655-2586 by Sept. 23.
More about each recipient:
Gilbertson, a native of Sisseton, received his undergraduate degree from South Dakota State University in 1972 and his Juris Doctor from the University of South Dakota School of Law in 1975. He worked in private practice until his appointment to the circuit court in 1986, has served on the South Dakota Supreme Court since 1995 and has been chief justice since 2001. Gilbertson also has served in leadership positions on various groups, including as a court counselor at South Dakota Boys State since 1995. He’s currently president-elect of the Conference of Chief Justices and will serve as its president for the 2015-16 term. He and his wife, Deb, have four children.
Hallenbeck received his bachelor’s degree in medicine from USD in 1964 and his M.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania. After a medical internship and neurology residency at the University of Michigan, he entered the United States Navy. He’s currently chief of the stroke branch at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and a board-certified neurologist. Hallenbeck is considered a notable expert not only on matters related to stroke but also on spinal cord diseases, brain injuries, decompression sickness and cerebral arterial diseases among other areas. He received the Thomas Willis Award from the American Stroke Association.
Tuve spent part of her childhood in Vermillion and attended USD before receiving her bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the University of Minnesota, though she’s a Coyote through and through. Over the past 40 years she has volunteered extensively for USD. While living in Minneapolis, she helped start the Twin Cities USD Alumni lunch club and has served on the USDF board directors, scholarship committee, Chamber Singer tour escort, and is an enthusiastic fan of the Coyotes. She and her husband, Doug, participate in school events and give financially to USD, from Coyote athletics to the College of Fine Arts and academic programs.