“The i2i competition encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to learn through trial and error about what works and what doesn’t when starting a business,” said Venky Venkatachalam, dean of the Beacom School of Business. “Exposing students to the challenges encountered in the entrepreneurial process will help them understand how to adapt and succeed in the business world.”

In order to compete students submit a video presentation explaining their idea and the action they’ve taken to test out their business model and what they’ve learned or changed by 11:59 p.m., March 5, at www.usd.edu/i2i. Finalists are selected and announced by March 14 and invited to compete for prize money by presenting to judges live during the i2i competition held at the Beacom School of Business on March 23.

Prizes for winning entries are as follows:

High School Track

  • First Place: $1000

  • Second Place: $750

  • Third Place: $500

  • Plus additional prizes and services


University Track

  • First Place: $2000

  • Second Place: $1500

  • Third Place: $1000

  • Plus additional prizes and services


There will also be a $250 award given to the crowd favorite.

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
Contact Email usdnews@usd.edu
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