The Vermillion MLK Jr. Day of Service was partially funded by a $2,500 grant from the North Carolina Campus Compact and planned by a committee of students, staff and faculty at USD.

"As a member of the planning committee, it was extremely rewarding to visit each of the work sites and visually appreciate the difference that our volunteers were making throughout the town," said Anne Rosenbaum, a USD senior from Jefferson, S.D. "We made large strides that day. I can only dream that this tradition will continue."

More than 150 people from the area participated in various service projects, including a canned good drive for the Vermillion Food Pantry, preparing a meal for the Welcome Table, and cleaning, painting and repair work at several local organizations. In all, participants volunteered more than 600 hours of service in Vermillion. For more information and comments about the event, please visit

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