“We are pleased that students and families continue to view the University of South Dakota as the best choice to continue their education,” said President James W. Abbott. “USD remains a leader–both in the state and regionally–in providing quality, affordable education through rigorous academic programs.”

Some key points about USD from the data:

  • Enrollment by South Dakota residents increased by 3.6 percent from last fall.
  • First-time freshman enrollment increased by 4.7 percent from last fall to 1,341 students.
  • While out-of-state enrollment was slightly down 0.3 percent, USD saw a 27.3 percent increase in new undergraduate Iowa enrollment this fall.
  • USD continues to become more diverse seeing a 4.7 percent increase in domestic minority students from Fall 2016.
  • The four-year graduation rate rose 1.3 percent for first-time, full-time, bachelor’s degree-seeking students.
Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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