The COVID-19 screening takes users through a 5-step self-assessment, asking questions that will help evaluate the possibility of being ill with COVID-19 or another influenza-like illness. USD students, faculty and staff are encouraged to utilize the app before coming to campus and entering public spaces on campus. Ill or symptomatic employees and students are encouraged to stay home.

Kevin O’Kelley, a member of the USD COVID-19 Task Force and assistant vice president for research compliance, consulted with medical professionals and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, then worked with the USD service desk to develop their suggestions into a simple but useful tool.

“Some people think it is a sign of strength to go to work or school even when they are sick. Part of the ‘new normal’ is that this is no longer acceptable behavior,” said O’Kelley. “Retraining people to stay home when they have the sniffles will take time and effort, and we hope that using this health assessment every day will help us all develop this new habit.”

USD Safe was developed by the USD Police Department under its mandate to develop policies, programs, services and informational resources to promote and address campus safety. Other features available on USD Safe include virtual walk home assistance, campus maps, a safety toolbox and immediate connections to the University Police Department, among others. The software was developed by AppArmor, a software company that develops branded safety apps, emergency notification systems and internal command apps for organizations across the globe.

Download the USD Safe app in the Apple Store or Google Play.

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