An integral aspect of the remodel is the creation of a large, new medical student classroom on the library’s second floor. This new learning space was dedicated Feb. 24 as the Mary D. Nettleman Classroom. Dr. Nettleman served as dean of the medical school from 2012 to 2020.

Dan Daily is dean of libraries at USD, including oversight for the medical school facility. Daily notes that the remodel provided new innovative and comfortable study spaces and upgraded technology, and that the library is both an academic and a health care library.

“This library originally opened in 1998, and from the very beginning it sought to not only serve the medical school, but to also contribute to public service and health care in our state and region," said Daily.

In a typical year, Daily said, more than 30,000 users visit the library, and more than 40,000 people use the library’s website and online services.

The medical library is guided by a board of directors representing the area’s three major health facilities, area universities and colleges, and representatives of the community.

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