USD School of Law Ranks Top Ten in Clerkships
“With nearly a quarter of the Class of 2016 earning state or federal clerkships, it says a lot about the caliber of our students and our program’s ability to develop our students’ writing and analytical skills,” said Devra Sigle Hermosilla, Director of Career Services at the School of Law.
The USD School of Law was ranked ninth with 20.69 percent of the most recent graduating class going into clerkships.
“Graduates not only receive an opportunity to perform a public service but also have a chance to hone their legal writing, research and analytical skills. Very importantly, they learn how to think like a judge,” said Hermosilla. “This helps the clerks go on to become better attorneys, highly sought after by prestigious firms and agencies.
The legal blog, Above The Law, explained the importance of this ranking.
“It’s not only the strength of your application that matters for securing a state clerkship. Attending a law school with high placement rates for state and local clerkships can be very helpful too, as it reflects past graduates’ reputation with judges, and the law school’s pull within the local community.”
The USD School of Law was recently ranked third in least indebted graduates and remains a best value law school, educating most of the state’s lawyers and judges, filling spots in private law firms and in public legal practice.