The U.S.-U.K. Fulbright Commission is the only bilateral, transatlantic scholarship program, offering awards and summer programs for study or research in any field, at any accredited U.S. or U.K. university. The Commission is part of the Fulbright program conceived by Sen. J. William Fulbright in the aftermath of World War II to promote leadership, learning and empathy between nations through educational exchange. Award recipients and summer program participants will be the future leaders for tomorrow and support the “special relationship” between the U.S. and U.K.

As a participant, Arens has been selected from a strong applicant pool to experience the U.K. on a four-week summer program. The International Summer School at the University of Exeter offers students from across the world a chance to study at one of the U.K.’s top universities. Exeter faculty from a range of Colleges teaches its bespoke, interdisciplinary courses, allowing participants to immerse themselves in a topic of their choosing.

“When I first found out, I was pretty excited (to put it mildly). I’ve always wanted to travel to the U.K., but never really got a chance to do so,” said Arens, a chemistry and Spanish double major from Yankton, S.D. “This experience will not only allow me to explore England’s culture, but also to study global climate change at one of the finest institutions in the U.K. Upon returning to the U.S., I hope to have gained some insight on what the U.K. is doing right in terms of climate change policy and what the U.S. could be doing better. It’ll be a great experience.”

Arens is a sophomore Presidential Scholar at USD. In addition to studying chemistry and Spanish along with a minor in mathematics, he is an amateur pianist, a member of Chemistry Club and College Democrats, and Vice President of Honors Association.

The Commission selects participants through a rigorous application and interview process. In making these awards, the Commission looks not only for academic excellence but a focused application, a range of extracurricular and community activities, demonstrated ambassadorial skills, a desire to further the Fulbright Program and a plan to give back to the recipient’s home country upon returning.

The Fulbright Summer Institute covers all participant costs. In addition, Fulbright summer participants receive a distinctive support and cultural education program, including pre- departure preparation, enrichment opportunities in country, and opportunity to join alumni networks.

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