“Les Misérables” is a multi-award-winning musical based on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo. Audiences throughout the world have been drawn into the compelling story of redemption, obsession, revolution, second-chances and social class for more than three decades. Featuring recognizable songs like “Do You Hear the People Sing” and “I Dreamed a Dream,” the story follows the journey of Jean Valjean (played by Steven Schaeffer of Sioux Falls, S.D.) from young ex-con and thief to his rise as a well-respected member of the business class. All the while, Javert (played by Ebrin Stanley of Houston, Texas), the tenacious, sadistic military police officer, tracks Valjean through city and country committing his life to exposing the truth about Valjean’s past. Young lovers, poor beggars, crooked bar-keeps, forgotten young girls and passionate students populate Valjean’s world, leading him to “pay forward” the grace given him years before in darker days.

Because of its immense popularity, permission for universities and similar producing companies has only recently been granted. USD Theatre is presenting one of the first university productions in the Great Plains under the direction and musical direction of Assistant Professor Matt Nesmith.“Les Misérables” is also presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (www.MTIShows.com). A photo of Stanley and Schaeffer as Javert and Valjean is available for download at www.usd.edu/press/news/images/releases/Les_MiserablesUSD.jpg.

“Les Misérables” performs at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 21- 23 and on Nov. 25, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 24 in the Wayne S. Knutson Theatre on the USD campus. Tickets are $15 Adults, $12 Senior Citizen (62+) $10 K-12 & non-USD students with ID, and $5 USD for students with ID and can be reserved online at www.usd.edu/theatre by calling the USD Theatre Box Office at (605) 677-5400 between noon and 5 p.m.

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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