Team members Bailey Quanbeck, Megan Swets, Kirk Campbell, Blake Warner, Darien Whitfield, Rebecca Froehlich and Maria Potratz earned over 200 points.

Bailey Quanbeck, a junior English and Communication Studies double major from Brandon, S.D., was the tournament champion, and Megan Swets, a sophomore Communication Studies and English double major from Brandon, was the third place competitor.

The team earned the following individual awards:

  • Bailey Quanbeck placed first in Program Oral Interpretation and Duo Interpretation, second in Dramatic Interpretation and third in Prose. She was also a semifinalist in Impromptu Speaking.
  • Megan Swets placed first in Duo Interpretation and Extemporaneous Interpretation and fifth in Poetry.
  • Blake Warner, a junior Psychology and Communication Studies major from Windom, Minnesota, placed third in Communication Analysis, fourth in Dramatic Interpretation and sixth in Extemporaneous Interpretation.
  • Rebecca Froehlich, a senior Art major from Madison, South Dakota, placed first in Informative Speaking and third in Impromptu.
  • Kirk Campbell, a sophomore Criminal Justice major from Sioux City, Iowa, placed first in Persuasive Speaking. Maria Potratz, a sophomore Communication Studies major from Harrisburg, South Dakota, placed sixth in Dramatic Interpretation. Darien Whitfield, a freshman biology major from Jackson, Tennessee, placed fourth in Program Oral Interpretation.
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