Discovery District
FacilityThe USD Discovery District is a resource to help grow companies in South Dakota and connect universities with innovation-driven businesses.
Contact Us
Sioux Falls, SD, 57107
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The USD Discovery District is an 80-acre contemporary corporate and academic research park is a public-private partnership effort between USD, the City of Sioux Falls, the South Dakota Board of Regents, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and the business community through Forward Sioux Falls. The research park's expansion is anticipated to conclude over a 25-year timeline. Upon full completion, the expected economic outcomes encompass 26 privately constructed buildings, with a combined construction value exceeding $314 million. Additionally, the research park is projected to provide employment opportunities for nearly 2,800 individuals through companies situated within the district.
The concept for the Discovery District began more than two decades ago, with leaders in business and education coming together to set a strategy on growing technology-based business in South Dakota. In 2012, the legislature passed and Governor Daugaard signed legislation to authorize research parks on lands controlled by the South Dakota Board of Regents. The USD research park corporation was formed later that year. The USD Discovery District name was formalized in 2015.
Departments & Facilities

GEAR Center
The GEAR Center is a collaborative environment where innovative solutions are sought to relevant problems and where entrepreneurism is encouraged.