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Department of English
Dakota Hall, Room 212
414 E. Clark St.
Vermillion, SD 57069
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


College Dean

Welcome to the Department of English

The study of narratives and other literary forms in English explores the complexity of what it means to be human. English students read fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and literary criticism to engage with the meaning and nuance of these texts. Those studying English also write extensively in a variety of genres. 

At USD, English faculty members are a vibrant group of literary scholars, critical theorists, poets and novelists who lead survey and discussion-based classes to foster students' analytical and creative abilities. Undergraduate students who major in English learn to critique texts from a variety of perspectives and write clearly and intelligently.

Faculty lead small classes that allow individualized attention, and students majoring in English can choose to specialize in professional writing or creative writing. 

All programs include out-of-classroom learning opportunities in publishing, for example, through the affiliated independent Astrophil Press, the literary quarterly South Dakota Review and the Vermillion Literary Project, a literary and creative writing group. In a supportive atmosphere filled with rich opportunities, English students learn the critical thinking and strong writing and communication skills that employers want.  Graduates of our program provide concisely written, compelling material for print and broadcast media. They write and distribute policy and communications in government, business and non-profit organizations, and they develop creative and effective approaches to education.

Join our community of writers, thinkers and scholars.

If you are looking for a supportive group of faculty and peers who will foster and enhance your love of reading and prepare you for a wide range of careers, the USD Department of English is the place for you.


Faculty & Staff

Get to know your professors in the Department of English. The USD English faculty are award-winning, engaged researchers and creative scholars working within a supportive department community dedicated to providing students with diverse learning opportunities.
Bio Image for Faculty Member Darlene Farabee

Darlene Farabee

Chair, English/Associate Professor


British Literature
Bio Image for Faculty Member Carla Barger

Carla Barger

Visiting Assistant Professor


Creative Writing (Poetry, Lyric Essay)
Lyric Theory
Bio Image for Faculty Member duncan barlow

duncan barlow

Senior Lecturer


Fiction Writing, Horror Literature, Publishing
Bio Image for Faculty Member Prentiss Clark

Prentiss Clark

Associate Professor


American Literature
pete dexter smiling.

Pete Dexter

Writer in Residence
Bio Image for Faculty Member John Dudley

John Dudley

Dean, Col of A&S/Lohre Distinguished Professor


American Literature
Literary Naturalism
Bio Image for Faculty Member Kenneth Green

Kenneth Green

Director of Writing, Instructor


Composition Theory
Grant Writing
English Grammar
Bio Image for Faculty Member Benjamin Hagen

Benjamin Hagen

Associate Professor


Modernist fiction/poetry
Literary criticism/theory
Bio Image for Faculty Member Kevin Magee

Kevin Magee

Bio Image for Faculty Member Cheyenne Marco

Cheyenne Marco

Senior Lecturer


Creative Writing
Great Plains Literature
Bio Image for Faculty Member Leah McCormack

Leah McCormack

Associate Professor


Creative Writing (Fiction & Nonfiction)
Bio Image for Faculty Member Martin McGoey

Martin McGoey



Composition instruction
Bio Image for Faculty Member Joseph Raiche

Joseph Raiche

Senior Lecturer


Composition, American Lit,
Taylor Swift
Bio Image for Faculty Member Lisa Ann Robertson

Lisa Ann Robertson

Associate Professor


18th & 19th C British Literature, Science, Culture
Bio Image for Faculty Member Michelle Rogge Gannon

Michelle Rogge Gannon

Director-Writing Center


Writing and introductory literature
Bio Image for Faculty Member Skip Willman

Skip Willman

Assoc Prof


Contemporary Literature
Critical Theory

Known for Excellence

At USD, you'll find a high quality educational experience strengthened by our faculty's research and creative scholarship. See what makes our department exceptional.

Student Opportunities

Explore the variety of opportunities and resources available to English students.
English students meeting at a desk.

Ample Opportunities to Publish and Present

From the Vermillion Literary Project's monthly public reading events and annual writers' festival to USD's IdeaFest conference on student research, English students enjoy numerous options to read creative pieces and scholarly critical works. You can also present at regional and national conferences to showcase your abilities and interact with other scholars.
An English student smiling holding a book.

Meet. Network. Learn.

Are you interested in joining with others who have the same passion as you do for English literature and writing? The USD Department of English holds a variety of conferences and symposia. Biennially, the department welcomes scholars and creators to the John R. Milton Writers' Conference, a national literary conference featuring creative writers and critical researchers. Our department has also hosted an international conference on Virginia Woolf, a celebration of the bicentennial anniversary of the publication of the novel Frankenstein, and a symposium on Shakespeare in South Dakota, held during the display of Shakespeare's First Folio at USD, the only location in the state visited by this touring exhibition. Writers from across the country present readings and craft talks at department events held throughout the year.


Alum Success Story

Success story Gabrielle Metzger smiling.
I could not have been accepted to law school at Georgetown without the skills, experience and overall education that I received at USD. The support of the faculty in the Department of English helped me to perfect the grammar, writing and analysis skills that are essential to me in law school. The USD English faculty members are committed to helping students succeed. As you pursue your career and grow as a student, the English faculty is a fantastic resource and wants only the best for you.

Gabrielle Metzger J.D. 

B.A. English, German, Political Science '18
Judicial Law Clerk, South Dakota Supreme Court

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