Fine Arts Strategic Planning

By involving faculty, staff, students and community members, we'll develop a roadmap that leads to measurable outcomes.


Almost every business, school and college has some sort of strategic plan, yet many fall far short of their intended goals, and end up being little-understood and little-used. Our goal is to create a strategic plan that is based on significant input from individuals and organizations that are connected and engaged with the College of Fine Arts. This input can then be used in a systematic and disciplined manner to create a shared vision for where we want to go, with realistic outcomes resulting in real strategic direction and change.

Our strategic planning process will make significant use of a small group of faculty, staff, and external individuals to connect with our broader communities and gather information. This strategic planning task force will itself be led by our strategic planning leadership team.

CFA Strategic Plan Survey

CFA Vision Conference

The College of Fine Arts invites you to its Vision Conference, part of our Strategic Planning process. Your input has helped shape five key concept areas, and this interactive, one-day event will bring together stakeholders to discuss and design a “preferred future” for the College.

Date: February 18th
Time: 9 AM–5 PM
Location: MUC Ballroom (in-person only)
Breakfast snacks and catered lunch will be provided. 


Strategic Planning Leadership Team

  • Lauren Freese, Associate Professor, Art
  • Sonja Kraus, Associate Professor, Music
  • Lainie Vansant, Assistant Professor, Theatre

Strategic Planning Task Force

  • Ari Albright, Adjunct, Art
  • Bethany Amundson, Assistant Professor, Music
  • Sabrina Egeland, Assistant Professor of Practice, Theatre
  • Tracelyn Gesteland, Professor, Music
  • Michael Hook, Professor, Art
  • Cory Knedler, Professor & Chair, Art
  • Stephanie Kocher, Adjunct, Music
  • Jeff Larsen, Adjunct, Theatre
  • Amy Laursen, Associate Professor, Music
  • Sandra Mollman, Adjunct, Theatre
  • Matt Nesmith, Associate Professor, Theatre
  • Susan Tuve, Affiliate, Retired Foundation
  • Darin Wadley, Associate Professor, Music


  • August 19, 3 p.m., Task Force Meeting 1
  • September 12 & 13, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Task Force Meeting 2
  • September and October: Stakeholder engagement meetings
  • November 12, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Task Force Sense Making Meeting
  • December - January: Task Force creates concept papers
  • February 18, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Vision Conference—all invited
  • March 28, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Task Force Goals Conference